NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 1: A New Dawn

(EDN: This is a new story I'm writing that is anime inspired. Hope you like it. Before you start reading there will be a link at the top of this file with all the songs that may be used.)

(Play DBZ Budokai 2 opening, the opening before reading. Then play G:Gundam Unmei no Gong for the episode title theme.)

Master Tazz: You've done well Shenrei. Your abilities and skills have reached a point that most can only dream of. You've improved a lot over these last 10 years. You've grown into a fine young man. You're ready to go out and venture off into the world on your own now.

Shenrei: You really think so Master? I feel like I still have so much to learn. Do you really think I'm ready to go off on my own?

Master Tazz: Yes, but remember my pupil. You never have to fear the darkness of the shadows. It simply means that there is a light shining somewhere nearby. So remember, no matter how dark life may seem, a light will always be there to guide you.

(Present day at the crack of dawn, yes I know, very descriptive :p)

Shenrei: *Exasperated sigh* Another one? Why do these incessant dreams continue to haunt me? I thought I was over this already, it's been 4 years now. I watched him die with my own eyes, so why do these nightmares continue to haunt me?

(Just then, he receives an incoming call from a soldier of Lady Shirina. * BEEP BEEP! BEEP BEEP*)

Shirinan Soldier: Lieutenant! Lieutenant Shenrei, are you there?

Shenrei: (Ugh! What does he want?) *Turns on hologram projection* Yes I'm here, what is it?

Shirinan Soldier : Lady Shirina has requested that you come see her in the Norahs Kingdom immediately. She says she has urgent business with you.

Shenrei: Really? And if this business is so urgent, why couldn't she just come see me in person?

Shirinan Soldier: Lady Shirina says you'll have to come to her in order to hear the news. She says your reaction alone is worth calling you there.

Shenrei: It'll be worth it huh? Alright, tell Lady Shirina I'll be there momentarily.

Shirinan Soldier: Don't take too long now Lieutenant. The Lady doesn't like to be kept waiting.

Shenrei: Yes, I know all too well…

(At this point Shenrei is entering the throne room…) (Play song Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam OST 3 Axis)

Lady Shirina: Well well, if it isn't Shenrei Densetsu, the "Violet Shock"! *Smirks*

Shenrei: *Kneels on one knee* You can drop the formalities my lady. -_-

Lady Shirina: *Friendly chuckle* Aw come now Shenrei, is that any way to treat a lady? You may stand by the way.

Shenrei: *Sigh* I see you still haven't changed over these last few years.

Lady Shirina: Neither have you, you're just as handsome as ever. *Smirks*

Shenrei: *Blush* Spare me the flattery, why have you called me here?

Lady Shirina: I thought it important to tell you in person that I'm promoting you to commander of my army. None shall outrank you, besides me of course. Not only that, but I'm giving you a lieutenant to help make your job easier. Ah, here he is now! Shenrei, this here is Graves.

Graves: *Scoffs* So this is the "Violet Shock"? Doesn't look all that impressive to me. Ain't you supposed to be intimidating?

Shenrei: I can show you that I more than live up to my legend. But with a name like Graves, I'm surprised you aren't already dead.

Graves: That's because I kill people before they get the chance to kill me, I'm as tough as they come!

Shenrei: You definitely killed me with that corny line there.

Graves: WHY YOU?! I'll get you for that, and it'll be when you least expect it!

Lady Shirina: *Evil laugh* OH I think you two will get along nicely! Shenrei, I want you and Graves to take some soldiers on a reconnaissance mission. My spies have reported that there are powerful energy readings somewhere in Wabba City. I want you two to go there and check it out.

Shenrei: Really? You called me here after 3 long years just for this?

Lady Shirina: Well that, and I needed an excuse for you and Graves to meet. Now you two will leave immediately, and I expect to hear back from you soon. And remember, THIS MISSION IS STRICTLY FOR RECONNAISSANCE!

Shenrei: Even so, Wabba City is a part of neutral territory. You know the consequences of invading neutral territory.

