Chapter 28

I opened my eyes, my head ringing from the punch Batman gave me before I passed out, and sat upon what I was laying on, rubbing my head.

I looked around and found myself inside a small room, not even wide enough for me to lay straight and one small iron bed connected to the wall. The wall of the cell looked to be made out of some sort of material and when I touched it, it felt hard and smooth, the floor was made of some shiny reflective surface, and the door was made of glass which was across the bed, giving me a full view of the bright long hallway that leads to my cell.

I couldn't feel my speed, so my power is most likely gone in here, but my strength is still there, I can feel it. So, I punched the glass door with all my might only to feel pain in my fist. I tried multiple times before stopping, feeling a lot of pain in my fist, and staggered back and sat on the bed, looking down on my bleeding fist.

"Are you done?" I heard a calm but firm voice comes from the door. Looking up, I saw Batman walking toward me.

"I will escape and kill you." I said, standing and slamming my fist against the glass door.

"You think you can escape? This thing you see as glass is one of the hardest materials on earth, created by me, capable of withstanding a nuclear explosion with only a crack appearing. These wall, floor, and ceiling of your cell are twice as hard as this door." Batman said, looking at the lights, "If your helper somehow hacks into this cell and shut down the lights, there are ten backups generators ready to take their place. If that doesn't stop the person, there are more defense mechanisms for your imprisonment."

"Wh-what?" I said, looking at Batman. "Why would you do that for one man."

"This one man you talk about, killed more than 1,00 Gotham citizens in 2 months. He is capable of manipulating an unknown force to move many times the speed of sound. He is capable of besting Batman to a near-death state. Has a helper that was able to hack the Bat computer. A hacker and engineer that created that suit he wore. A hacker that was able to easily break you out of the most guarded and secured prison in Gotham." Batman said, turning around. "I am not taking any chance. I have thought of every possible scenario of your escape and made countless procedures to counter all of them. You aren't escaping here."

Batman walked away from the cell, the light on the hallway shutting down, making the only light, lighting up where I was the one light in my cell. I staggered back and slump down on the iron bed.

"What's up with that guy?" I said to myself, looking at the dark hallway. "He bests me with my power and now put me in a prison I don't think I will ever escape from. He was able to use my speed better than me in only minutes of getting them, running on water.'

"A human with no power, able to make beat me up with only his intelligence." I sat back and looked at the light on the ceiling. "This world is not as weak and stupid as I thought. I should have known after I saw there were superpowers and this world isn't already under the regain of some evil villain. They have to be some smart and strong people keeping them in check."

"I got too arrogant." I said, covering my face with my hand. "I was beating by some lowly pawn for Black mask and now a human with no superpower? With my ability to move so fast and progress stronger body the more I eat humans, which seem to be at its limit, I should be able to beat them all up. How did I end up here?"

"I should have killed this Batman the first time we fought instead of playing around then I wouldn't be here, feeling so weak..."

"That is a lesson for you to learn." I heard a voice say and looked up, seeing Nightwing standing at my door. He got here without me noticing. "We heroes strive to protect the weak and that makes us stronger. You? You are just a bastard who got powers and wanted to use them for his gain, even going as far as to start eating humans. You are weak compared to us. The question is, what is your goal for doing all these things? Why do you kill? Why do you eat humans? What is your reason behind this action? Is it just to show others your power and enjoy it? Is it just to call your sadistic nature?"

"My reason? My goal?" I asked, looking into Nightwing white eyes made that way by the eye mask.

"Look at you. Getting corrupted by your power and now you don't even know why you are doing these things." Nightwing said, shaking his head. "I love fighting and instead of becoming like you, I fight crimes and keep Gotham safe. You are just another meta-human who wants to, and have, successfully ruined the life of many."

Nightwing turned around and walked away, leaving me alone to think to myself.