Emily Shows An Ability

Curious at her already calling him dad, Stephen asked, "Well miss Emily, why do you think I am your daddy?"

  "Because Joshua told me you were." She happily answered.

  "And, little miss, who is Joshua?" Stephan asked her.

  "It's her imaginary friend." Anne told him, "She's been saying she talks to him and he tells her all sorts of stuff for almost two years now."

"NO!" Emily asserted, "Joshua IS real! Just because you can't see him or talk to him doesn't mean he's imaginary!"

"Ok Emily," Stephan asked, "If Joshua is real, then tell me something he knows that would prove that he's real. And then me and mommy won't keep telling you he's not real. Ok?"

"But he says you already know he's real! You just talked to him the other day!" Emily protested, "And he said to prove it I should tell you that when you talked to him the other day that he gave you a list with mommy's name on it so that you'd find me!"