Chapter -12-

Liu Angier kept looking for Chen Liao Xuan's whereabouts. But, she was already looking for Chen Liao Xuan nowhere.

"Chen Liao Xuan, are you kidding? Where are you? Don't hide and come out! I'm tired!"

Chen Liao Xuan didn't reply. Make Liu Angier so worried. Where is her husband? Why did her husband suddenly disappear just like that? And in the end, she was left alone in the middle of this peach forest without anyone.

Liu Angier sat up in tears. She seemed to feel something suffocating repeat itself. Liu Angier has abandoned again. She has dumped again alone in this world.

"Guards, arrest the woman!"

Liu Angier turned his head to see the group of soldiers. They came with guns and surrounded her now. Liu Angier's body shook. She started to be frightened.

"Who are you? Why are you encircling me?"

"You have committed a grave offense, and you have to get permission!" said one of the soldiers. "The peach forest you have been living in and the fruit you have taken belongs to the royal family. Taking fruit here is tantamount to stealing, and you deserve to die!"

"No, I beg you, Sir! I didn't do anything wrong. I just lived here. I didn't know that this peach forest belonged to the royal family! Please forgive me!" The groan sounded sad from Liu Angier's mouth. Liu Angier hoped that at least Chen Liao Xuan could come, use his magic for today only.

However, the soldiers didn't care. The soldiers dragged Liu Angier's body like animals. Liu Angier's hands and feet were tied. Her hair was pulled and dragged out away very painfully.

Liu Angier sounded screaming. She kept calling Chen Liao Xuan's name many times. However, her husband never came at all. Her husband had left her alone.


Chen Liao Xuan opened his eyes. Slowly his vision became clear. He looked around. It was his room. He sat looking at him that there were already many Lords sitting in front of him. Chen Liao Xuan was holding his head. He felt dizzy.

"Why are the Lords of the sky here? Don't you have a job? Then how can I lie here? My head is dizzy. What happened?"

The Lords looked worried. They were waiting for the king of heaven to come.

"You will go to earth to punish the fox demon. But before you leave, suddenly you fainted and just regained consciousness," The Sky Kingdom's King explained. Chen Liao Xuan was silent. Then he looked at his father. He felt that something was missing from his memory. Something important.

"Is that all that happened, Your Majesty? Why do I feel that something is missing from my memory," Chen Liao Xuan asked. He was curious. About his feelings that said he had forgotten something important.

"There, you have passed the most important thing in your life,"

"What is it, Your Majesty? Tell me quickly?" There was hope in both Chen Liao Xuan's eyes. Chen Liao Xuan hopes that what his father has to say is something he wants to hear.

"You have missed your wedding day with Princess Cheng Wo Ye. And we are planning to have the wedding again,"

Chen Liao Xuan looked unhappy with the answer from his father. He just nodded and then kept quiet. Chen Liao Xuan felt that was not what he wanted to hear. But he said nothing. Princess Cheng Wu Ye, Chen Liao Xuan didn't know her at all.

"So your wedding ceremony with Princess Cheng Wu Ye is tonight. So be prepared to wait for the phoenixes and the great dragon to come to witness your wedding,"

The king of the Sky Kingdom left. Then the gods went with him. There was only Lord Li Qian Long and Advisor Li Zheng Xi was still in his room.

"Lord Li, be honest with me exactly what happened? I felt like I had lost my most important memory. Did I drink the memory-busting liquid?"

"Your Majesty, no memories are lost from your memories. Everything His Majesty said is true. Your Majesty did not come down to earth because you fainted. Now has been replaced by Commander Jiang,"

Li Zhang Xi explained. But Chen Liao Xuan still felt that something was missing from his memory. Chen Liao Xuan glanced at Li Qian Long. He wanted to be alone with the supreme Lord of the sky kingdom.

"Counselor Li, didn't I tell you to prepare the Crown Prince's bridal attire? Hurry up and have the maid prepare and bathe. The Crown Prince must look perfect tonight."

"Yess, Father," Li Zheng Xi walked out of Chen Liao Xuan's room. Now Chen Liao Xuan is alone with Li Qian Long.

"Please tell me, Lord Li. What exactly happened? Did I drink the memory-killing potion?" Chen Liao Xuan asked because he was still curious.

"Your Majesty, what I said earlier is true. But Your Majesty has indeed forgotten something. But that something is not important. Trust me."

"I want to believe in you, Lord Li. But my heart cannot lie. Although, I don't know what I have forgotten. I feel that what I have forgotten is something precious from my life."

Hearing that, Lo Qian Long felt sorry for Chen Liao Xuan. However, fall in love was the first thing that Chen Liao Xuan had just felt. However, the moment he fell in love, he had fallen in love with the wrong creature. That feeling not natural for the Crown Prince of the Sky Kingdom to fall in love with a human race.

"Your Majesty, marrying Princess Cheng Wu Ye is the most appropriate choice. She is the wife of your caste as the Crown Prince of the Sky Kingdom. When Your Majesty marries Princess Cheng Wu Ye. The Sky Kingdom will be balanced. And fate will remain on its axis,"

"Is this a marriage, Lord Li? Or is it just a bond for the sake of the kingdom of heaven to remain victorious for thousands of years?" Chen Liao Xuan smiled bitterly after saying that.