Chapter 102

Carnage looked around the room, his eyes stopping on the speed force in the form of the nurse. Seeing it in that form, Carnage immediately felt something was wrong.

"You are here for your next mission." It said, crossing its legs. "Although the time wrath can take care of this one, you did great in your last one, so I decided to call you in on this one."

"Ok..." Carnage muttered, wondering if this was going to be a daily thing. "So, what's the job."

"A speedster, from your Earth, learned time travel. She traveled 67 years in the past, went to the planet Krypton to kill Superman. You know what to do." The speed force explained.

"I guess she is from the future." Carnage mumbled, knowing that there are only two speedsters in his time. And to his knowledge, there are no past speedsters.

"Yes, she is from the future." The speed force said, confirming his suspicion.

"So, why can't I just go to the time before she traveled back in time and stop her? Won't it be easier?"

"If you do that, you will be part of her. Messing up the timeline." The speed force explained, folding her arms.

"Oh..." Carnage mumbled, a plan forming in his head. "So, you're going to drop me on planet Krypton at that time, or am I supposed to go there myself?"

"You can do it yourself. Now, go." The speed force said, shooing him away.

He already knew the speed force wasn't going to do it. Turning around, he walked forward, instantly appearing on a random place on Earth 2,989,836. The city still had the cyberpunk themes like before. It was a different city than the one he landed on before, the one that was destroyed with Diana's explosion. In the middle of this city, what looks like a space elevator was being constructed, which was almost completed.

"All I have to do is find a spaceship that can take me to Krypton, take the spaceship back in time with me, then travel to Krypton." Carnage mumbled, looking around the city. "It shouldn't be that hard in this world."

After almost scanning the entire city, he found nothing. Although he found multiple spaces ship, most of them could only reach Jupiter. With Krypton being 27.1 light-years away, there was no way he could use those ships to reach it.

"The government should have one... This means I need to get back onto Aerehold." Carnage sighed, looking up into the sky. "At least when I get to Krypton, I can finally eat a whole Kryptonian."

Red lightning flashed around Carnage's body as he shot forward, maneuvering through the thousands of bridges, soon arriving at the space elevator construction site. Although robots were handling all the constructions, there was a human who he assumed was supervising these robots. The human was in a small silver spaceship parked on one of the highest parking lots.

Carnage walked up to the spaceship, shaped like sperm, and phased through it. Walking up to the unsuspecting commander, he grabbed her gun then pointed it at her head. He could use his abilities as a threat, but that would take more work and explanation than just holding someone at gunpoint.

"Woah there! How did you get in here!?" The woman shouted, jumping back. The woman was short, standing at 5'4", with her short blond hair tied in a bun, and wore a blue military uniform, decorated with medals. Noticing the pistol Carnage was holding, she quickly raised both her hands, gulping loudly. "You could seriously hurt me with that. Please point it the other way."

"And you won't get hurt if you just answer my question." Carnage said, waving the gun at her. "What rank are you in the Aerehold ranking system?"

"Current commander of the space elevator project. That is a super important position. I mean, I am the one who wrote the blueprint of the space elevator. Hahaha." She nervously laughed, staring at the gun Carnage was holding.

"I see. Seem like a pretty important position." Carnage said, looking at medals covering the front of her blue military uniform. Most of them, he doesn't know their meaning. But, they must all be high levels badges seeing as they are all platinum. "So, do you know where the best spaceship capable of Interstellar Travel is located?"

"Yes." She simply said, staring at Carnage. They stood in silence for a while before she spoke again. "Ohh, you want me to tell you the location. You got to be specific next time. Hahaha." She laughed, sweat covering her forehead.

Noticing the change of Carnage's expression, she quickly said, "P-please don't shoot. I will tell you. It is located in the room of the President." She paused to clear her throat then continued, "You may be confused on how it can fit in a bedroom, but it isn't what you think. The room isn't as big as a spaceship parking lot. hahaha."

"Just get straight to the point." Carnage snapped.

"Ok. Sorry. The jet is capable of changing size to be a toy with the command of the captain. The passengers will also shrink." She explained, smiling at Carnage. "Are you still going to kill me? Please don't. I am getting a promotion tomorrow."

Carnage stared at the woman, smiling. "Do you have a coin on you?"

"Um, yes." She said, reaching into the pocket in her right breast, bringing out a bronze coin. "My good luck charm, but I guess today I am not so lucky-"

"Flip the coin and let it fall on the ground. Head facing up, and you die, tail you live." Carnage said, his smile turning to a grin.

The woman gulped hard, shakenly looking at the coin she was holding. Looking back up at Carnage, she opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Closing her eyes, she did the sign of the cross before flipping the coin. Hearing the cling of the coin hitting the ground, she opened her to look at the coin.

Seeing the coin tail facing up, she let out a high pitch laugh. Noticing Carnage, she quickly called down, fixing her uniform. Picking up her coin, she let out a muffled laugh. "Haha. My coin was lucky after all." Seeing no reaction from Carnage, she picked up the military hat on the joystick putting it on her head. "Sorry, I will be on my way."

"Is there a way to get up to Aerehold?" Carnage asked, knowing that the ship he currently was on wouldn't be able to lift him.

