NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 2: No Going Back

(Play the opening songs Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2 Opening ENGLISH and then G Gundam: Unmei no Gong)

(Our episode takes place right after Graves and Shenrei have left. Everyone is currently standing around both in shock, and conversing about what has just happened.)

Sonjo: Uhhhh what just happened?

Khan: I honestly have no clue.

Skia': Well it seems as if we have asserted our dominance. #wurf

Jin: *Looks over to Skia' with a sad and annoyed face* HEY! Quit stealing my lines :(

Skia': No, I don't think I will.

Baron Hampton: HEY! *Looks over with over animated angry faces*

Ja'Skaar: Well, aren't you all just adorable?

Skia': *Turns her attention to Ja'Skaar* Don't think I forgot about you, you almost expired waste of tissue. All of this is still your fault!

C: You know for someone who claims to not care for these mortals, you sure are upset about us being late.

Baron Hampton: Well to be fair guys, we were late. I mean look at all of the glass and fire everywhere… WHICH for some reason has yet to be put out? *Looks around*

Jin: *Sad embarrassed look* Yeah ummm, I'm not willing to burn myself anymore than I already have been.

Ja'Skaar: If you all are done doing absolutely nothing, we have bigger problems to attend to. We clearly have to stop this "Principality" or whoever they are. The four of you are going to help us.

Baron Hampton: Yeah! With the 4 of you helping us, this is gonna be IZI.

Jin: *Looks towards the ground with annoyance* You know between you and Skia', I'm not sure who is worse at stealing my lines. I suppose I'll have to deal with it the entirety of this adventure.

Skia': Yeah well, you can deal with all of that without me.

(Play song Chinkon no Kane mo Narasenai mama) *The group looks with shock and confusion*

Sonjo: Huh? What do you mean?

Skia': I mean that I have no intention of fighting in this war or whatever it is. ESPECIALLY not if it's going to be with these three, I refuse.

Khan: Well, normally I'd say that this would be fine since they have me. But you can't be serious Skia'. We need to stick together,the future is more uncertain than ever now!

Skia': I'll take my chances… Anything is better than being with those three.

Khan: If you were our friend, you wouldn't leave us!

Sonjo: *Looks annoyed and sad* If you were our friend, you would listen to our advice.

Skia': *Looks annoyed* And if you all were my friends, you wouldn't try to convince me to stay where I don't want to be.

Sonjo/Khan: *They look towards Jin* Jin?

Jin: Oh thanks, put this all on me why don't you.

Ja'Skaar: *Smirk* Hmph, not like we need someone to keep lowering the morale of everyone anyway. We'd do much better without your negligence anyway. I say good riddance.

Skia': GO TO HELL! I refuse to put up with any of this anymore. I'm outta here!

*Skia' sprints off angrily in the opposite direction towards the housing part of the city*.

Jin: Wait Skia'!

Baron Hampton: And just like that, she was out of their lives…

Ja'Skaar: Well isn't that just precious? Ahh well… Not like we needed her anyway.

Jin: *Looks toward Ja'Skaar with hatred* Why are you so mean? Do you not have a heart anywhere in you?

Ja'Skaar: I am not mean, I am merely blunt and have no time for your childish and petty sentiments. You'd be wise to act your age child.

C: If you are all done insulting each other, we need to be on our way. It's time for us to go.

Khan: Ummm go where? In case you haven't noticed, the city is pretty much just dust and ashes. And whatever's left are just burnt buildings that haven't fallen.

*Another building proceeds to fall as he points to it*

Khan: Annnnd another one bites the dust. *He says with a cringing face*

Baron Hampton: *He begins to dance around like a weirdo* Ayye that's my jam! Finally someone with some culture.

Ja'Skaar: *Exasperated sigh* Honestly you're all such goofballs.

C: *Exasperated sigh* We've got a long way to go… Come, we should leave.

Sonjo: Wait hold on! What about all of our stuff? You can't honestly expect us to just leave for whatever with you out there all willy nilly. ESPECIALLY without being given the chance to say goodbye to anyone we care about or without our stuff.

C: *Begins to look annoyed* We really don't have time for…

Baron Hampton: *Philosophical look* No no, he's got a point.

C: Alright fine, you may do whatever you need to. But remember that we are at war, so time is of the essence. Meet back here at 7am if you wish to save your world.

Baron Hampton: Oh and don't worry about all of the fires, we'll pull 'em out.

Ja'Skaar: Excuse me, WE? I'm not doing anything without food. I trust you brought the cookies… *She holds out her hand as if to accept payment*

Baron Hampton: *Looks at the invisible camera, then back at her with an annoyed face* Ugh, of course. You know you really are the worst.

Khan: Alllrighty then… Ummm c'mon guys let's go.

Jin: Yeah… We're gonna' go ahead and leave now.

*They get back in their car, and drive to the housing part of Wabba City. They then began to converse about what has happened, what they plan to do, and Skia'.* (Play Song Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMix -Organization XIII- Extended)

Sonjo: Soooo… A war for the sake of the planet?

Khan: Yeah… And to think that not long ago, it was just another day in our lives. Now we've got powers, and Skia' is somewhere.

Jin: Yeah, Skia'... *Jin begins remembering the events that led to her leaving*

Sonjo: But should we even go? I mean what chance do we have against them? Besides a while ago, we don't have anything going for us. I mean, will we even see our families, or Skia' again?

Khan: Well do we even have a choice? I mean, we can't just let the world be destroyed without a fight. This is our home, it's where we grew up and met the people in our lives.

Jin: It's also not an ideal situation. If we join, we have to risk losing everything that we know, including our lives. We'd have to protect not only the world, but the people who shunned us our entire lives. If we don't, then we lose everything. And there is no guarantee on either side that things will be fine. It's almost as if we have to pick our poison, but in the end we'll still die.

Khan: *Looks at Jin with a surprise* Whoa… Where is the Jin we know? Where is all of your optimism? Where is your faith?

Jin: I'm an optimist, but I'm also a realist. You and I both know that we have no real choice here. All we have is the illusion of a choice. Cause' as much as neither of us may want to admit it, we aren't going to let the whole planet be obliterated without having a say in it. And even though I do want the civilians to stay out of this conflict, a deep part of me slightly wants to see them suffer for what they did to us.

Sonjo: Well now… looks like we've reached a decision then.

Khan: You know, you guys don't have to drag things out if you already know what you're gonna do. Well… I guess we should go get ready.

Jin: One more thing guys. Before we go tomorrow morning, I have something I wanna address. I'll do it before we leave tomorrow.

*Sonjo and Khan look with confusion and curiosity*

Sonjo: Oh? And why can't you address it now?

Khan: Yeah I'm kinda wondering the same thing over here.

Jin: Because one, it builds up hype. And two, it'll be easier for you if you have everything ready to go. Trust me, it won't be an easy thing.

Khan: If you say so Jin, I'll take your word for it. Well, cya guys tomorrow!

Sonjo: Cya!

Jin: Catch ya later.