NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 3: Defenders of the Future

EDN: Thanks for taking the time to read this crazy work of art that could possibly blow up. (that'd be pretty cool) As usual, you can expect some new places, a bit of action, and some more character development. And of course, who could forget about some new songs? This episode will be more on building up our characters, and showing a bit more of their personality. Play the opening songs (DBZ Budokai 2 opening and then the G Gundam: Unmei no Gong)

Narrator: Our story continues where we last off, with our heroes walking towards the Sarlen homeland . Meanwhile, Shenrei has reunited with his apprentice Lalah, and they have begun to prepare their forces. Will our 3 friends find their place in this homeland? And just what sort of threat will they be facing? (Play song Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain Of Memories -Just Wondering- Extended)

C: *Begins to hmmm and sigh, as if in deep thought* Hmm…

Ja'Skaar: Huh? Is something the matter C?

C: I… I feel a great disturbance.

Ja'Skaar: A disturbance? What do you mean? *She looks with confusion and concern*

C: I am not entirely sure what it is, but I've felt it ever since we made our return. It feels like a dark, and terrible entity.

*Baron uses his mantis legs to jump right in the middle of the conversation… literally*

Baron Hampton: Not to be intrusive or anything, but what you're describing almost sounds like a demon of sorts.

Ja'Skaar: *Looks annoyed at Baron* Ah Baron, how very kind of you to excuse yourself, and apologize for intruding.

C: If you two would let me finish! At first, the feeling was only faint, so I thought nothing of it. But after we made our return, I could no longer ignore it. The dark feeling I felt back there, it resembles that of something I felt long ago.

Baron Hampton: And yet not entirely the same?

C: *Shakes to signal no*

Baron Hampton: Do you think… Do you think it has something to do with the four of them?

Ja'Skaar: *Looks with annoyance, then closes her eyes and shrugs* I wouldn't be surprised one bit if it did. I still feel that there's something off about them.

Baron Hampton: So then, what now?

C: *Thinks for a few seconds, and then responds* We wait, see what develops. It is not sensible to put ourselves into trouble off of conjecture.

Ja'Skaar: Okay fine then, as long as I don't have to keep an eye on them.

C: I don't think you would, even if you wanted to.

Baron Hampton: *Does generic anime anger pose* You're telling me! I had to give her cookies just to get her to help us out!

Ja'Skaar: *Smirks and shrugs* You're just mad I used my intelligence to benefit myself greatly.

C: Well in any case, it'd do us good to be discreet. There's no telling of how they'll handle it if they were to ever find out about our suspicions. *Notices the three of them having their own conversation* (the camera pans over to them briefly)

Jin: So what do you think their homeland is like?

Sonjo: I think it'll be full of all sorts of advanced technologies!

Khan: How? Aren't they supposed to be like really ancient beings, or something like that?

Jin: Perhaps, but what's to say they can't possess the technological advances that we have gotten, and then some?

Sonjo: See? Jin gets it!

Khan: I find it more likely that it's full of ancient stones, and other ancient things of that nature.

Sonjo: Sort of like elves in a sort of sense?

Jin: I guess. Well in any case, I hope there's more than just the three of them. I require socialization, and it'd be really awkward with only six people.

Khan: I feel you on that. We don't even know what exactly their homeland is, or where for that matter.

Jin: *Begins to look exhausted* Hopefully we get there soon, I'm getting tired of carrying all of this stuff. Who the hell thought it'd be a good idea to make this stuff heavy? *Looks at screen*

(Stop playing the song. It's at this moment that they notice that Baron, C, and Ja'Skaar have stopped walking. The three Sarlen turn around and look at the three of them, all of them standing in front of a portal)

C: This is it, we have finally reached the portal. Are you ready?

Jin: Ready for what?

C: Beyond this point, there is no more coddling. You are not going to be pampered or treated like children here. Know that we are at war, and trying to abandon or harm any of us in any way, will result in your demise. What lies beyond is not only our homeland, but a different life as you know it. This is the point of no return, will you step forward?

(The three friends look so that they have seen each other at least once to ensure they are on the same page. They then turn to C, and nod yes in sync)

C: Then it is settled. The time has come for you to see the Sarlen homeland.

(They all walk through the portal, and into a bright light. The three friends cover their eyes so as to not be blinded by them. After being nudged, they realize that they can open up their eyes. And what they see is absolutely breathtaking to say the least. Play song Naruto's Daily Life and loop until stated otherwise)

Jin/Sonjo: WHOOOOA!

C: This is the Sarlen Homeland.

Baron Hampton: *Smiles* Where there are plenty of trees, lots of natural landmarks, a really big city, and plenty of food!

Ja'Skaar: Thank goodness for that. I do not intend to share any of this, even if we are in a war.

C: How very kind of you two to give us such a heartwarming welcome. In any case though, they're right.

Sonjo: Amazing! We truly are lucky to be seeing such sights.

Khan: Hmm, now I have something over about 95% of the world.

Jin: *Looks around in shock and amazement* So… beautiful.

Ja'Skaar: Yes yes, I'm well aware of the beauty that I possess.

Jin: I was talking about your homeland, get over yourself.

Baron Hampton: *Plays asleep after hearing the burn* Well that if nothing else, evened up the score. OOOOOOOF!

C: Now that the formalities are out of the way, you are all free to do whatever you wish. I do, however, need to speak to Ja'Skaar.

Ja'Skaar: *Looks angry* Huh? Didn't you just say that we were all free to do whatever we wished?

C: Yes, but I still need to speak with you on an urgent matter. Don't worry, I already got the shepherd's pie waiting for you.

Ja'Skaar: Is that so? Fine then, I'll hear what you have to say.

C: In the meantime Baron, would you mind giving them a tour and showing them where they'll be staying?

Baron Hampton: *Does generic anime pose* No problem, there's no one more suited for this task than me.

C: Alright then, I'll leave it to you. Everyone will have the rest of the day to themselves. You may do whatever you want, but we must meet tomorrow. You will find a note elaborating on what I mean when you get to your homes. But other than that, you are free to go.

Baron Hampton: ALRIGHT! Let's get things started! C'mon, let me show you guys around.