NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 2: No Going Back

*It is now the early dawn, and Jin is awake. He was awoken by his thoughts, and has been bothered by them. Hoping to clear his thoughts, he leaves his house and begins to walk. Eventually, he ends up at a park, where he walks towards a little pond and sits on the grass. He begins to think to himself, when he hears a voice.* (Play song- Kingdom Hearts 2 Roxas extended)

Voice: Look who's finally awake.

Jin: Huh? *He turns and looks up to his left in surprise* Skia'!

Skia': *She takes a brief moment to respond, looks at the pond, and then smirks* Something must be bothering you, it's the only reason you ever come here. *She sees his stuff with him* So, you're going off into the great unknown huh?

Jin: *He begins to close himself up, looking sad and down at his knees* I could ask you the same thing…

Skia': Yeah… I guess so. *She sits down next to him*

Jin: Ya know Skia', I've been thinking about something for a while now. *He looks toward the pond, then towards her* Skia'... Are you really sure that you won't go with us? Is it possible that we can all put our differences aside, just this once, for a greater cause? Me, you, everyone... or is that just wishful thinking?

Skia': *Looks towards him with a straight, truthful glare* Honestly, that's just your wishful thinking. People love to have conflict. They say they don't, but deep down they enjoy it. People can never learn to understand each other, they just don't have it in them.

Jin: *Begins to look disappointed* Y-yeah… you're probably right.

Skia': But the way I see it, it's like this. If there really was a way for everyone to come together and understand each other, then we'd have figured it out by now wouldn't we? And suppose it is true- no…

Jin: *Looks up with a sad but curious face* C'mon, don't leave me hanging. *He sees Skia' hesitant to answer, then looks toward the pond with an expression of confidence* I'll find the answer I'm looking for, I'm sure of it. As long as I believe, I can do it.

Skia': *Scoffs and then looks at him* Oh right… Because "if you believe, you can do anything." Right?

Jin: *Looks towards her smiling* Ahhh, I see you've got it memorized. Looks like I'm finally starting to wear off on you.

Skia': *Looks at him and then smirks* Yeah right, like that'll ever happen! *She gives him a friendly shove as both of them start to laugh*

Jin: *Begins to open himself back up, as he is feeling comfortable and happy now* Man I miss the old times, do you remember them Skia'? The day we met, when we first became friends, you and I sat right here, and gazed at the afternoon sky.

Skia': Yeah, this place is what I call home. You, Sonjo, Khan, you've all certainly given me something to actually wake up for. Hey Jin?

Jin: Yeah?

Skia': *She takes a brief moment, then looks toward him and gives him a hug* Thank you...

Jin: *Is stuck in shock, but then hugs her for about a few seconds* I… The thank you wasn't entirely out of the ordinary, but the hug? That's something I thought I'd never EVER see.

Skia': *Begins to look slightly embarrassed* Well… If we ever meet again, you won't get it out of me a second time.

Jin: Your mind's made up?

Skia': It is, and it would be nice if you refrained from telling anyone about that hug. Doesn't make me look good. *She says with a serious face*

Jin: *He laughs for a bit. Then he stands up, and helps her up as well* Fair, valid point. So, where are you gonna go?

Skia': *Looks with a friendly annoyance* Oh yeah right, like I'd tell you where I'm going. You're just gonna come looking straight for me.

Jin: *Starts laughing* Oh? Like I won't already be finding time to do that.

Skia': *The annoyance turns into a smile, and then a scoff* True enough…

*The sky begins to change colors as the dark blue and orange sky of the dawn, which begins to change into the radiant, bright blue sky of the later morning.*

Jin: *Begins to hold back tears* Well, I should go. Khan and Sonjo are probably waiting for me.

Skia': *Sees the pain in Jin's face, and turns away to not feel more guilt than she already does* Yeah… I guess I should be going too.

*They take a few steps in the opposite directions, and then Jin says one more thing to Skia.*

Jin: *Turns around* Skia'!

Skia: *Turns around, and sees Jin signaling her to get ready to catch something.*

Jin: *Throws a capsule to her, and looks at her look at the capsule with confusion and slight excitement* (at least as much that she can give in a public setting anyway) Take care, Okay?

