Chapter 57

While playing with the pen that 'changes' how you look, Felicia looked over to me and asked, "Can you pass me your laptop?"

"Don't have one." I said, transforming into a young caucasian man with blond hair using the pen.

"If you bring it to me, I will call the flash and he will come here. Don't you want to meet another speedster like yourself?" She asked, looking around before muttering, "Forgot my glasses got destroyed."

"Could meet him any time I want." I said, putting the pen in my pocket and walking out of the kitchen, the hologram removing. 'When will Carnage 2.0 come out the speed force? Will it take multiple days as it did for me? I need to go back to Gotham and improve the gene of the Kree. Should I just leave?'

As I was thinking, an orange blur flashed, and a man holding a woman appeared inside my apartment. The man was a tall Caucasian man around 6 feet, with green eyes. His face couldn't be seen because of the costumes he wore which is a full-body suit that is all red but has two small yellow lightning bolts across the waist and wrists. It also has the yellow lightning bolt logo on his chest and boots. The woman is a short fair-skinned woman, around 5'6", with brown eyes.

I looked at both of them, confused about why they came here, and before I could say anything, the woman spoke,

"Where is Felicia?"

I looked at her and didn't answer, my eyes trailing back to the man. He was another speedster which got me excited. Should I kill him and send him to the speed force?

Seeing I didn't answer, they used their brain and followed the trail of blood to the kitchen where Felicia was sitting on the floor with a pale face. The man flashed around her in an orange streak, bandaging her, before the woman went to check on her.

"So you are the flash." I said, walking to the door of the kitchen and leading on the door frame.

"Yes." The Flash said, looking at me and studying me.

"I heard you were the fastest man alive, capable of moving at Mach 10. Impressive." I said, giving a small laugh. "Though, that is a false statement. You are the second-fastest man alive."

"Hmm? And who is the fastest." The Flash asked, not believing me but deciding to entertain me.

"Carnage from Gotham. His speed surpasses Mach 50 and is currently the top most wanted criminal in Gotham. He is a savage who rapes, kills, and even eats humans. Disgusting." I said, my face twisting in disgust.

"Are you saying the truth?" The woman finally asked, looking at me with a shocked face.

"Why should I lie? The demon has killed more than 1 million Gotham citizens and even if the police and leaders of Gotham are scared of him. He is a maniac." I said, sighing. "I moved out of Gotham some month after he started running around, not wanting to meet the same fate as the others that died by his hand," I said, yawning.

The two of them were shocked by what I just said. Felicia looked at me and tried to hold back her laughter, not able to hold it, and started laughing.

"Stop laughing, your wound will open up." The woman said, turning back to her.

"Hahaha. This Dude was so scared of Carnage that he gave his wife to him so he can live." Felicia said, playing along with him.

"Anything to be alive." I said, shrugging and walking away.

With my super hearing, I heard The Flash ask, "You knew about this Carnage guy? Why did you never tell him about us?"

"You weren't ready. He is a savage and if you know what he does, you will want to kill him." Felicia said, calming down. "He is faster than you and you can't handle him. Flash, don't worry about what happens in Gotham. It is a city of from with more than a hundred people dying per week. Carnage just increased the number to a thousand, no big deal."

"How can you say that? A thousand people are dying every week and it is no big deal!? I will visit Gotham after this." Flash said, walking out to the living room where I was using my laptop. "Tell me about this Carnage, umm,"

"Rick. Rick Brandon." I said, turning my computer to him. "This is some highlights in YouTube about his crime lives."

It was a 20 minutes video about me, Carnage, titled Carnage of Gotham with more than 30 million views. Flash stood beside me and watched the horrifying videos about news reporters talking about Carnage and his crimes. I picked the video where my face was never shown. There were clips of me running through the city and up the side of the building. CCTV clip of me killing all the prison guards to free Mister Freeze. And many more.

Watching the video, I was somehow happy about the editor. It was well made, making me mysterious as I am scary and evil. Nice.

"This guy... Why is he doing all these things?" The woman asked, who started watching the video towards the end.

"Beats me." I said, closing the laptop and looking at flash. "Are you going to take Felicia to get treated?"

Flash didn't say anything and moved through the apartment in an orange streak, him, Felicia, and the woman disappearing.

"The seed has been planted. Now you just wait for him to come to me." I said, looking out the window to see an orange streak flash through the street. "I wonder what his reaction will be when he finds out I was Carnage the whole time."