Chapter 158

Impulse opened his eyes, finding himself on his back in a forest. The trees were tall, their leaves and branches allowed for just enough light to pass down for an overabundance of sprouts to flourish in the fertile soils below. A mixture of wild sounds, predominantly of birds, echoed in the air and overpowered the occasional sounds of large animals in the distance.

"What the fuck." Impulse shouted, sitting up. "Oh, God. Oh, Buddha. Oh, Allah. What the fuck is going on."

[Hello, False God Rick, former level 820] A creepy demonic voice sounded his mind, shocking him.

'Telepathy.' Impulse thought, wondering who this being was. "I don't understand the level, but yes? Who might you be?"

[Demi-God Setarui, Level 4999. The entity who created and gave Noah his system]

He sat silently, inspecting his surroundings. He tried to use his ability but found all of them sealed. 'Oh? So it sealed my powers. Interesting.' Impulse thought, looking down at his palm and clinching it.

[Yes, I did. But please, listing to what I want to say]

Seeing no way to get away from having a conversation with this entity, he said, "Go on."

[I would like you to spare Noah's life. He is a special specimen of mine]

"Hmmm..." Impulse mumbled, standing up. Looking at his body, he found himself still wearing his suit but no sign of injuries in his body. It was as if the damage done to him by the key disappeared. "Why not kill me? Erase me? Isn't that the power of the key?"

[As a recently connected member of the Adam System, you have one-month protection. Besides, the key doesn't kill. If you think I am lying, here its actual stats]

Suddenly, a blue screen appeared before his eyes, shocking him.

[Item: Key of Banishment]

[Grade: Ruby]

[Effect: Banish up to three people to a world their power level or higher. It can't be dodged, reversed, or blocked]

'So, this is how Noah sees the system. An interesting way to layout an ability.' Impulse thought, reading through the stats. "Aren't you the owner of the system? The creator? Why not override it?" He asked as the blue screen disappeared.

[Let me explain. There is one system that governs all. It rules over the omniverse, recording everything that will, have, and would happen. You can call it Akashic Records]

[It picks certain beings, be it sentient or non-sentient, and sends them to the path to eternity. No one knows who is behind that system or why it is sending us on the path]

"That's... nice?" He mumbled, not knowing what to say.

He doesn't believe this demigod, but there is a chance it might be real. If it was himself before he reincarnated, he wouldn't have believed any of it at all. But after seeing beings like Superman, the speed force, and the throne of hero, there is a high chance this system might exist.

[It certainly is. There are multiple branches of the system, each of them built to fit a specific purpose. To use the main branch, one has to reach level 100,000]

"How strong will you be at that level? I mean, you are using something like the Akashic Record as a simple tool to grow stronger. You must be strong."

[At that level, they are classified as eternal beings, but none of them are truly eternal. They can go beyond. The Omniverse exists in the surrounding emptiness known as The Outside, a void of virtual nothingness. Whatever may lie outside of these concepts is simply referred to as Beyond. What they do out there, none of us know]

"Wow. Outside?" Impulse sarcastically said before turning serious. "Don't take me as a fool. Nothing is beyond the Omniverse. If something is outside the OMNIverse, then this isn't an Omniverse. Just like if there is something greater than an omnipotent being, then the omnipotent being isn't actually omnipotent."

[You are still young. Too weak to understand true power. But don't worry. Now you are a branch system holder your eyes would be open]

"How do I know this isn't a trick?" Impulse asked, yawing. He believed it at first, but with the mention of something 'outside' the Omniverse, he stopped believing.

[See it however you want. You will understand in years to come. But I will say, don't go after Noah. If you do... Your protection doesn't last forever]

"I see." Impulse mumbled, looking up at the tall trees. There is a 99% chance that all this demigod just sprouted were lies, but there is also a 1% he isn't. "Don't worry. Noah isn't on my radar. But, may I ask. Why did you get out your way to tell me this?"

[It isn't of your concern. Until we meet again, Rick...] The demonic voice said as it slowly faded.

Impulse felt a shackle was removed from him, feeling all his ability come back. "I will learn counter seal in the near future. Can't let that happen to me again." He mumbled, using his magical energy to search his body for anything strange.

[You have been chosen to walk the Path to Eternity]

[You have no choice in this matter]

[Pick your Username...]

An emotionless voice that put fear in his heart rang in his head. 'Another one!?'

[Pick your Username...] The voice repeated.

"Um... Imagine Dying?" He said, feeling like he was forced to speak.

[Your username, [Imagine Dying], has been registered]


[To see your Status, say Status]

[To open the Shop, say Shop]

[To open the forum, you have to reach system level 10]

[More systems would be unlocked the higher level you are]

[To commit suicide, tell me, and I shall erase you from existence]

[To give up on this path, tell me, and I shall erase you from existence]

[Welcome, Rick [Imagine Dying] Drew Brandon]

[Your journey has begun]

"..." Impulse recounted everything he just heard, speechless. He couldn't sense the presence of the system in him as if it wasn't even there. If it was there, then it must be hiding well. "If this is a trick from that Demigod, then he is definitely too good for me to go against." He said to himself. Covering his mouth, he muttered, "Status." Just to test if it was real.

[Scanning world Ranking system]

[Scanning completed]




[Scanning completed]

[Due to your history and your tainted soul, the world has classified you as a monster]

[You will become a monster]

[Your evolution will now commence...]

"Wait, what---" He was cut off by his body swelling.

He inflated like a balloon, threatening to burst, his suit ripping in the process. He tried to scream, but his sheer size sealed his mouth shut. His muscles ripped apart, organs destroyed, and he stayed conscious, made to feel all the pain.

His inside ruptured as if something was eating him from inside out, everything changing and rearranging itself. Soon, his inflated body instantly condensed into a ball of flesh the size of a basketball before morphing to form a monster.

It stood 8 feet tall with black skin and unfamiliar red lines all over its body, which resembled tattoos. It was extremely muscular, having a 6-pack abs arm that looked like they could crush builders. Its gray hair reached below his shoulder blades with two sharp horns growing out from his forehead.

The monster opened its eyes, revealing colorful eyes which quickly turned hollow black, a red dot which expanded to a small circle in the middle of its eyes.

It stared into the distance for an hour before looking down at both its arms. "Is this what extreme pain feels like?" It said in a deep, monstrous voice with a low growl echoing in the background. "Is this what others felt when I did it to them..."

It stopped, staring into the distance once more. A grin grew on its face. A grin that would make the most vicious demon cower in fear.

"I want more." It said, the grin growing. "I want to feel more pain!!!"