Skia': *Looks up to see a tear running down his face. She begins to feel more guilt, but does her best to stay strong* Right back atcha, buddy.

*The two turn and go their separate ways. We fast forward to about 30 minutes later, when Jin is almost home again. He had been remembering those events, when he noticed Sonjo and Khan waiting for him in front of their houses. He wipes his face, and puts on his normal smile so that he doesn't worry them. He runs toward them and greets them.* (Now for my personal favorite part of this entire episode, start this off by playing Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX -Sora- Extended [Redux]

Sonjo: Yo Jin, there you are!

*Jin stops running and begins to catch his breath in front of them*

Khan: It's about time you showed up! We were wondering what happened when you didn't answer your door… Huh? *He looks and notices that Jin's eyes are red* Hey Jin, why are your eyes red? Were you up all night or something?

Jin: *Takes a few more seconds to catch his breath, and then answers* Uhh y-yeah that's what happened. Just didn't get much sleep, so I'm a bit tired. I'll be fine though, nothing to worry about.

Khan: Huh… Well alright then. Let's go ahead and get going then.

*They begin walking back towards the city. And for the sake of time and continuity, we're just gonna skip over this, and get right to when they meet up with the Sarlen.*

Baron Hampton: HEEEEY! There they are, what took you guys so long?

Khan: Well we could've been here earlier, but we had to wait on something.

Sonjo: Yep, but we should be all set and ready to go now.

Ja'Skaar: Certainly took you all long enough. I hope you're ready, I have no intent on doing more than what I'm supposed to. But if that's all, then let's go ahead and get go-

Jin: whoa Whoa WHOA! I have something to address before we get going!

(This is the the part I really enjoy)

Ja'Skaar: *Looks over with annoyance* Did you really need to cut me off? That was very rude of you.

Jin: Yes, you'll see why I had to cut you off after this. Sonjo, Khan, are you ready?

Sonjo: *Excited* Alright! Let's see this thing that you needed to address.

Baron Hampton: Wait what? What are you guys plotting? I WANT IN!

Jin: *Chuckles, and then signals everyone to stand back.* Alright everyone, stand back. *They stand back as he throws a capsule on the ground. It explodes and unveils a landing platform.*

C: A landing platform? And what might this be for?

Jin: *Smirks with confidence* You'll see. *He snaps his finger, and soon 3 mechs appear.*

Sonjo/Baron Hampton: WHOOOOOOOOOA!

Ja'Skaar: *Looks angrily disappointed* You wasted our time on some robots?

Jin: *Looks over and speaks with confidence* These "robots" aren't as ordinary as they may seem. They all have special abilities. You said we're gonna be in a war, and these mechs are specifically catered to help give us a fighting chance at least.

Sonjo: Wait just a damn second. How long have you been working on this, and how come you never told us?

Jin: Because I didn't think you guys would care about something like this. I mean Sonjo, growing up all you ever did was talk about how much you hated mechs. Also I've been working on these for years now. I didn't think you'd care about something so trivial as mechs.

Sonjo: Are you kidding? I can easily put aside my hatred for something if it's something that one of my friends' cares about.

Khan: Hmmm, I'm gonna write that one down for later.

Jin: Anywho, I still haven't been able to come up with a name for them yet.

Baron Hampton: *Begins thinking, and then a lightbulb goes off* Well they look like mobile suits of armor… How about just for now, we call them mechs? We can come with a different name later if we need to.

Jin: That'll work!

Khan: They do appear to be very advanced, considering that your aptitude for building things is pretty low Jin. No offense.

Jin: None taken, you're not wrong for saying that so it's fine. OH, and don't forget to read the manuals on how to operate these. They aren't the easiest to use, you'll be much harder to defeat once you learn them. Okay, now we're ready. Sorry to keep everyone waiting.

Ja'Skaar: *Does an angry sigh of relief* It's about damn time, took you long enough.

C: *Exasperated sigh* Why can't you all get along? Alright, let's get going.

*They all begin to walk off towards the Sarlen homeland * (We'll come back to them at a later point, I wanna focus on the other characters too. (Stop playing song Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX -Sora- Extended [Redux] now)