Chapter -16-

Liu Angier traveled to Yongheng Hill for two days. Some of the obstacles She faced with all her heart. Until finally, Liu Angier stood on a high hill. After she passed through the thick pine forest, the cliff resembled rocks and was not visible above because it had met the clouds. The Yonggheng hill is manly and very proud. Liu Angier swallowed hard. Between sure and not sure, she saw the Yongheng hill that looked towering. There were no stairs and no means of assisting her climb up.

Liu Angier looked at her ten fingers. She doubted whether her little fingers were able to grip every rock on the cliff? However, Liu Angier wouldn't give up. She was here, and there was only a little more left to get to the top of the hill. Liu Angier had a lot of trouble already. So, if Liu Angier told to crawl up the Yongheng hill wouldn't be a problem. She had to go up Yongheng hill to save herself. If she doesn't, she will surely die.

Liu Angier slowly began to climb Yongheng hill. Until finally, she can walk without having to climb it. Liu Angier doesn't care that ten of her nails are bleeding now. She continued walking limply towards the place that the healer called. A thick fog covered her vision from a distance. Liu Angier saw a shrine that stood firm like above the clouds. Liu Angier smiled. She walked faster towards the temple.

The shrine was so large, sturdy, and beautiful. Liu Angier walked around in a circle, but she hid when she heard the voices of several people who were just around the corner of her sight. They are young men who wear white clothes. They have long black hair, which was tied together with white ribbons wrapped around their beautiful hair. In their right hand, they held a bronze sword. They looked so beautiful in that dress. And before them was a figure who looked majestic, wearing a robe of greatness. The figure had half of her hair hanging down beautifully, and the top part of his hair was tied with a dragon-shaped hair ornament. That figure had a strong aura.

"Today's training has been completed. You guys rest. A guest is coming. I must greet him first," the majestic figure ordered so that the other youths saluted.

"Very well, Master. We will return to our place to prepare our dinner dishes!"

After that, the majestic figure immediately disappeared. Liu Angier looked confused as to where the majestic figure was. Suddenly, someone grabbed her shoulder from behind. Liu Angier immediately turned her head in fear. That majestic figure who stood together with his disciples earlier is behind her.

"Who are you? Why are you in my shrine? Is there anything you need? Don't you know that not just anyone can enter my shrine? Presumptuous!"

The voice echoed out. Liu Angier immediately knelt in front of that majestic figure. She lowered her face. Then She worshiped that majestic figure.

"Forgive me, Master. I came here to learn martial arts and how to concoct medicine. I heard that Master is the most respected great Master figure in this region. So, I dare to come here!"

The majestic figure was silent, and his hands were tied behind his back. His eyes looked at Liu Angier sharply. His face was cold, and corneas turned sapphire blue.

"Go, my shrine is not your place to gain knowledge. You are only here to do futile work. So give up your intention to study here and go as soon as possible!"

The majestic figure was about to leave. But Liu Angier held her hand tightly. Liu Angier was still on her knees, and she was crying too. "Please give me a chance, Master! I want to learn from you, The Master! I am alone in this world, Master! I have no one! Everyone wants to kill me! Allow me to learn martial arts with you, Master! Please! save me, teacher!"

The majestic figure waved his robe until Liu Angier's hand fell from the hem of his robe. Without pity, he immediately left Liu Angier. Then, he tightly closed the gate of the shrine. Liu Angier couldn't do anything. Besides kneeling in front of that majestic temple gate. She was still crying. Then she screamed out loud. "I will be here until Master accepts me to be one of the great Master's disciples!"

From inside the shrine, the ten great teacher's disciples were curious. With a shout from outside the gate after their teacher closed the gate. The voice of someone who wanted to become one of their teacher's students. But, the voice sounded weak and indecisive like a boy.

"You heard, the voice was like a woman's voice. But, could there be a woman who dared to come to Yongheng Hill whose path is terrible?" asked one of the students.

"I don't know, but if it is true. It seems that the figure in front of the gate has been a misunderstanding. He doesn't know if Teacher Gu accepted as a disciple who has a bloodline from the heavens. It could be, Master Gu knows. If he's a human. That's why Master Gu didn't give permission, "

After that conversation, the disciples decided to enter the shrine. They divided the work of preparing dinner dishes. Some took firewood, some took water from the river, and some took vegetables. They work very compactly. Meanwhile, Master Gu was standing at the far left of his shrine. The sky was dark, rain and wind began to pour down on the shrine. Big Master Gu saw through his sapphire blue eyes. He saw that the figure was still kneeling stubbornly in front of the closed gate of his shrine.

Master Gu could not understand how there could be such a stubborn human. The figure's determination to come here was strong. In the end, master Gu closed his eyes. Master Gu tried to see what was happening to the figure before coming here.