The Father of the Forest - Part 2

The boss pulled its injured arm down, as the leaves that had grown from its palm stared to wither away. Lynol was quickly trying to kill all the bugs that were swarming around him, but still took the time to glance at Foster. The two locked eyes, and Foster couldn't help but grin broadly, "I told you this was the right choice, you cocky bastard!" he exclaimed, quickly nocking another arrow onto the bow.

But he didn't have the time to prepare to shoot, as the boss prepared to counter. Until now, its head had been nothing but an oval shape with two blackened eyes, but now, cracks were forming on it. A mouth was forming; it looked as if the boss was trying to pull roots out of its mouth, as they ripped and revealed the dark abyss that was its insides.

The moment that this darkness could be seen, the boss let out an ear-piercing scream. Foster could feel his muscles tensing up involuntarily, completely restricting his movement, as if he was petrified. 
