Chapter 159

He doesn't know why, but some seconds into his evolution, the pain he felt transformed into pleasure. It might be a mental protection mechanism, which turned all pain he felt into pleasure, but he didn't care. The pleasure was just too great.

"After years. Pleasure sure is a great feeling." Impulse mumbled, hugging his body.

He finally noticed the change in his body. Forgetting about his new mental degeneration, he inspected his body. His muscles were powerful and larger than before, with his height increasing by more than 2 meters. Sharp, long, black nails grew from his fingers and toes, resembling claws.

His skin was black, with unfamiliar red lines all over his body, which resembled tattoos. They all grew from a red rhombus-like marking in the middle of his chest. He noticed his hair reached below his shoulder blades. Aside from growing longer, it has also turned gray. His ears were now a little pointy, and lastly, two sharp horns had grown out from his forehead.

Clinching both his fist, he felt power coursing through them. Nowhere as close as his Kree form, which he would now be calling King Kree, but better than his dead apostle form.

He lifted his left leg and took a step, and he immediately fell right on his face with a loud thud.

'Ok. Whenever I evolve as a Kree, I gain perfect control over my body. Even as an ancestor, I have better control than this body.' Impulse thought, wiggling on the ground like a worm. 'I feel like a newborn baby. It would take a long time to get used to this body.'

He twisted his body, getting on his stomach. He then got on all four, trying to stand. 'This feels weird. Imagine if someone comes from behind.'

Pushing the thought out of his head, he started learning how to move with this new body. Like a baby, he first learned how to crawl. Then he learned how to stand. Then walk. Just for these three steps, it took him several hours. The sun was starting to go away with the moon coming up.

Impulse kept walking around before he started jogging, then started sprinting at his top speed, traveling more than 700 mph. After learning how to walk and run, learning to control his body came easy, and after a day, he could control his new body at the level of his old body. As the afternoon sun beamed down on the forest, the naked Impulse could be seen in a forest clearing, stretching.

"This is the longest I ever spent training or learning to use my body. Other times, I experiment on myself or cram my head with information.'"Impulse said to himself as he looked down at his body. "I should probably find some clothes. But first, status."

[You have successfully turned into a monster]

[Your race has changed from Dead Apostle Ancestor to Ogre]

[The Skills Mystic Eyes of Lord has evolved to Mystic Eyes of King]

[Skill Self-Regeneration evolved to Ultraspeed Regeneration]

[Skill Demonic Transformation and Unique skill True Form has merged to create True Demon Transformation]

[Skill Assimilation evolved to Absorption]

[Skill Magical Energy Sense evolved to Magic Sense]

[All Prana produced would be automatically transformed into magical energies]

"Woah!" Impulse shouted, jumping back as the system voice sounded in his head. "I wonder who this new voice belongs to. The God that controls this world?" He said to himself as he turned to his Status screen.


Rick Drew Brandon

--Race: Ogre

--Gender: Male

--Age: 810

--Level: 1

--Physical Power Level: 70 (Building Level)

--Magical Power Level: Planet Grade

--Title: Former False God, Reincarnator, RB, Carnage, Planetary Threat, Faceless, Impulse, Father,

--Magic Type(s): Jewelry Magic


--Body Technique: Body Enhancement, Ultraspeed Regeneration

--Mastery: Spearmanship

--Magic Skills: Magic Sense, Mystic Eyes of King

--Ultimate Skills: True Demon Transformation, Magic Circuits, Reality Marble, Absorption,

--Point: 0


[Every level gained would increase your physical power by 0.5 levels]

[Every level gained would grant 1,000 points]

[More points can be gained by killing other your power level or stronger]

[With points, you can buy skill, magic, body enhancement, race, items, worlds, universes, and many more]

"Hmm. The point would be useful, but I have to kill someone my power or higher." Impulse mumbled, noticing his age. He stared silently at it, becoming more confused the longer he looked. "How... I thought I was only about 107 years old."

He couldn't believe it. Did he live that long without knowing? No, that is impossible. Although he can't remember all his memories, he could remember the important ones. That's why he could remember his age.

'Time travel?' He thought, coming up with the best explanation. "Yes, that's it. Traveling through time may have caused me to age. But aging 703 years from running through time!? Wow." He didn't hate it. Who cares how old he is. As long as he is alive, that's what matters. Taking a seat, he started looking through his skills.

[Jewelry Magic: A type of magic involving transferring magical energy into jewels. Once Magical Energy is embedded into Jewelry, it will be tinted by the mystical properties of the stone, and one can then use that power whenever and whatever way they find necessary]

[Body Enhancement: Using magic, one can enhance their body. The more magic power used, the stronger the enhancement is]

[Ultraspeed Regeneration: It grants the user incredible regeneration properties, capable of regenerating lost limbs in seconds. However, the regeneration is blocked when a wound has been caused by magical energies. Also, damage done to the sprites can bypass the regeneration itself altogether]

"This is weak. Even a Kree regeneration is better than this." He mumbled. "Kree regeneration can't be stopped by magic or anything. Only a certain substance can stop it, like the one Flash used on his suit during our last fight... Well, I guess it could do for now. Until I change it, that is."

