Chapter 157

Before Noah entered the Dungeon, he decided to ask one more question. Opening up the forum, he found +999 new massages. Checking some of them, he noticed they weren't even trying to answer his question. Most of them were either asking each other for help while others were using it to trade items. Not focusing too much on them, he filtered it, bringing up the latest comment from Helper 101.

[Helper 101][Level 630]--[You still there?]

"At least someone cares." He mumbled, seeing the question. "It seems like he also leveled up one. Great for him." Opening up the forum keyboard, he replied.

[Noah's Ark][Level: 9]--[Yeah, I am back. I also found out the False God current level is 29 and his past being 820]

[Sang He][Level: 989]---[Yeah, give up. With a former level of 820, he would be able to climb in seconds]

[Helper 101][Level 630]--[Saung He, please mind your business before I send my master on you again]

Noah noticed the mark on Saung He, which indicated he was online, disappeared, making him wonder who Helper's master must be to scare off a false god.

[Helper 101][Level 630]--[Good. He is still low, so there is a chance you could kill him. May I ask what world you are in?]

[Noah's Ark][Level: 9]--[Fate world]

[Helper 101][Level 630]--[The world where you summon servants to fight for you in a war?]

[Noah's Ark][Level: 9]--[Yeah. That one]

[Helper 101][Level 630]--[Sorry, I don't know much about that world. I never visited it]

"Too bad." Noah mumbled, sighing.

[Helper 101][Level 630]--[But, let me link my master to this. His first world was also the Fate world like yours. Wait a sec]

"I wonder who this is. They are so nice, compared to others in this forum." Noah said, his noticing more and more comments appearing, none of them related to the question.

[Helper 101][Level 630]--[My master is here]

[TrueImmortal][Level 99,999]--[Honestly, I don't see the point in this question. If you are in the Fate world, it should be easy to kill a level 29. I was able to kill 1 False God (weakened) at level 12. Maybe it's because I summoned Arjuna Alter, but still]

[Helper 101][Level 630]--[Master, please help him]

[trueImmortal][Level 99,999]--[Noah. What war are you in?]

[Noah's Ark][Level: 9]--[Fate/stay night. I don't know which routh]

[trueImmortal][Level 99,999]--[I don't care about the route. Now, I want you to find Medea. Use her to steal ALL the servants still alive. Then command those servants to kill level 29]

"..." Noah stared at the comment, speechless. He was enlightened. Medea is still alive, and she could be used to easily kill Impulse. "Why didn't I think of that? But... what if she is dead?" As if trueImmortal heard him, he answered.

[trueImmortal][Level 99,999]--[If she is dead, do something which would cause the Mage Association or the Church to hunt him down. If he is a Dead Apostle, it would be even easier]

"Why didn't I think of all this shit?" Noah mumbled, feeling stupid. He was an avid fan of the Fate universe, yet he didn't know how to use it to his advantage. "I deserve to be stuck here. Just imagine what would happen if I went to a world I know nothing about, like DC. I will die..."

[trueImmortal][Level 99,999]--[Honestly, there are billions of ways to kill a level 29. Why are you asking---]

Noah noticed he went offline, confusing him. "He didn't finish his sentence. Did the system automatically post it after he went offline?]

[Helper 101][Level 630]--[Sorry for my Master. He has been grumpy these few hundred years]

"Hundreds of years is FEW!?" Noah shouted, wondering how 100s of years became few. The thought alone scared him. How long does he have to live to see hundreds of years as few? "I don't think I want to live that long..." A golden message appearing on the forum cut him off.

[He held the Omniverse in the palm of his hand and with a wide grin, he squeezed the Omniverse, crushing it]

[Welcome trueImmortal to the Realm of Eternity. You still have a long way to go before you can survive in Void, but you are one step closer]

The forum, which was once active, stopped. "What does that mean?" Noah asked, not understanding the severity of this massage. "Realm of Eternity? That sounds trash..."

