Sharing Secrets

Stephan sat down as requested and asked, "So are you Ok now? I'm sorry I had to sneak in by pretending to e a robot, but I really am thought to be dead because they can't see where the colony is and I didn't want to show them where it is so we don't have to worry about some country from Earth trying to tax us to death or even possibly try to forcibly take possession of it."

"I'm ok with the surprise now," Anne assured him, "but I don't know about the whole thing about them thinking you're dead part. Sounds a little bit like some paranoia left over from a bad acid trip or something right now."

"I understand. If I had somebody come up to me telling me the same stuff I would be recommending a good psychiatrist," Stephan granted, "but I can prove at least part of it rather easily. Log onto the internet with your computer right there and do a search for news about me."