
"What's that? Some sort of armor?" Octer asked, frowning as he approached the display case as the party scouted the room. Foster thought about it for a moment, and then scoffed lightly, "Surprisingly, something similar? Though it's not for combat, it's a suit created to survive out in space."

Everyone in the party stopped, snapping their heads toward Foster, "To survive in space?" Lynol repeated, and Foster nodded, "Mhm. Though they don't wear it all the time. Mostly while they're travelling, and then when they need to get out of their habitat for repairs or something."

"...Does everyone go to space where you're from?" Kyla asked with a frown, and Foster couldn't help but scoff, "Nah, I wish. I guess if you're rich enough it's possible, but no. Astronauts need to train a shitton to be viable for it."

"They train? So they're warriors?"