Chapter 29

My goal? What is my goal?

I came to a new and fascinating world with superpowers, heroes, and villains. A world where mortals can become Gods by using their powers. A world with magic, Aliens, and higher and better technology.

What am I doing here? Staying in Gotham and killing defenseless people when I have the chance to fight others like Batman, Stone mask, and other strong beings. I could become a... GOD!!!

"Hahaha!!! I am so stupid. MY STUPIDITY IS UNMEASURABLE! HAHAHA!" I started laughing crazily, realizing my stupidity. "I could become a God. The God of speed, moving at light speed. The God of knowledge, knowing everything. The God of chaos. But here I am. Killing ants for fun and eating them to get stronger when I can fight stronger beings and eat them to gain more power! What have I been doing with my life?"

-Third POV-

Batman who was sitting in front of his Batcomputer, with his mask off, watching the camera feed of Carnage in his cell looked up at Nightwing who didn't have his eyemask.

"You thought you could change him with your little speech?" Batman said, looking up at Nightwing who covered his face.

"Yeah, I thought." He said, walking away from the computer.

"Well, that didn't work." Batman shouted after Nightwing.

-Rick POV-

I have been in this cell for about a year now and it was boring, but these boring times gave me time to train by doing push-ups, sit-ups, and also practicing my handstand. I thought that if my legs are broken again, I can use my hands as a leg and still run, but not as fast.

But some good things came through this imprisonment. I was forced to eat normal humans food, three times a day, and now I am used to it. Even if it doesn't taste as good as raw human flesh and blood, it still good that I won't have to rely too much on them.

There were a portable shower and toilet. If you hit one part of the wall, the bed will move and a toilet will come out, and if you hit another part, a showerhead will come out from the ceiling, so I didn't leave the shower even once. Clothes were also brought to the cell by Robin each day. All in all, they are treating me pretty well.

Except for Batman who has been coming to get my blood each day but before that, he will release a gas that puts me to sleep instantly so there is no way I can possibly escape.

As I was waiting for my food to come, I looked up after hearing a wheel coming my way. Sitting on it was a female wearing a white button-up long sleeve shirt that exposed her cleavage, a brown geans pant, and long red hair that reached her upper neck. She had green eyes and also wore glasses.

"Aren't you the Batgirl I beat up? Why aren't walking like Batman is right now? I mean, I also broke his back." I asked, standing up and moving toward the glass door. "And, where is my food."

I saw the woman clench her fist which was on her lap then released It soon after, "Can't believe I am saying this, but, we need your help."

"Oh? And why is that?" I asked, looking down at her cleavage. 'Damn, I wish I can eat her. Literally. I haven't eaten a human for so long.'

"Batman has gone rogue and you are the only one fast enough to stop him." The woman said, folding her arm.

"Hmm?... Wait, what? And what do you mean by 'only one fast enough to stop him?'" I asked, looking at her face.

"After you killed Black Mask, Gotham went into war, all the crim lord fighting against each other to gain the power of the now-deceased Black mask." The woman said, looking into my eyes, "Us the Bat-family and my new crew, The Birds of Prey, couldn't possibly handle all the crime that was happening all around Gotham, because of you, so Batman took the Carnage serum once again."

"That's is what he called the thing he creates using my blood?" I asked, looking away from her green eyes and down to her neck. "So, what happened?"

"I guess the drug was extremely addictive and soon, he started taking it every day. The drug started corrupting him, turning him more like... You." She said with a sneer. "He was first able to control it, but now he has gone on a rampage, killing all the criminals in Gotham."

"Isn't that a good thing? I mean, Gotham will be crime-free." I asked, confused. Are heroes not supposed to kill or something?

"That's is the problem. He is killing. Robin and the Birds of Prey are trying to stop him. Though I doubt they would be able to win against a Batman with superpowers." The woman said, sighing. "You are the only one in Gotham who can go toe to toe to Batman so you are our only hope for bringing down Batman and getting him to his sense."

I grinned and said, "Well then, let me out. Let me go stop Batman."

"Not, yet." The woman said and tapped something on her wheelchair handle. A green gas flooded into my cell, making me gag and cough. "That is a deadly poison. If you don't bring Batman back in 24 hours and take the antidote that I have, you will die."

"What!? I thought you superhero DON'T kill?" I said, coughing more.

"If Batman is going down the dark path because of the mess YOU made, you are going down with him." The woman said, moving her wheelchair back before clicking something, the cell door opening upward.

"Well, I am sitting here." I said, sitting down on my bed.

"What do you mean?" The woman said, looking at me.

"I don't care what happens to me, I can die for all I care. You want my help and you want to threaten me? Fuck that. Take care of Batman yourselves." I said, stretching.

"You will die!!!" The woman shouted. "Just help me and I will give you the antidote. You will be free."

"I don't care." I said, folding my arm and looking at her.

"What do you want!!!" She shouted, clenching her fist.

"No matter what I do, you won't arrest me. Even if I kill thousands, you can't do shit." I said, looking into her green eyes.

"No. Just no." She said, reaching to lock the cell.

"Well, Batman will soon come back to make more Carnage Serum. He is addicted, isn't he? He will keep falling into darkness, till he becomes like me and starts eating people. You don't want that, right?" I said, looking at her.

Her hand stopped and she looked at me for some time before saying. "Deal. We won't put you back in jail. Now, go save Batman."

"No, that's not enough. I need a contract, I need it recorded, and I also need a human body. I mean, I can't beat Batman in this state." I said, gesturing at my body.

"No human..."

"You either give me the human, or I lose against Batman and he kills more. Give me the body of a dead human and save thousands if not millions, or don't, and millions die, Batman becomes me, and you ultimately lose." I said, grinning. "You pick."

The woman looked at me with cold eyes before turning around and moving away. I sat, confident that she will bring me what I want and sure enough, five minutes later, she came back carrying a dead male body on her lap, and on top of his body was a paper and a recorder.

"Here is all you need." The woman said, dropping them in front of me.

"Good." I said, standing up and picking up the contract and speed reading it. I then signed it. I told her to say that they and the police are not allowed to take me in, and she did. "Well, are you going to watch me eat this human or leave?"

She left so I ate the human. After I finished, I felt full of energy and grinned. I stepped out of the cell and breathed in deeply. "Freedom. After how many months."

"7 months." The woman said, coming out from the corner before bringing an earpiece out of her pocket and handing it to me. "Put this in your ear. I will give you information about where Batman is along the way."

I took it and put it jn my ear before saying. "What shall I call you now? Batwoman?"

"No. You can call me Oracle." Oracle said after a short pause.

I arranged my prison clothes, which consist of an entirely black long sleeve shirt and trousers, with white bat symbols on the chest of the shirt.

"Let me tell you one thing, Oracle, if I don't get that antidote, I will make sure Batman, you, and everyone in this city are dead. Now, let's take down Batman." I said, grinning, as purple lighting appearing around my body before I zoomed out the hallway, leaving Oracle alone there.