Chapter -11-

Secretly there were some of the spies stalking Chen Liao Xuan and Liu Angier's home that night. After they got what they wanted, they left the peach forest.


"What news will you give? Have you killed Liu Angier?" Yang Ding Han asked the soldier.

The wedding day was approaching, had to kill Liu Angier immediately. If Liu Angier came back alive, that girl would snatch Lin Qian Long out of Yang Si Qi's hands.

"I haven't done it yet, Madame Yang. Because I have received news about Miss Liu, she has met a young man, and they just got married. They live in the peach forest that is on the border of Han City."

Yang Ding Han was aback. She looked at the soldiers one by one. "Is what you guys said true? How can Liu Angier be married? Who did she marry? What family was her husband from?"

"We also don't know about Miss Liu's husband, Madame Yang. But the young man had a very handsome face, her husband's clothes looked very expensive. But, the house they live in is small in the middle of the forest. It like they isolate themselves from outside humans. "

"Peach forest on the border of Han City? That is the Jiang family's peach forest? If that's the case, I'll give you a new task," Yang Ding Han smiled has a big plan she put together.


"Counselor Li, tell me where Prince Chen Liao Xuan is. It's been three full moons since he hasn't come home yet. Even though the riots on earth ended some time ago."

The King of Heaven stands in front of the gate of the Sky Kingdom. He looked at the gates silently. He had already asked Lord Li Qian Long several times. But Lord Li never gave a satisfactory answer.

Advisor Li Zheng Xi lowered his head. He closed his eyes giant mirror appeared in front of him. Then the figures of Chen Liao Xuan and Liu Angier appeared real there. They are making love, and they are enjoying romantic moments together.

Li Zheng Xi's advisor did not dare to say anything. He lowered his head again in front of the king.

"What happened? How could the Crown Prince of the Sky Kingdom be with a girl from the human race?" The Sky King was angry, couldn't believe what he saw in the mirror.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty. From what I can see, Prince Chen Liao Xuan has married that girl from the human race."

The Sky King looked even angrier. He screamed and put out his strength. Nature darkens, the sky pitch black with lightning striking.

"Of this importance, why didn't Lord Li say anything to me? Isn't he a Lord who fosters the destiny of every being in this universe?" Li Zheng Xi's advisor did not dare to answer. He just lowered his head deeply.

"Advisor Li order Commander Jiang to pick up Prince Chen Liao Xuan from the earth. Then give him memory-busting water. So that he would forget all the things he had been through on earth. Also about that girl from the human race."

"I will do it, Your Majesty!"

Li Zheng Xi's advisor looks for the whereabouts of Commander Jiang Kang Hua. In the Sky Kingdom military training ground.

"Commander Jiang, you have received orders from Your Majesty to pick up the Crown Prince who is on earth."

Commander Jiang was confused. Of all the people here, why did he get the order? Even though it was clear, the Crown Prince was only obedient to Lord Li Qian Long.

"I'm sorry, Counselor Li. Why should I? The Crown Prince is only obedient to Lord Li. If I was to pick up the Crown Prince to return to the Sky Kingdom, would he want to?"

"I saw His Majesty angry with my father. So His Majesty sent you to do it."

Li Zheng Xi's advisor explained. Commander Jiang Kang Hua couldn't argue with anything.

"What has Lord Li done to make the king angry, Counselor Li?"

"Father has covered up the fact that Prince Chen Liao Xuan has married a girl from the human race. And covered him for these three full moons."

Advisor Li Zheng Xi and Commander Jiang Kang Hua were silent. They are busy with their thoughts. The Heavenly King's order is absolute. No one can argue with it.

"Fine, Counselor Li, I will try to bring Prince Chen Liao Xuan back to the Sky Kingdom. However, if Prince Chen Liao Xuan doesn't want to, don't blame me."

"There is one thing you can do to get the Crown Prince to come with you, Commander Jiang," Advisor Li Zheng Xi gave Commander Jiang Kang Hua something. "Blow this before you speak to the Crown Prince,"


Liu Angier planned to go to the traditional market this morning. She told her husband to pick lots of peaches. This time her husband did not pluck the peaches with his miraculous power. But her husband plucked the peaches with both hands. Climb from tree to tree.

Liu Angier held her head. She's been feeling dizzy and nauseous these days. "My husband, have you picked the peaches? Let's go to the market before the sun gets high!"

Chen Liao Xuan went straight down from the tree excitedly. But just as he was about to approach his wife, a hand tapped him on the shoulder.

Chen Liao Xuan turned his head, shocked to find out who had come to see him. The commander of the Sky Kingdom Jiang Kang Hua.

Chen Liao Xuan seemed to wink as Commander Jiang blew something at him. Then he fell unconscious.

Commander Jiang Kang Hua saw a girl from among humans. The girl seemed to be walking closer to him, shouting calling out Prince Chen Liao Xuan's name.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty. I am only carrying out orders from the King of Heaven. Hopefully, that girl from among humans can live happily without you."

Commander Jiang Kang Hua brought the Crown Prince with him. Then he disappeared from the peach forest and returned to the sky kingdom.