[Spearmanship {World Level: Max} {Overall level: 0}: It increases your fighting skill while using spears]

[Magic Sense: A active skill that can allow the user to see 360 degrees around them without a single-blind spot. Can be toggled on and off]

[Mystic Eyes of King: These eyes allow the user to see fast-moving objects, and when auto mode is activated, the body would immediately react to evade any attack while simultaneously countering its attacker. It also has the power to replicate any move and technique they lay their eyes upon, be it magical attacks or physical attacks, so long as the attacker isn't hidden from the eyes sight. The abilities copied aren't permanent, and the eyes are incapable of copying any ability that changes the body or racial abilities. The user is also unable to copy high-rank powers. Continuous copying would cause one's eyes to start overheating, and if they choose to continue, they run the risk of becoming blind, making him incapable of using the Eyes of the lord. Even if one restored their sight, eyes wouldn't be restored]

Impulse paused, staring at the description of the Mystic Eyes of King. The only difference he saw was that he could now activate and deactivate auto mode. He never really used the eyes to their fullest potential, so he doesn't know if he could copy an ability that changes the body, but he was sure he couldn't copy them.

'The weakness is... wow. Once you get blinded, you can never gain the eyes back. Unless you somehow buy it from the shop or regain it.' Impulse thought, rubbing his jaw. "I just have to make sure I don't get blinded or use it too much that I blind myself."

[True Demon Transformation: Multiply the user's magical ability by *** and their physical ability by ***. The longer the user stays in this form, the more their mind degrades until they lose their sense of self, becoming a being, set to end all life that ever and will exist]

'I doubt I would ever use this.' Impulse thought. The idea of losing my sense of self doesn't sit right with him. 'Unless I am desperate, that is.

[Magic Circuits: Allow the user to absorb the world energy to regenerate the user soul]

'At least, this came along with me. So the Fate world wasn't a waste. Although I didn't get to win the war and gain the third magic, this is enough.' Impulse thought, still wishing he stayed long enough to gain the third magic.

[Reality Marble: *Spoilers*]

[Absorption: This ability allows its user to get abilities of other beings and things by consuming them]

'...' He stared silently at the Absorption skill description before bursting out laughing, but all that came out was a loud roar. 'I regained the ability of my second body! Hahaha! This is great. This is truly great.' Impulse thought, excited. With this, everything would be easier. He immediately stood up, ready to start his journey in this new world when;

[Game Yggdrasil is now open to players]




[You are now an N.P.C monster]

[You have gained skill, Rage]

[You have gained skill, sense players]

[You have gained beginner Ogre items]

[You have unlocked game system]

[To unlock game status, say game status]

[You have lost your capability of speech]

[You are now restricted to entering certain areas]

[Some of your skills are sealed till you enter Rage]

'Another voice in my head?' First, it was the demonic voice belonging to the demi-god, then the plane voice belonging to the system, and now, this one. It was different from the other as it lacked intent and ego; very passive, like the voice that would come from a computer, calling it synthesized would perhaps be most accurate.

Suddenly, he found himself dressed in a raggy skirt and held a wooden club.

'Wait. Monster, boss, sealing!' He shouted, but all that escaped his mouth was a loud growl. He stopped, touching his throat. What the fuck is going on here?' He then closed his eyes, digesting what he just heard. 'Am I... in a game? What kind of world is this!? A game world? I remember Masaru watching Sword Art Online. Am I in that game world? But, I know the game name isn't Yggdrasil. Maybe the game status would give me more information.'


Total Level: 1

Racial Level

Ogre (1)

Job Level: --

[[Approximate Status]]

HP: 25

MP: 100+

Phy. Atk: 100+

Phy. Def: 100+

Agility: 25

Mag. Atk: 25

Mag. Def: 25

Resistance: 25

Special Ability: 25

Total: 450+

Skill Points: 2

Skill: Spearmanship, Magic Sense, Magic Circuits, Absorption, Rage


'The fuck is this!' Impulse shouted, a powerful roar escaping his mouth and scaring off some birds. 'Where are my other skills!? Wtf is Rage!?'

[Rage: After health reaches a certain level, you get a boost of stat and unlock more of your skills.

--50%: Body Enhancement, +10% in all stats

--10%: Ultraspeed Regeneration, +10% in all stats

--5%: Mystic Eyes of King, +10% in all stats

--1%: True Demon Transformation, Reality Marble, +20% in all stats]

'These percentages. I have to be close to death before I can use my Reality Marble!?!? Even for mystic eyes, I need to be 5% close to death!?' Impulse willed the stat sheet away, sighing. 'Who cares. Not to be cocky, but nothing in this world can kill me once I get to 5% health... Unless the GM decided to delete me... is that possible...? This... this is scary...'