NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 1: A New Dawn

*The four of them gasp in horror as they realize this is the end for them.* (Play the song Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 OST Future Gohan's Fate until it ends.)

Sonjo: So… I guess this is it.

Khan: Yeah my best friend, it would appear so. Ya know, we never did get to have that eating contest.

Sonjo: *Chuckles* Heh, you're right, we never did.

Skia': Are you two really having a casual conversation as you are about to die?

Khan/Sonjo: Yeah, and what about it?

Skia': There is a newfound respect for you both. How unfortunate for you that it came so late.

Jin: I'm sorry guys, we wouldn't have ended up in this mess if I hadn't convinced you all to come. This is all my fault…

Skia': Well, not to kick ya while you're down or anything, but you're right. I could still be enjoying my cheesecake, but nooooo!

Khan: You're so toxic, but you have a point.

Jin: You guys suck total balls, but you're one group of friends I'll never trade anything for.

Graves: Taking your final moments to show respect for your friends? How weak and pathetic!

Jin: Well since this is the end, I might as well try something out. (Sarlen, I don't know if you can hear me, or if you're even there. But if you are, please help us. The 4 of us have done nothing wrong, it isn't fair of us to meet an end like this. Please I beg of you… If you are there, please save us, and give us strength!)

Skia': REALLY?! For the last time, we told you that the Sarlen don't exist anymore. And even if they did exist, which they don't, why would they come help us after they sat by and watched all of this happen?

Graves: *Evil laugh* He's so scared, he's praying to the all divine "Sarlen". That won't do anything for you, in the end you'll still die!

Unknown voices: (Jin, you may not be able to see us, but we can hear you. We have heard your cry for help, and we have seen the destruction that has unfolded. It is clear to us that we can no longer sit idly by, we have no choice but to defend the very things that have forgotten us.)

Graves: FIRE!

*It's at this very moment that the dark, gray sky covered in smoke begins to show an opening. And from that opening in the sky a beam of light drops down in the center of the ground. And a beautiful song, one of retribution and a strong desire to protect, can be heard playing.* (FINALLY MADE IT HERE SHEESH!) (Play Street Fighter 5 - Ken's Theme (SFV OST)

Baron Hampton: *Excited* ALRIGHT! I can finally stretch my legs. (Praying mantis joke is obvious)

Graves: *Grunts* And who the hell are you three supposed to be?

Ja'Skaar/C: We are the protectors of the weak. We are the answer to those who cry out for help. We are the Sarlen, and mark our words you will pay dearly for the crimes you have commited!

Shenrei: *Gasp* You… You're the voices who spoke to me earlier… So, you've finally revealed yourselves.

C: Indeed, we revealed to you your truth.

Baron Hampton: UGH! You guys are so boring, time for me to kick things up a notch. Allow me to tell you my name! I am… *Does weird sequences of poses* He who does not allow evil! The champion mantis! The Great Baron Hampton!

*Everyone either falls in the ground in complete disbelief of what they just saw, or stares very confused*

Baron Hampton: Now who are you supposed to be Noob?

Graves: *Angry* You watch your tongue! I am-

Baron Hampton! You sir, belong in a museum!

*The four friends look at each other with sighs of relief, and then Ja'Skaar looks at them.*

Ja'Skaar: Ah Jin and his friends, it's nice to meet you all.

Jin: So you're the woman who spoke to me earlier? You're just as pretty as you sound, especially since you're part cat.

Ja'Skaar: Why thank you darling, but I'm much too old for you.

Sonjo: OOOOOH BURRRNNED! Want some water buddy?

Skia': *Angry* Why the hell did you wait all this time to finally show up? Because of you, so many people died!

C: Are you not the same one who said you did not care, and agreed that they deserved to rot in hell?

Jin: I… I just knew it. You guys are real! SEE? And you 3 spent our whole lives trying to convince me otherwise.

C: Hmmm, they still seem like they lack trust for us. Ja'Skaar, why don't we reward them for their "faith"?

Ja'Skaar: You sure? I mean only Jin here believes, and the "faith" you speak of is pretty non-existent.

C: Don't worry, it'll be fine.

Ja'Skaar: Alright if you insist. You four gather! *They gather around*. Now whatever happens, just know it was Baron's fault.

Baron Hampton: HEY!

*She holds out her hand, and begins to glow with an aura. She then uses her power to surround the four of them in a strange aura. This causes a lot of pain however, and the friends begin to scream. After a few seconds, their screams go from that agonizing pain to pure joy and laughter. A cloud of smoke explodes, revealing the new looks of the 4 of them.* (This would be the part where if we were drawing or had character designs we would reveal them, but that's later on)

(Majin) Khan: Yess this power… You may temporarily call me… Majin Kahn. *Cocky smile and laugh*

Sonjo: Isn't that just Machine gun? You couldn't come up with anything more creative?

(Majin) Khan: HA! I'll show you creativity. Now let's try this again. HUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! *Claps hands together and begins to channel ki* FINAL FLASH!

(I just want to say that yes, I am aware of how many different references there are from other shows, particularly gundam and DBZ. Simply going with what the characters wanted) (The attack takes out 10 soldiers!)

Sonjo: Whoa Khan, that's some hot stuff! But I'll show you what I can do! *He moves at lightning fast speeds, dashing in and out around the soldiers before taking out another 10 soldiers!*

Graves: DAMN YOU! Well don't just stand there, fire at them!

*The soldiers began raining fire upon them, but it's all riposted towards the ground*

Skia': This ends 1 of two ways. You either kill yourselves, or I do.

Shenrei: *GRUNTS* (She's making our soldiers look like complete tools.) I'll deal with them myself, provide cover fire.

Graves: You heard him, FIRE!

Skia': You're big mistake was thinking you had a choice. *She riposte all the bullets and cuts down half of the soldiers*

Shenrei: (If I go past the 3 in the front, I'll have an easy pick on the one who hasn't done anything yet.) *He throws his blade past the 3 of them and then teleports to it, right in front of Jin* GOTCHA! *Ker-slice!*

(He is surprised to see that Ja'Skaar has jumped in the way, and has taken no damage thanks to her special skill.)

Shenrei: What's with that power?!

Ja'Skaar: Surely you realize how out matched you are. Baron, you and Jin deal with him!

*Baron grins very widely, since he's been waiting a long time for a fight.*

Baron: It's about time! There's a lot of praying mantis out there, none of them are this hot though! Jin, time to activate your powers!

Jin: Me? But I don't feel anything, and why wdo you need me? Can't you and your long legs handle this on your own?

Baron Hampton: *He whispers something to Jin. Jin's face goes from that of shock, to pure delight*

Jin: REALLY?! Then why didn't you say anything earlier! (A strange aura glows around him)

C: Well now, that certainly didn't take a lot to make things happen.


*Baron and Jin charge headfirst, and slash and dash through the remaining soldiers and Graves. During this, Shenrei is wounded and Graves loses his right arm.*


Shenrei: Graves you fool! This could have all been avoided, now you're hurt. We have no choice, we must retreat. *He prepares the ship to come get them* Mark my words, you will pay for this, you and all of your friends! *The ship gets them, and then they vanish*