NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 3: Defenders of the Future

*Baron shows them all around. Showing off some of the many sights and making the occasional stop.*

Baron Hampton: And here we have the ramen shop! Here, we have a fine selection of-

Jin: *Interrupts Baron* Wait timeout, you guys have a ramen shop?

Khan: Yeah, I was kinda wondering the same thing myself.

Baron Hampton: And what's wrong with that? Oh I see… You think that just because we're ancient, that we can't enjoy fine cuisines and foods huh?

Sonjo: Well… Yeah? I mean, were y'all even around for some of these things to begin with?

Baron Hampton: *Does Baron praying mantis dance and pose* Nonsense! We are more than capable of acquiring the more exoctic things in life!

Jin: *Facepalms with an insurmountable amount of cringe* I- I can't even believe we're having this conversation right now.

Sonjo: Me either.

Baron Hampton: *Clears throat* Yes, well, let's just continue.

*They keep going around, and Baron shows them some of the natural landmarks, and other things we'll get into later. Eventually they get to their new homes.* (At this point you can let the song play out, or wait to start the next one)

Baron Hampton: This is it, your new homes!

Khan: Oooh okay I see we get those advanced and stylistic homes. Okay okay I like it, I like it!

Sonjo: This is niiice! Now I can have something to brag about... If we ever make it out of this alive that is.

Jin: I'm going to go ahead and call this worth teehee.

Baron Hampton: Well that takes care of that, I'll leave ya to it. I'll see y'all tomorrow.

(After everyone says their parting words, they all go into their houses. The camera pans and shows the sunset, and the twilight turn to nightfall. And as usual, our MC Jin is having trouble sleeping peacefully because for some reason this man just can't catch a break. However this time, he is having a strange dream, in a strange land. As he is venturing through the dreamland however, he stumbles upon a completely barren wasteland. He then covers his face as the wind blows sand, preventing him from being able to see. After the sand passes, he sees a mysterious figure. It remains still, and appears to be unable to speak or move. But then a metallic wind like sound can be heard, and then it speaks) (Play Kingdom Hearts 1.5 OST Enigmatic Man Theme (Disappeared)

Mysterious figure: *whuuuuuuuuuur* (that's supposed to be the sound of wind blowing through heavy metal, cut me some slack damn it) (Who… are you?)

Jin: *Stands in confusion...*

Mysterious figure: *whuuuuuuuuuur* (So, you cannot tell me… It matters not, formalities are not needed here.)

*The mysterious figure does a mind glance and sees the memories of Jin* *whuuuuuuuuuur* (I see, you're special too.) *It begins charging energy.*

Jin: *Looks angry* What's that supposed to mean? *He gasps as the mysterious figure fires off a blast of energy at him . It is then that his mech jumps in the way to block the attack with its shield.*

Mysterious figure: *whuuuuuuuuuur* (It means you are incomplete. You are not whole.) *whuuuuuuuuuur* (I sense a great deal of power within you.)

Jin: Incomplete? And what power? *Looks at the mech still in a defensive position*

Mysterious figure: *It slowly gets up and begins channeling power to its' hands* *whuuuuuuuuuur* (Allow me to test your strength)

Jin: *Clenches his fist close to heart, and closes his eyes. He then hops inside the mech and pulls out the sword.* Alright, let's do it!

(The two begin to fight. And right from the get go, it's evident that Jin is gonna have to muster all he can if he hopes to stand a chance. They began with several clashes, each showing Jin a glimpse of what is to come.)

Jin: *Grunts* (Damn, this thing moves fast. I won't be able to keep up with strength alone, I better use the beam rifle.) *He jumps back high and into the air, aiming his rifle* (I just need to line up the shot… THERE!) *PEW PEW PEW*

(The mysterious figure deflects the shots away, while charging at Jin. It knocks him down to the ground with a powerful strike.)

Jin: *Begins to get annoyed while, constantly flying around to dodge the attacks* (It's able to keep up with me? Just what is this thing? I've got a bad feeling about this.)

(For the sake of time, I'll speed up the scene a bit. Just know that the mysterious figure is toying with Jin by holding back, but using enough strength to still beat him, all the while annoying Jin.)

Mysterious figure: *whuuuuuuuuuur* (You have potential, but you lack skill. You cannot provide me with a real challenge, this battle is over.)

Jin: What'd you say?! *Begins to get angry, and a bright, colorful aura surrounds Jin. His eyes also change colors as well* Why you, don't underestimate me! *He charges with his sword and shield with such force, that the impact causes a giant crater. The smoke soon clears, and Jins' eyes, and the aura begin to fade away.* (Stop playing the song)

Mysterious figure: *whuuuuuur* (Yes, that's it.)

Jin: *Looks angrily confused* Huh?

Mysterious figure: *whuuuuuuur* (That was quite an impressive display. This will be enjoyable.)

Jin: *Still looks angrily confused* What are you talkin' about?

Mysterious figure: *Jumps back to gain distance* *whuuuuuuur* (It is far beyond your comprehension for now.)

Jin: *Now extremely annoyed, he charges the mysterious figure.* QUIT THE GAMES! *He tries to attack the mysterious figure, but it teleports behind him.*

Mysterious figure: *whuuuuuuur* (Until we meet again…)

Jin: WAIT! What are you- *He stops as the wind picks up, covering his vision*

Mysterious figure: *whuuuuuuuuuur* (I am… a pawn of time itself.)

*After everything clears up, the mysterious figure disappears, and Jin is confused by what he saw. Not being able to understand, he flies off in his mech. The story picks back up with our heroes, where they planned to meet up.* (Switch back to Kingdom Hearts: Just Wondering.)