"You can either use my ship or the space elevator. The space elevator will shoot you up at 2300 miles per hour. Dangerous, but it will get you to Aerehold." She replied, gripping her hat tighter.

"Good." Grabbing her neck and snapping it like a toothpick. "I like this... Giving people the idea they are going to live then killing them... It would be best if I did it slowly, but I have no time."

Stepping on her head, he phased through the spaceship before running down to the ground floor. Becoming invisible, Carnage walked into the elevator, which instantly shot him up at 2300 MPH, his speed gradually increasing. Looking up, Carnage found himself slowly reaching the limit of the space elevator, which was 1 mile away from Aerehold. Transforming himself into the shape of a rocket, he shot out the top of the elevator, going straight into the opening in Aerehold the elevator was going to connect to.

He phased through many layers of steel and earth, appearing at the surface of the island. Turning into a pigeon, Carnage scanned the entire of Aerehold, using X-ray and telescopic vision. Although he didn't find the president's room, he did find 17 rooms with the highest possibility of it being the president's room. These rooms he was unable to see into, so they must be the room of a high-ranker.

Shooting forward, still in his bird form, Carnage quickly found the fifth room he searched to be the president's room. On the nightstand, right next to the sleeping president, was a toy Jet. Trying to look through the Jet, he found it able to block his eye.

"Ok, Mister president. How do you operate this." Carnage asked, landing on the nightstand and becoming visible.

The president immediately sat up, a gold and platinum nano armor forming around his body. His eyes immediately stopped on the Carnage on his nightstand, a rocket launcher coming out from his back, aimed at him.

"Who are you?" The president asked, his voice calm and collected.

"I would like your ship." Carnage spoke, slowly transforming into an enormous black scaled python, and quickly construct itself around him, faster than he could react.

"Wha-" The president tried to shout, but his mouth was covered.

"Thissss sssnake venom won't kill you but make you ssssuffer the ressst of your life." Carnage slithered, tightening his coil. "Compile. It'sss for your own good."

The president fearfully nodded, Carnage continuing, "Tell me how to operate the sssship, and everything will be all right... Alsssso, tell your men outssside to retreat."

The president nodded, and carnage releasing his mouth. The president took a deep breath before calmly saying, " All of you, retreat. I will deal with this." The men outside instantly retreated with no question asked. "The ship only responds to Father's blood."

"And who isss thisss father?" Carnage asked, changing his construction position so he would be staring right into the President's eyes.

The president stared at Carnage's blood-red eyes, feeling a strong sense of dread wash over him. "Father, also known as, Impulse. Luckily, I have a vial of his blood." The president explained, his eyes moving to Carnage's wide mouth that can swallow him whole and those long scary fangs. 'Who is this shapeshifter?'

"I ssse. Hand it to me." Carnage slithered, slowly uncurling from around the president, simultaneously transforming into Impulse. A young man about 6'1" with yellow eyes and long silver hair. He has a lean muscular build and wore an all-black high-necked jacket with matching pants and dark dress boots. He also has a gas mask.

The President placed his palm on the wall, the nano armor on his palm removing. The wall scanned his arm before opening up, reviling a small vial of his blood. He brought it out, handing it to Carnage. "May I ask who you are?"

"Me? I am known as Faceless." Carnage said, taking the vile then pouring it onto the ship.

[Welcome being who happens to have the blood of Impulse. I am Xerah and the AI of this ship] A male voice came from the ship.

'Huh. It recognized I am not Impulse. Even if I am in his form.' Carnage thought, looking at the ship.

[Give me any command and I will follow it with the best of my ability, Faceless, I mean... What shall I call you?] Xerah asked.

"Just call me president-"

[Excuese my interruption, but I wasn't talking to you] Xerah cut in, causing the President to look away in embarrassment.

"Call me operator." Carnage answered, wondering how advanced this AI is. "Can you expand into a full-size vehicle?"

[Of course operator, but I would recommend we go outside. And I would also recommend you step back]

"Just do it." Carnage commanded, folding his arm and appearing in the garden outside the mansion.

The ship obeyed Carnage's command, Immediately returning to its full size, destroying the mansion. The ship is massive, with the main color scheme being gray, black, and white. The ship flew above him, a white beam shooting down from beneath it, Carnage immediately diapering.

Carnage appeared on the ship Navigation, wondering how he got there.

[Operator, I can see you are confused. But please, we need to leave. These humans are attacking me, dealing no damage, but attacking me]

Carnage ignored it and inspected the navigation area. It was a small room located at the front of the ship and has a large tinted windshield that allows him to see the outside. The only thing in the room was a white chair in the middle of the room, facing the windshield. Carnage walked to the chair, sitting on it. In front of him, a 3D holographic Star Chart appeared.

"Interesting." He mumbled, scrolling around the star chart. "Can you travel through parallel universes?" Carnage asked, noticing all the planets having a bracket around it with Earth 2,989,836 within.

[Yes, operator. What parallel universe would you want me to travel to?]

"Go to Earth -1." Carnage said, inspecting the star chat.

The spaceship turned, using its antigravity ability, to face the sky. The four long thrusters glowed before the ship shot into space, disappearing in bright light.