Chapter 150

Impulse drove up a hill, passing Fuyuki Church, as he kept heading up. They soon reached a run-down Cathedral at the top. The Cathedral was still standing, but the walls were threatening to crumble down on their own weight, with trees growing on the walls. Most of the walls surrounding the building have already fallen, with only one of the once golden gates standing.

He drove through the gate, driving down a pathway that looked newer compared to the Cathedral. He parked the car next to a broken water fountain before getting out.

Stretching, he said, "You should surround this place with boundary fields. I, on the other hand, have something important to do."

Impulse then walked toward the Cathedral, leaving Masaru to do his job. He doesn't trust Masaru one bit, but what he wants to do will be extremely important in the long run. The decision between staying as a Kree or a Dead Apostle.

He entered the Cathedral, going to the back of the alter which led to the basement, stretching half the size of the Cathedral. Half of the basement was filled with humans locked in a glass container, taken from all around the world, which he ordered from human traffickers.

During these two months, he continued his creation of Kree while simultaneously continuing his study on Magecraft. Through this, he found the reason he turned into a Dead Apostol, and it was because he had cancer. Only one cell of cancer can mess up the entire process, turning you into an Apostle. And that's what happened to him. He had ONE cancer cell.

Walking past the rows of chambers, he stood before a big one containing a naked girl around 18 years of age. She was his first successful Kree in this world, named C-4. Successful because the others didn't gain the ability he wanted. The innate ability of C-1. Infinite Growth.

It was an ability that Impulse won't pass on. As long as he lived, his body would keep growing. His old body has the same ability, which made that a better body than this. Even if this body gains the ability, it will take thousands of years before it can compete with his old body. But it was still one of the best chances of competing with his old self.

"Well, there was the third magic." He said to himself, folding his arm. "So, should I give up becoming a Kree, gain the power of being a Dead Apostle Ancestor, and then use the Third Magic for my immortality?"

Honestly, it sounded like a great idea, but. There is a chance he wouldn't win the grail war. That chance was even greater now a protagonist is running around with a system.

If he accepts his role without gaining the third magic, he will be cursed to drink blood, or else his body will rot. Similar to when he had to absorb soul so his soul wouldn't burn out. But this one is less risky as he could return to his old body.

Some might say he should wait till he gains the third magic before he accepts his role. It is a good plan, but it won't work. After all, his body is already changing, and in less than a month, he will become an ancestor whether he likes it or not.

"Haah." Impulse sighed, placing his hand on the glass container. "Turning into a Kree is highly beneficial with the most potential, but they can only grow stronger Physically. Who knows, the ability I might gain from my Idea Blood would get rid of the risk. Especially an Idea Blood that deals with my research for perfect regeneration."

Impulse doesn't remember how many times he has sighed today, but he is sure its number is over the hundreds. He looked up at the sleeping face of his daughter, C-4, before walking past it.

"As they said, the greater the risk, the greater the reward. It has been true for me since I arrived in the DC world. From having my alternate self, experiment on me to making a deal with the devil himself. All of them have brought the greatest improvement in me." He cracked his neck, "Besides. I can create thousands of familiars and let them suck blood for me. I won't have to do it myself."

He walked and sat on a gold chaise, facing the thousands of chambers filled with humans, with C-4's chamber being in the front. Closing his eyes, he accepted his role as an Ancestor.

His body became light as he found himself somewhere different. He couldn't use his Magical Energy Sense to check his surrounding, so he removed his blindfold, finding himself in an empty village with houses made of dry wood. Impulse looked up, seeing the entire sky was red, with right above the village being a spiral made of blood.

"Well....come..." A raspy voice escaped from a red puddle on the ground. It began to reform its body into a replica of Impulse, just blood red. "" It said before turning around and running away.

Asking no question, Impulse gave chase, noticing his body was back to being human but gave chase nevertheless. The monster turned the corner, and so did he.

There, he found nine walking corpses waiting for him. Not stopping, he grabbed onto an empty chair on the porch of the house, bashing it against the head of the first death. The head surprisingly flew off without any effort, but it makes sense for it's a walking corpse.

Using the chair as a bat, he hit the rest of the dead head off. If he could, he would have ignored them and chased the red Impulse but, he noticed when his back is to the dead, their speed boosts exponentially. Meaning, if he neglected them and gave chase, they would chase him. And with their speed, they will quickly catch him. He would have to fight them sooner or later, so why not do it now.

Killing all nine, he looked to see the Red Impulse watching him. Once it saw he was finished, it continued running. Impulse took note of this, threw the chair to the side, and gave chase. It turned a corner, and he followed, finding 6 Ghouls waiting for him.

He knew ghouls were a bit stronger than humans, so he had to be careful. The eight ghouls rushed at him like savage beasts, with Impulse dodging the pounce of the first ghoul and grabbing the second one's arm, pulling on it. It easily separated from his shoulder, blood splashing on his face. Ignoring it, Impulse used the arm as a club to slam it into the first one's head before jumping back to dodge yet another pounce. Decapitation or extreme damage to a ghoul would kill them, so hitting their head was a must.

Jumping back some more, he created space between him and the ghouls. He then folded the fingers of the ghoul's arm he was holding into a fist and went back to fighting. He continued hitting their head while retreating, and after three minutes they were all on the ground, dead.

