NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 1: A New Dawn

(EDN: Alright, to save time since we're already on page 7, just know that Shenrei ends up going to the forest and learning important things. It's during this time that Graves begins to do things his own way. Meanwhile, Jin, Skia' Sonjo, and Khan have made it to the restaurant and have been there long enough to eat.) (Play song Naruto - Naruto's Daily Life on loop until instructed to play song Chinkon no Kane mo Narasenai mama)

Jin: Ahhhh! Nothing better than hanging out with the people you love, and eating the food you love!

Khan: I suppose this hasn't been all bad, considering Sonjo's lack of manners.

Sonjo: *Burps really loudly* Yep! It's definitely been a… BLAST! *Laughs*

Skia': UGH eeeeew! Have you no manners anywhere in that brain of yours?

Khan: Honestly, the only thing saving us from being kicked out is that there's nobody here… Hey, where is everybody?

*The TV changes from the TV show to the news channel…* (stop the music)

News Anchor: Breaking news! Soldiers representing the Principality of Shirina, have begun attacking citizens. Reports show that they have been bombing highly populated areas, taking civilians hostage, and holding them in underground bunkers for torture. We ask for civilians that are still unharmed to find the nearest shelter they can, and remain there. I repeat, find shelter and stay where you are! (Okay editor Malcolm back, you can play song Chinkon no Kane mo Narasenai mama on loop now)

*They all take a brief pause to digest what they just heard, then they scream* WHAT?!

Jin: We have to help them out!

Skia': *Confused and angry* What? You wanna help out the same people that have cast us out since we were born for absolutely no reason? WHY SHOULD WE HELP THEM?! I say we just let things happen, they can die for all I care.

Khan: I hate to say it, but she makes a good point. The same people that have been hurting us our whole lives are finally getting what they deserve. They deserve nothing more than to rot in hell.

Jin: I don't like them anymore than you do, but we can't just sit here! Besides, if we don't help, then they'll have an excuse to try to justify what they did.

Skia': Not like their opinions of us will change even if we do help…

Sonjo: Alright well consider this… If we don't help, we let innocents die alongside the ones who cast us out. And if we let that happen, we will never be accepted. It's worth a chance, we have to at least try.

Khan/Skia': Hmmmmm...

Jin: If you don't help, then the enemy might burn down this restaurant and you'll never be able to eat here again. That means no more chicken, no more sandwiches, and NO MORE CHEESECAKE!

Skia': You're just as evil as they are… How dare you take advantage of my weakness for food. *Gives death stare*

Khan: You guys are gonna go even if we don't, right?

Jin/Sonjo: Yep!

Khan/Skia': *Exasperated sigh* FINE!

Jin: Alright then, Let's do it! *They get back in the car and drive to where they hear constant screaming and explosions.*

Unknown voice 1: (Hmm, these 4 seemed determined to achieve what they want.)

Unknown voice 2: (Do you think that they'll be able to make a difference? I mean, they have no powers, and they aren't all that strong either.)

Unknown voice 3: (That is correct, but they are one of the few left who actually remember and believe in our existence. That alone is enough for both them and us to get by. These 4, while very young and naive, are the keys to the future of this world.)

Unknown voice 1: (Well now, you sure are speaking very highly of people we haven't even met. Is this part of your "ancient wisdom" that only you possess?)

Unknown voice 3: (I know all that there is to know. I possess infinite wisdom, remember?)

Unknown voice 2: (Ugh, you two can be really annoying. But I still prefer you two over the people that forgot all about us. I want to help, but we can't because it doesn't work that way for us.)

Unknown voice 3: (No unfortunately not… But soon we will have our chance to make sure that we are never forgotten about again. We will protect those who need help, and make sure that evil is punished.)

Unknown voice 1: (I hope so, I've been dying to test out my new moves!)

Unknown voice 3: (You fool, we cannot die, we are immortal remember?)

Unknown voice 1: (Ya know for someone who claims to possess "infinite wisdom", you sure have a hard time telling when I use sarcasm and don't -_-.)

Unknown voice 2: (*Sigh* How did I ever get stuck with you?)

(We go back to our 4 friends who are still driving, but have just heard and felt a massive explosion. They rush to the site, but nothing can prepare them for what they are about to see.)

Sonjo: How much longer till we get there?

Jin: Well judging by the volume of the explosions… *BOOOOOOOOOM* I'd say we're almost there!

(It's at this particular moment that Graves and the soldiers have set off a mega-bomb! Leaving a gigantic crater with dead bodies everywhere.) (Start Playing song G Gundam: Kienai Itami Kakusenai Namida)

Jin: We've made it! Now let's help out- *He stops as he and everyone else sees the crater with the dead bodies* No… We're too late. *He drops to the ground with tears running down his face*

Sonjo: What is this? How… How can anybody think this is okay? WHO COULD BE HAPPY ABOUT THIS?! AHHHHHHH!

Khan: You guys, you have to understand that there wasn't a whole lot that we could have done for them. Don't beat yourselves up over something that you couldn't control. Instead, you should point your anger towards the ones that did this.

Skia': Khan is right, you two can be sad about them later. Here they come.

*Graves arrives on the scene with about 50 soldiers behind him. His sinister smile infuriates Jin, as he looks up at him with complete disgust.*

Graves: *EVIL LAUGH* And that my friends is why I am known as Graves. As you can see, there will be plenty of graves to be built thanks to me.

Jin: You monster, look around you! So many have died already!

Sonjo: How could you even enjoy this?!

Graves: No need to cry my friends, you'll all be joining them in a minute!

*He and the soldiers aim their guns at them, and right before he can say fire, Shenrei dashes in, shocking everyone with his speed.* (Play song Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam OST 3 Axis)

Everyone: Wha- WHAT SPEED!

Shenrei: Hmph *Chuckle* they don't call me the "Violet Shock" for nothing. Graves, what the hell have you done?! Have you forgotten that we are in neutral territory?

Graves: Shut up! I'm simply doing what had to be done. These civilians are insubordinate, they refuse to join in and support our war efforts. They were disobedient children who needed to be punished.

Shenrei: You're insane! When Lady Shirina hears about this, she'll have our heads.

Graves: Oh, quite the contrary. She can't find out if there are no witnesses to say what happened. Men, aim for your targets!