
Nothing but disbelief filling his mind, Foster stared at the spot in which all those people stood just earlier. Even when the noise of more and more people rushing into the large hall would usually be deafening to him, he wasn't distracted in the slightest.

"He... He's..." He muttered quietly to himself. He only snapped out of it when Lynol pulled on his arm. The line was moving pretty quickly, since more employees were brought out to take care of the large influx of people that were coming in. Apparently they had heard that this was going to happen today.

"Hurry it up, we need to get in there quickly." The swordsman said, while Foster slowly stared at his friend, "We have to follow them."

"Huh? What, do you want to try to show off to them too? I thought you did not want to join any guilds." Lynol replied with a frown. Immediately shaking his head, Foster leaned over toward his friend, whispering into his ear, "The strategist... He's from the same place as me."