Breathing heavily, Impulse looked at Red Impulse, staring at him. It didn't continue running, but when Impulse took a step, it took a step back. Smiling, Impulse sat down to rest with Red Impulse just staring at him, unmoving.

A few minutes later, he stood up and started walking toward R-Impulse with it walking backward, keeping the same distance between them. If Impulse speed walks, it would turn around and speed walk. If he runs, it will run.

"A test." Impulse said, understanding what this world is for. It wasn't a chase but a test. "If I turn that corner behind you, seven Undead would be waiting for me. Am I right?"

The being didn't respond, but he knew he was right. Doing some stretches, he continued walking, with the being walking. And when he turned the corner, seven Undead were waiting for him.

"Well, I definitely know what this test contains now." He confidently announced.

The test contained all nine stages to become an Ancestor. The stages are the Dead, Ghoul, Undead, Nightkin, Nightmare, Inferior Dead Apostle, Superior Dead Apostles, Successor, and an Ancestor.

"Well shit. This test will be Impossible." Impulse mumbled to himself, getting in a fighting stance. "Wait, why am I fighting them?" He said to himself, throwing the arm he was holding at the Undead stumbling to him.

He ran to one of the village houses by the side, kicking down the door. Entering the house, he immediately ran to the kitchen, finding the dining table filled with steaming food. Ignoring them, he scrambled through the cabinet, finding what he was looking for, a match and a gallon of kerosene.

Taking both, he quickly ran through the house, emptying the kerosene on the ground just as the Undead stumbled in. Maneuvering past them, he left through the only entrance and exit, the door.

Turning to face them, Impulse smiled. "Welcome to hell, lesser beings." Lighting one match, he threw it to the house and immediately started burning.

The Undeads growled as they quickly burned. Ignoring R-Impulse, he went to the next house, going straight to the kitchen. He noticed there was no food on the table and looted the kitchen of all their knives and matches. He then took one gallon of kerosene before walking out of the house.

"Nightkin. Their weakness is cold, but I have no way of inducing coldness. So, I should stall till they die of thirst. After all, they can't live without drinking blood every twelve hours..." He stopped in his tracks, "So I stall for twelve hours? Impossible. Welp, burning house it is."

He turned the corner, finding six Nightkin waiting for him. They were tall humanoid, standing about 7 feet, with black skin and red lines running through their body.

"Hello, friends. Might we chat like respectable beings?" Impulse asked, waving with his free hand. The Nightkin immediately rushed at him, ready to kill. "I guess not."

He did the same strategy, running into a house and emptied the gallon of kerosene within. The Nightkin came in, and he maneuvered through them, throwing a lighted match at the house. They burned, they died, he won.

"Well, that was easy." He said, staring at the burning house. "Good thing the dry wood burns well. But... I won't be able to beat the Inferior Dead Apostle." No matter how he thinks of it, a normal human would never be able to defeat a dead apostle.

"Sur...vive..." The being uttered before dashing away without waiting for him.

"I see..." Impulse said, running after the being. "I guess from now on, all I need to do is survive."

And survive he did. The Inferior Dead Apostle was faster than him, but he was more experienced and skilled. He managed to dodge all its attack, staying alive for 20 seconds before the Inferior Dead Apostle turned into dust, and he passed. He ate the steaming hot food from a house to regain energy before walking to the next test.

Superior Dead Apostle. Also known as Dead Apostle. This time, he lost an entire arm before it disappeared 15 seconds later. He tied his shirt around the bleeding part before rushing to the next one before he bled out.

Successor. Pain. He expressed one of the worst pain he ever felt. One he never wants to feel again. The pain of being ripped in half. This was what happened to him a few seconds before he could pass the 10 seconds survivability test. He wanted to scream and cry from the pain and the thought of dying. He knew that the only thing keeping him alive is pure adrenaline.

He crawled with his chin to the next test, leaving a trail of blood and some organs as he moved forward. He knew he wasn't going to pass this test. I mean, how could he survive 5 seconds against an Ancestor with half his body missing? No, even with his full body, he would never survive even a second if the ancestor is serious. But, at least he reached the last test... right?

As soon turned the corner, his body started experiencing hypovolemic shock, his completion turning paler than it normally is. With blurry eyes, he saw the R-Impulse waiting for him. "Haakh." He wanted to say something but all that came out was blood.

R-Impulse slowly walked up to him, picking him up with his hair as all his organs fell off his body. "You...pass..." He heard it say just as he passed out.

The being shattered into millions of red dots entering his body as the mysterious blood spiral in the sky showed a reaction for the first time. It started to rotate faster and faster before opening, revealing an abyss that was darker than the darkest night.

The strong suction force coming from the bride in the sky dragged Impulse inside it before slowly vanishing into the void.

When Impulse opened his eyes once more, he found himself in a strange place. He sat on a throne decorated with skulls and bones, atop a round pillar that was only about 6 meters wide.

Around were 27 other pullers, forming a circle with the space below the pillars covered by a black void. Each pillar was of a different height, with the shortest being beside the tallest due to it being a circle. The sky was red, holding a big, crimson moon.

Only now did he notice, that 18 of the pillars contained 18 humanoids, figures clad in darkness. Only their stature, body composition, and eyes can be distinguished.

"Welcome to the 27 pillars of the Dead Apostle Ancestors. You will be number 19, as the others are dead." One of the beings on a pillar said, her voice ringing like bells. "I am Sumire, your big sister. Now, state your name."