NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 2: No Going Back

(Meanwhile, Shenrei and Graves have returned back to the Norahs Kingdom, He and Graves are speaking with Lady Shirina, while Graves is having his repaired.) (Play song Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain Of Memories -Just Wondering- Extended)

Lady Shirina: Tell me what happened…

Graves: *Speaks with extreme anger and frustration* Those damn bastards attacked us and slaughtered all of my men! All I did was carry out my mission, and then those clowns had to come and ruin it!

Shenrei: *Smirks in a mockish way* What he means to say is that he was attacking civilians in a neutral zone. And that the fool couldn't hold his own against those that could actually fight back.

Lady Shirina: *Looks over at Shenrei* And you Shenrei, what were you doing while all of this was going on?

Shenrei: I was attending to some personal matters, so I put him in charge to take care of the mission. Which if I recall correctly, was meant for RECON and RECON only. Do you get the point I'm making here Graves? I can spell it out more for you, but it'll cost you an arm and a leg.

Graves: *Begins to shout angrily now, using his other arm to point at Shenrei* Hey, I brought that city to its knees! I don't need to take any kind of crap from you! And we could've have taken care of the of those four runts too, if only the Sarlen hadn't-

Lady Shirina: *Leans forward in her chair with anger and shock* What? Did you say the Sarlen?? You mean to tell me that the Sarlen are back?!

Graves: *Begins to look nervous* Look Lady Shirina, I-

Lady Shirina: *Looks forward at Graves with anger and disgust* You let the biggest threat to our reign over the planet live? *She walks over to the table where he is having his arm fixed with a blade* I should cut off your other arm right now!

Graves: *Begins to look even more nervous, gets very tense and worried* Wait Lady Shirina! I can explain, it's not my fault! Your commander here, Shrenrei, he didn't help me at all!

Lady Shirina: Hmph! *Goes back to her throne to sit down* I gave you specific orders to only do recon. So tell me, what else has happened?!

Shenrei: They have declared war on all of the Principality Lady Shirina.

Lady Shirna: *Looks with an annoyed yet not surprised look* Well… I should have expected as much. Perhaps you can redeem yourself for your mistake Mister Graves. Very Well, we are now at war. You all know what to do! Start acquiring all of our military needs!

Shenrei: *Looks with a bit of surprise* Uh Lady Shirina if I may, we have a lot of men that are inexperienced or have little to no skill. Are you sure we are ready for this?

Lady Shirina: You mentioned these "four runts" earlier?

Shenrei: *Looks over at Graves with the corner of his eye* Well it was more so him, not me.

Lady Shirina: Well do these four have any skill to speak of?

Shenrei: Well, they received some sort of powers from the Sarlen. But it seems as if they have no understanding of how to control them, or even the full extent of their capabilities. Neither do we for that matter, so we're going off conjecture here.

Lady Shirina: *Smirks confidently and throws her arm out (ya know like when someone is getting ready to do an attack in an anime, but this time no attack lolz)* Well then, they should make virtually no difference in this upcoming war. As for the Sarlen, we will finish them off once and for all! You are dismissed Shenrei, I want you to start getting our soldiers ready. They must be ready for anything.

Shenrei: *Bows* Understood, I'll begin right away. *He leaves and exits the throne room as the doors close behind him. He walks down a hallway when he hears a female voice.* (Switch to song Beginning by Daisuke Inoue )

Voice: C-Captain… Is that you?

Shenrei: Hm? *He looks around and sees a figure coming out of the shadows and into the light of the hallway, stepping in front of him.* Oh, it's you Lalah. I thought you were watching the soldiers do their daily workouts?

Lalah: *Looks at Shenrei shy* I was… But I heard that you were coming back captain, I wanted to see you.

Shenrei: Ah I see… And you know that I'm a commander now right? How come you still call me captain?

Lalah: It helps make you much more recognizable to me. I've been your apprentice for so long, and you were only named commander recently.

Shenrei: *Looks confused and then laughs* You certainly have grown a lot over these past few years. You've gotten taller, and your hair much longer. Have you been treated well in my absence?

Lalah: *Looks down at the ground in a shy manner* Yes, although some have been giving me some problems because they found out that I was your apprentice.

Shenrei: *He looks with a slightly annoyed face* I suspected as much, you seemed like something was bothering you. Hey I have an idea, how about you come with me while I go prepare the soldiers? You can tell me all about the fun you've had while we're out there.

Lalah: Yes captain, I'll go if you desire my presence. I'd do anything for the one who saved my life, and gave it purpose.

Shenrei: Well c'mon then, we have a war to prepare for. *The two continue walking down the hallway, and headout into the field. It's then that the camera cuts to a shot of the Planet that everyone is fighting for, Sarina. And thus concludes Episode 2. (Stop playing song Beginning by Daisuke Inoue )

(Play song G Gundam: Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru) NEXT TIME ON… Nah nah nah I'm just playing lolz. Thanks again for taking the time to read this. Don't forget to let me know if you have any suggestions for songs and ideas for new characters. As always, feedback is always appreciated, and helps make this funny idea for an anime have better writing than a show with bad writing at times, like say Naruto or Dragon ball. (Let's be honest, they both have had REALLY bad writing segments.) Anywho the song should be over now, so thank you once again. Remember to have a good day, and tomorrow can always be better. And as always, I'll cya next time! (Play song for History's Strongest Desciple Kenichi Ending 4 for 1 minute and 45 seconds)

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)