[Xiao Wu][Level: 99,999]--[Well shit]

[Jade Beauty][Level: 99,999]--[I will sell myself to you. Please help me @trueImmortal]

[The OG Sigma][Level: 99,999]--[@trueImmortal, I thought we were friends? Why leave me behind?]

[Google_was_my_idea][Level: 99,999]--[@trueImmortal, I would like to sell 99 trillion multiverses for your help]

[Thot Slayer][Level: 99,999]--[@trueImmortal. I would like to sell 107 trillion multiverses for your help. Please help. I have been slaying thots for 7 trillion years. Please help]

[Wait--][Level: 99,999]--[Wait, did the message just say he crushed the omniverse? Isn't that where we live???]

[Seth][Level: 99,999]-- [He killed us all and revived us without any of us noticing. This... I am scared. After 9 trillion years, I am actually scared...]

[Immortal God][Level: 99,999]--[I thought I had Nigh-Absolute Immortality. What a fucking scam. Refund. I want a refund!!!]

Multiple messages like that started flooding the comments of his question, all of them being Level 99,999. No one below that level dared to speak as if scared of being killed.

A private message suddenly came from Helper, 101.

[Helper 101][Level 630]--[Sorry, I will be leaving. I need to congratulate my master. I warn you, don't post any comments. All these old monsters are above 1 trillion years, some even older than my master. See how they are selling out multiverse like it is nothing? I will send you an item that will help you]

"1 trillion years?!!" Noah couldn't count how many times he had been shocked today, but it was starting to pain his heart. He held his heart, his eyes unsettled as sweat drenched his body. "How can one live for 1 trillion years?"

[You have received a gift]

[This is a one-use gift, meaning once you use it, it would return to its owner]

" it." He mumbled, breathing heavily. The thought of living for trillions of years was giving him anxiety.

[Item: Key of Erasement]

[Grade: Sapphire]

[Ability: You are too low level to see its effect]

[Note: This shit is the worth of 1 multiverse. I don't know why he gave it to you]

Noah stumbled back, his blood pressure rising. The Ranks were Wooden, Stone, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Onyx, and Diamond. The God Killer is only a Silver rank, and he just got a Sapphire. Not only that, but it also costs one multiverse?

"I think I am going to die of a heart attack." He mumbled as a rusty key appeared on the floor in front of him. Picking it up, he felt nothing special about it, but looking at its stat, he saw it was the Forced World Transfer. "With this, if I can't kill Impulse, I will send him away..."

"Who are you!?" He heard a shout come from the living room belonging to Raikou. The room is soundproof, but he can still hear what is going on outside. That's why she didn't hear any of his screams.

"Death is the salvation for all mortal beings with pain. After your death, there is no pain. I am your savior. The salvation of all living beings." Another voice came. A monotonous voice he immediately recognized as Impulse. "So, please. Die for me."

After that, a scream of anguish that pierced his heart came. Hoping it isn't what he thinks it was, he slowly walked out the room to see a sight that caused his heart to stop.

A green orb surrounded the screaming Raikou, and slowly squeezed her smaller and smaller. No matter how much she fought, struggled, she couldn't move. Noah noticed her EX Mad Enhancement was activated, but the orb didn't budge.

At the last moment, before she was squeezed to death, she turned to Noah, giving him a motherly smile. All the pain was gone from her eyes, and all that was left was love and care. "Run." She mouthed before all bones in her body broke, and she was squeezed into an orb the size of a tennis ball, the ball of flesh falling to the ground with a loud thud.

Noah's ears started ringing as all the noises in the background disappeared. He stumbled forward, falling to his knee beside the ball of flesh which slowly disappeared into little sprinkles of light.

"Why...?" He muttered, tears flowing down his eyes.

She was his only family. She was like a mother to him.

He never knew his parents. He had no friends. No one for him. He moved from foster home to foster home till he turned fifteen, and he got thrown into the streets. He wanted a Harem to have people close to him.

Someone who loved him. Someone who cared for him. Someone who wants to protect him...

Minamoto no Raikou was all of that. She was like a mother to him. A mother he never had and a family he craved. She was all he needed...

