Chapter -15-

"I found you when I was looking for a medicinal herb at the bottom of the ravine. Luckily the ravine is not too steep. There is a mound of dirt that makes it a little sloping. And you are unconscious with quite a serious injury," the healer began to tell about his beginnings meet Liu Angier. "Luckily, you are still safe. Even though you have to lose the fetus in your womb."

Liu Angier was shocked to hear from the healer that she had lost her fetus because she didn't know that she was pregnant. "What did the healer say? I had a miscarriage? That means I've been pregnant all this time?" she asked haltingly.

"Yes, Miss Liu. You were pregnant at that time. Didn't you feel like you were pregnant all this time? Like at certain times you feel dizzy, or nauseous?"

"Yes, Doctor. I've been feeling dizzy and nauseous for the last time. But, I didn't know that I was pregnant."

Liu Angier grabbed her sore chest. That should be good news because she is pregnant. She would share this happy news with Chen Liao Xuan-- her husband. But, that happy moment was not in Liu Angier's life. She knew she was pregnant when she had lost the fetus. Even she had also lost her husband. No, she didn't lose her husband. But, it was her husband who had left her. Alone in this world, with pain deepening in his heart.

Liu Angier was very disappointed. All the promises that Chen Liao Xuan said were fake. Chen Liao Xuan left him alone. When she's in this condition, Liu Angier couldn't help but be weak. She had to be a strong woman to protect herself. Liu Angier doesn't want to depend on other people, who will eventually leave her alone. And if one day has come, she met Chen Liao Xuan again with different circumstances, Liu Angier will never be able to forgive her husband until that time.

"This is the border area of ​​Han City, Miss Liu, where slaves are forcibly labored. Especially the female slaves. They will be hunted by the prince when they are bored. If after recovering, you will leave with your current state. You will be considered one of those slaves. So, you better disguise yourself, Miss Liu. So that it doesn't stand out too much when you meet people. "

"Sorry, Healer, if allowed, I want to learn about medicine from you. I also want to learn about martial arts. I am a woman alone in this world. If there are more bad people, I can protect myself."

"Miss Liu, believe me, my ability in concocting medicine is not perfect enough for you to learn from me. However, in Yongheng Hill, there is a great teacher who can concoct high-level medicine and martial arts. However ...."

"But what, Healer? Please explain to me."

"The great teacher only accepts male disciples, Miss Liu. You are a woman. And more than that, those students are the incarnation of the Gods in the sky. They study at Yong Heng Hill to protect them." the gates of every single point of existence in the universe. Because they are considered saints," The healer looked at Liu Angier, who looked silent. "Of these two conditions, you can't fulfill them, Miss Liu. So, undo your intention. Heal your wounds, then return to your place. Find a safe place for you to survive. Hopefully, you can get through your hard days later,"

Liu Angier was silent. She didn't answer anything. But, she had the determination to go to Yong Heng hill. If Liu Angier is kicked out by the great teacher from the Yong Heng hills, that's a later affair. The most important thing is he tries to go there first to find safer protection. And Liu Angier had to figure out how to allow him to enter Yong Heng hill if she was a woman. Then, Liu Angier's eyes glanced at the clothes that the physician was drying. Maybe she could use it and disguise herself as a boy. Is that possible?

"Healer, can I ask you one more thing?" asked Liu Angier.

"What is it about, Miss Liu?"

"I want to try to Yong Yeng hill, physician. That's why I want to borrow your clothes."

Heard Liu Angier's request, the physician was shocked. "Sorry, Miss Liu. The great teacher at Yong Hang Hill is powerful. So how can you use tricks? If you are caught as a woman, you will be punished by the great teacher, Miss Liu."

"Let me take care of it, the physician. The most important thing now, you want to lend your clothes to me. I hope."

"Well, Miss Liu. If it is your wish, I will grant it. But after you were expelled from Young Heng hill, you must go away from Yong Heng hill. Because the professor will never forgive you."

"Thank you very much, the physician. I will remember your advice. Now, I have hope for life. If I don't try, then I'll never know the result. At least, I'll try first."

"But before that, you must recover first. The journey to the hill is not easy. You will pass half of this desert, pine forests, and very steep valleys. Because the hill is a hill that is one of the gates to the Sky Kingdom."

"Okay, the physician. I will comply with all your requests."

After a few days, Liu Angier was treated by the healer. Now she's getting healthy. Although the scar hasn't completely disappeared, she can already walk and even run. Liu Angier finally decided if today is the right day for her to go to Yong Heng Hill. The sooner she gets there, the better.

"Today, you have recovered, and you have decided to go to Yong Heng hill. Here are some medicinal herbs and food, please bring them. I hope you survive the destination," The healer looked sorry to see Liu Angier. He knew the end of Liu Angier's life story. Maybe she will be kicked out of the hill. But, he didn't want to make Liu Angier's determination ebb. Seeing her enthusiasm like this, the Doctor wanted to give her full support.