Lady Shirina: *Evil laugh* Do not worry my darling, nothing bad will happen. You are going to be fine, but remember STRICTLY RECON!

Graves: That's it? No problem, the gravedigger can handle this. This will be a walk in the park.

Shenrei: Well DUH, we're going to a city with a park in it. Please try not to slow me down.

Graves: *Angrily grunts*

(Meanwhile in Wabba City, Jin, Skia', Sonjo, and Khan, are all hanging out. They've decided to drive around town and just enjoy life.) (Play Naruto - Naruto's Daily Life)

Jin: ALRIGHT! Let's get this show on the road! (Yes I just broke the 4th wall, don't judge)

Khan: It has been a while since we last hung out. I call shotgun!

Sonjo: I'm sorry what? I'VE got shotgun.

Khan: YOU riding shotgun?! For goodness sake, you don't even know how to aim when we play FPS games.

Sonjo: Well at least my name isn't negative KHANnotation!

Khan: Alright that's it, YOU'VE HAD IT NOW! *Charges up hands together* FIIINAAALLLL...

Sonjo: *Charges up hands together* KAAAMEEEEEEHAAAAMEEE…

Sonjo/Khan: FLAAASHHH/HAAAAAAAAA- OW! *They both get hit by Skia' who stole shotgun while they were fighting*

Skia': MAN you guys are such dorks. How the hell am I even friends with y'all?

Jin: Aw c'mon Skia'. Just cuz you're the quiet and distant one, doesn't mean that you aren't just as weird as we are. We're all friends here :)

Skia': Yeah yeah whatever, let's just go! I wanna go to that restaurant with the apples and bees.

Sonjo: OWWWWW! Did you have to hit us that hard? What if we actually had powers like them, but now we'll never know because you had to clobber us!

Skia': Oh shut up you! Why would social rejects like us ever be good at anything besides being losers?

Jin: I don't know Skia', anything is possible. I mean, the world isn't just X's and O's. Anything and everything can happen. Remember that time I got those two chocolate bars in that lunch packet? Do you know how incredibly rare that is??? If it can happen for me, then it can happen for all of us.

Sonjo: Jin is right Skia'. Besides, there's one advantage of us being social rejects, something the rest of the world can never imitate.

Skia': And that is…

Sonjo: Having each other as friends!

Skia': You guys… are a bunch of total geeks!

Khan: *Annoyed* That could've been a really nice moment, and you just had to ruin it.

Skia' Yep, it's what I do! *Smirks*

(They all laugh out loud as the car continues moving, and the scene ends there. We transfer back to Shenrei and follow his mission progress. He is just getting ready to start, when he feels something calling his name.)

Unknown voices: (Shenrei… Sheeeeeeeenreeeeei!)

Shenrei: *Gasp* (Those voices? Who are you?)

Unknown voices: (Shenrei, we know of your pain. You have been through much, but not everything is as you believe it to be.)

Shenrei: (Wha… What?)

Unknown voices: (We have been to see him, he looks just like you.)

Shenrei: (What do you mean? Who are you talking about?)

Unknown voices: (We know all that there is to know, but we cannot say everything. Follow the path to the ancient forest of Calista Metanoia if you want the truth. But be warned, you will not be the same when you exit.)

Shenrei: (Hmph. Whoever you are, you certainly have answers to my questions. Alright, I'll follow this path if it leads to the truth.)

(Play song Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam OST 3 Axis)

Graves: Hey HEY! What are you zoning off for? We're supposed to be doing a mission, not daydreaming!

Shenrei: Right... About the mission, I'm putting you in charge of it. There's an urgent matter I have to attend to.

Graves: *Angry* Oh no, I see what you're trying to do here! You're trying to leave me here to do all of the work on my own. I will do no such thing!

Shenrei: If you can't even handle a simple recon mission, then perhaps Lady Shirina has chosen a terrible lieutenant. Look, you have all the soldiers you need, you'll be fine.

Graves: Ugh fine, but I want all the credit for this mission!

Shenrei: Sure yeah whatever… (Those voices… who could they be?)