And they came and took it away.

"WHY!?" Noah shouted, turning to the two monsters. His eyes were blurry with tears, but he could see it was Impulse and his future self.

"She was in my way." Carnage replied, fixing the black suit he wore. "So you know. She dies."

He didn't care. He casually fixed the black suit he wore like he simply swatted a fly.

"Impulse 2.0, do you think this suit fits me?" Impulse asked, turning to his older version beside him. "I need to look presentable when killing this guy. Just like I was when killing Masaru."

"I said you should call me Carnage, but I won't be arguing with you." Carnage said, looking at Impulse up and down. "Yeah, you do. If you just remove the blindfold, then it will be better."

He watched them speak to each other, not giving a shit what they had done to him. They killed Raikou.

"You killed my mother!!" Noah shouted, his mind snapping as he stared at the two demons before him with rage-filled eyes.

"Well. You die now." Impulse said, pointing his finger at Noah as a ball of prana formed.

"Key of Erasement, activate." Noah mumbled.

The air suddenly shook as a strong wave of energy erupted from the rusty key.

Time shredded like shredded paper.

Space evaporated like water in a hot pot.

Light disappeared, living behind a black void.

The reality of the Fateverse itself threatened to shatter from the pure, chaotic energy.

Noah was too angered to care about the spectacular view of a chaotic reality. Shards of reality moved by, playing what was once happening in the infinite timeline.

He took a step, the key trembling as the force holding reality weakened. He didn't care. His eyes were focused on the two things that killed his mother.

He kept walking as the energy from the key destroyed multiple shards of reality, stopping in front of the two things, frozen as there was no time and no space to move.

Raising the key, he pressed it against the chest of Impulse. No, Rick Drew Brandon, as he uttered;

"I. Erase. You." While twisting the key.

With that, everything returned to normal as nothing happened. Impulse looked down at the key pressed on his chest before looking at the angered face of Noah.

"What the... what the fuck..." Impulse mumbled, stepping back as he felt himself disappear. He looked down, seeing his legs slowly fade out of existence. He felt his death coming. His demise. Finality. His end... "Wha... what... what did you do...!!?" He shouted, as his voice faded with his body.

Carnage watched as the screaming Impulse slowly disappeared from reality, fear building up in his heart. Slowly, he turned to Noah, who still held the same key he used to erase Impulse in his hand.


To him, Noah now looked like The Speed Force. Lucifer. Those who could end him in an instant.

Taking a step back, his body gained a green glow as he disappeared. Fuck fight. Fuck Revenge. That man... Is a God.

He shot out the planet at 99% the speed of light, trying to get as far as he could get from that man. As he flew, he felt something in him. Looking at his hands, he saw cracks appearing in them. "No... No. No. No. No. I won't die here." He repeated, activating his noble phantasm. "Noble Phantasm: Requiem: Song of Reality!" He screamed as strong wave energy escaped his body, forming an orb around him 10 meters wide. Here, he has perfect control over anything. Even Reality.

He tried removed the cracks on his body using the Song of Reality.

But that didn't remove.

Bright light escaped the cracks on his body as he screamed in horror, "This isn't how it will end! I won't die here. Noble Phantasm: Record of Heroes."

A book appeared in his palm as he frantically moved through the pages which contained all the heroes currently summoned in every possible reality in the fateverse. Finally finding his name, he canceled it out, trying to de-summon himself, but it didn't work. He was still here, cracking.

"Noble Phantasm: Castle of Carnage."

In deep space, the mansion where he created the first Kree, his first official home in DC, appeared. It gives him perfect immunity to any damage and reflects it back to the user. But, he was still cracking.

"Noble Phantasm: Revert!" It reverts his body to when he was first summoned, yet the cracks were still there.

Seeing this, Carnage burst out laughing. "Is this it!?" He asked whoever is listening, laughing louder. Light began to appear from the cracks in his body as fell on his knees in space. "Ahhh~ I am dead~~~"

With that, he shattered.