
Octer and Lynol finished signing the Martial Alliance's documents, and were soon led into a large open room. Compared to the rest of the building, it was rather empty here, which was a nice change of pace.

"So, now, we want to test out your guys' strength." The employee that was guiding them around said casually, "It's nothing big, we just need to make sure you can actually handle yourselves. We can't have random, regular people sign up with us. You get how it is, right?"

"Right. It's a normal test. So how does this work here? Are we simply showing off our martial skills, or do we have to fight someone?" Lynol asked, and the employee grinned broadly, as if he was already excited for what he was going to see soon, "You're going to have to fight someone. You know, you're hella lucky. You can fight one of the alliance grandmasters."