Chapter 103

On the dark side of Earth -2 moon, a bright light flashed then a ship appeared. Inside the ship, Carnage noticed the star chat change to match the new universe. Scrolling through the star chart, he saw many planets he never knew existed. Most of them were mapped, down to the little detail like a town.

"Who made you?" Carnage asked, stunned by how detailed the star map was.

[Operator, instead of being amazed by my function, why not deal with this man with a cape coming towards us?]

Two wires came out of the chair, sticking themselves to each of Carnage's temples. Suddenly, he found himself able to see 360 degrees around the ship, allowing him to see Superman flying towards the ship at an incredible speed.

"Do you have a cloaking mode?" Carnage asked, not wanting to deal with Superman or any of the Justice League.


"Then enter it." Carnage said, crossing his legs as he watched Superman with Green Lantern right behind him.

[But Operator, my cloaking device is damaged. How am I supposed to do that?]

"You just said you had one?" Carnage groaned, seeing green lantern point his ring at the ship, scanning it.

[Operator, you must be mistaken. I said no]

"You just... Forget it." Carnage groaned, already getting frustrated by the AI. "Space jump to planet Krypton."

[Operator, Traveller's energy is at 7%. Energy from the particle barrier will be deducted to keep the Traveller running]

"I will assume Traveller is the name of this space ship," Carnage mumbled, "But 7% energy? How did that happen."

[Operator, we just jumped through multiple parallel universes, it should be obvious why. Do you need me to explain further?]

"No, I understand." Carnage sighed, noticing Superman trying to look inside with his x-ray vision. "How do you recharge energy?"

[I can absorb the plasma from the star in the middle of this solar system to fully charge]

"They get on with it." Carnage said, pulling the wires from his temples, causing him to lose connection to the 360 degrees sight of the Traveller.

[It will take 3 minutes to fully charge] With that, the traveler opened its flaps, flying towards the sun.

Superman and Green Lantern, who was inspecting the ship, noticed the ship's four thrusters glowing. The caused them to get on guard. To their surprise, it shut past them at incredible speed, disappearing from their field of vision. They looked at, their eyes filled with uncertainty. Without saying a word, they went their separate way to search for any trace of the ship.

The Traveller appeared next to the sun, slowly floating around the ship as it absorbs the Plasma from the sun. Inside the ship, Carnage quietly watched the burning plasma ball from his seat, going through his plan on how to eat some of the Kryptonian with minimum change to the timeline. After all, this might be the last time he will get to eat multiple Kryptonians to evolve again, as the Martians.

[Operator, are you visualizing a bloody battle?]

"No," Carnage answered. Pressing a button on the right arm of the chair, a holographic menu appeared in front of him.

[Star Chart]

[External Systems]

[Internal systems]

"External System." Carnage said, seeing it as the most important right now. Three new holographic menus appear in front of the old ones.



[Particle barrier]


Since he had nothing else to do, Carnage took his time to go through all the functions. The Anti-Gravity will create a field of gravity around Traveler. It can attract objects to the ship or be reversed to repel objects away. It can also increase the gravity intercity or reduce it. Carnage could either manually control it or tell Xerah to control it.

Cloaking cloaks the ship from any detection.

The ship's most impressive defensive feature is the particle barrier, a massive force field that can be deployed either omnidirectionally or be concentrated into a single spot. The same barrier can also project omnidirectionally or concentrated energy beams with destructive firepower as offensive attacks. It was the only defensive and attack function the ship has.

The hyperdrive was a propulsion system that allowed a Traveler to reach lightspeed and traverse the void between stars in the alternate dimension of hyperspace. In hyperspace, you could cross galaxies in an instant.

"This hyperdrive is a great system." Carnage mumbled, happy he won't be spending years traveling to Krypton. Seeing this system, Carnage remembered how he gained control of the Traveler. "You recognized that I wasn't Impulse, yet you allowed me to pilot you. Why is that?" Carnage blustered out. If this ship was going to obey anyone it meets, it would be better to destroy it.

[He never registered himself as the owner of Traveler and only locked Traveler with his blood]

"And I guess you didn't tell him that you have to register." Carnage said, swiping the multiple holographic screens in front of him to click on the internal system. The internal systems consist of Security cameras, a Life support system, and a teleportation system. The ship also has multiple rooms. The rooms were the bridge, captain's office, crew quarters, fabrication room, galley and dining room, medical bay, cargo bay, secret armory, bathroom, laundry room, laboratory, prison, and gym. Unlike the other rooms in the ship, which can be assessed whenever one pleased, the Navigation room and the bridge can only be assessed via teleportation.

[Am I supposed to?]

Carnage rubbed the bridge of his nose, saying, "Just register me as the owner."

[Your complicated DNA has been registered. Welcome owner. What shall I call you?]

"Operator." Carnage said, wondering if this is really an AI from the future.

[You will be the Owner until we both die together in a bloody battle]

Carnage ignored the last statement from Xerah, noticing a new menu appear, which was the Owner's menu. It gave secret functions of the ship, a complete log of what Xerah has said and all anyone has said to him. It also showed him all where the Traveler has passed by and how long it stayed in that location. From this, he found out the traveler is originally from the year 5,871 on Earth 2,989,836. What surprised him the most was the ship's ability to travel through time via temporal zone. Speedsters, like himself, also use the temporal zone to travel through time.

'It won't be a future starcraft if it can't travel through space or travels faster than the speed of light.' Carnage jokingly thought before saying. "Is the ship done charging? It has been more than 3 minutes."

[Operator, how don't you remember? I just told you it was done charging. Please keep my function in mind]

"You didn't tell me shit!" Carnage shouted, a vein on his neck popping out. Taking a deep breath, Carnage calmed himself. "Head to the planet Krypton. Use the Hyperdrive system."

The four thrusters on the back started to glow before the ship shot forward. As it reached closer to the speed of light, Carnage noticed himself and the ship shrinking. From the windshield, Carnage noticed the ship appear within a blue tunnel known as Hyperspace. The stretching effect ended as the Traveler exited hyperspace, appearing in the burial site of planet Krypton. The Traveler slowly moved around the event horizon of the Blackhole that formed after the red star went supernova.

[Operator, we are here]

"That was quicker than I thought. Bearly 5 seconds passed and we crossed more than 20 light-years." Carnage said, staring at a space where Krypton once was. Carnage checked how much energy it took the Traveler to travel through hyperspace, noticing it consumed less than 1% of its energy. "It consumed less energy than I thought. Xerah, enter cloak mode and go back 67 years in the past."

[Operator, if we do that, we will appear within the core of the Planet Krypton. Do you want me to adjust where we appear?]

"Yes." Carnage answered, tapping his right index finger on the armrest. "Make sure we aren't too close to the planet."

The Traveler moved forward, instantly appearing within the temporal zone. Unlike when speedsters travel through time, no memories were playing around them but a greenish-gold tunnel. The traveler moved through the tunnel with Carnage monitoring the time they are via a holographic screen.

[Operator, there seems to be a problem]

"I sense it too." Carnage grinned, standing up from the seat. "The speedster I was sent to get is coming to me herself. Drop me into the temporal zone."

[Have a safe trip, Operator. I will be awaiting your return]