NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 4: The Start of a War!

EDN: (This episode introduces new characters and our new ending song)

Narrator: Following the events of episode 3, our heroes have begun their training. Their first real test is coming up, and there's a feel of confidence in the air. But being surrounded by a new setting, and new faces, can everyone come together and fight as one? Or will differences divide and conquer them before the enemy even gets a chance? (Play episode opening songs DBZ Budokai 2 Opening and then G Gundam: Unmei no Gong.)

(Play Naruto OST: Naruto's Daily life on loop)

Baron Hampton: Alright, now before we begin, I feel like introductions are in order. Everyone already knows me, so why don't we start with the ladies first? You there, how about you start us off? *Points to one of the girls*

Roux: *Looks annoyed and uninterested in anything going on* My name is Roux, and I am 22 years of age. You pronounce my name like how you would say rude, but without the d.

Sonjo: *Snickers* Without the d huh? Ya know, I'd be more than happy to help you with your Vitamin D deficiency. *Snickers and gives Khan a high five*

Roux: *Gives death stare and holds knife* Keep it up, and you'll have a major Vitamin D deficiency for the rest of your life.

Sonjo: *Covers crotch and looks extremely uncomfortable and nervous* Uh… Yeah you got it! No problems here!

Roux: *Stops looking at Sonjo, and notices Jin looking at her through the corner of her eye*

Baron Hampton: *Rolls on the floor laughing* Ohhh this is gonna be interesting, I can already tell! Alright then, who's next?

Fadra: *Looks nervous* Uh Hi… My name is Fadra. I am 19 years of age, and I am an aspiring medic.

Baron Hampton: *Smiles* Ah yes, always nice to see you again Fadra. (Remember that Baron is a well known Sarlen). Alright we have just one more, then we can transition over to the guys.

Kira: Hey everyone. My name is Kira, and I'm 15 years of age, which makes me one of the youngest among you. I've spent a great deal of my life training in recon, and have some knowledge in medicine. I also have a brother, and he's right here. *Walks over to him and points to show*

Zach: That's right, Kira here is my sister. And just like Kira, I'm pretty smart as well. Back in our neighborhood, people used to call me a techno-freak. *Laughs with embarrassment* I also know how to build, and repair things.

Baron Hampton: GREAT! You two are gonna be very helpful to us, we appreciate you both. Alright, we've just got a few more, and then we're done.

Alex: My name is Alex, and I am 17 years of age. There really isn't much to know about me, but I can cook mega well. There isn't anything that I can't cook.

Sonjo: I'm Sonjo, and I'm 22. I'm originally from Planet Earth, but I moved to Sarina when I was around 5. Khan and Jin here are my best friends.

Khan: Khan's the name, constantly being better than Sonjo is the game. In all seriousness, I'm 21, and I'm originally from Earth.

Jin: *Still looking at Roux* Huh? Oh uh... right! I'm Jin, and I'm 20. The only thing anyone really needs to know about me is that I want peace and for people to be happy. Oh, and I'm from Earth as well.

Baron Hampton: Everyone, these are the faces you will be seeing for the foreseeable future. So let's all try to get along, at least for the sake of Ja'Skaar so she doesn't kill anyone. *Sigh* Welp if there are no more introductions, then we can beg-

(Play Naruto OST- Fooling Around)

Ayumi: A1! A1! A1! A1! A1! A1! *Runs up to everyone and announces herself* My name is Ayumi, and don't you forget it!

Baron Hampton: *Does exasperated sigh* This is my younger sister, and let HER tell you that she's a "steak".

Ayumi: *Does generic anime, anger pose while pointing at herself* Don't be rude Baron! I'm a steak because I'm A1, and I'm the best!

*Everyone groans after hearing the cringe*

Baron Hampton: *Annoyed expression* Ayumi, what are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay home!

Ayumi: *Laughs mockingly* You did, but I thought I'd join you out here. I wanna join in on the fun too!


Ayumi: Blah blah blah guns! Blah blah blah pride! Blah blah blah fighting! BLAH BLAH BLAH!

Baron Hampton: *Exasperated sigh* Well since you won't leave, how about you make yourself useful and go see if Ja'Skaar needs help with anything. Go help her out, and MAYBE I'll consider training you.

Ayumi: Okay fine! But you had better keep your end of the bargain. Oh Ja'Skaar! *She runs off in the other direction*

Baron Hampton: *SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH* Alright, now that there are no more interruptions, we can FINALLY get the training underway!

Jin: Umm question… Why is your sister in the mindset that she's a steak? (EDN: No, I'm not even kidding. She is literally a steak. I wish I was kidding, but she's a T-bone steak… this show just gets weirder and weirder)

Sonjo: Yeah, she looks like a normal person to me.

Roux: *Annoyed* Looks can be deceiving. She clearly lacks nutrition to her brain, just like her older brother…

Baron Hampton: 1: Ouch! That was both uncalled for, and brutal. And 2: Don't ask me! Either ask the powers that be or ask the damn creator of the show. *Looks at camera*

Khan: Riiight… Anyway, can we train now?

Baron Hampton: YES! CUE THE MUSIC!

(Play [Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood] Scandal - Shunkan Sentimental (Full lyrics))

Baron Hampton: We'll start with hand-to-hand combat. One must know how to fight with, and without weapons if they are to survive. Everyone team up!

*They all team up and began to spar.*

Jin: I have to say, there's something about this music that makes me feel stronger.

Khan: You're telling me! It's like there's something within that motivates us.

Sonjo: Makes me feel like we're heroes! DEEEEEETROOOOIT SMASH!

Jin: *Looks at him with confusion* Huh? Where did that come from?

Khan: Yeah bro, are you sure you're alright in the head?

Sonjo: Y-yeah of course! Sorry, the music kinda took control of me for a brief second. *Nervous chuckle*

*Eventually Baron Signals for them to stop and switch to another exercise*

Baron Hampton: Good! Now, the next exercise is for teamwork. The goal is simple, you just need to capture this bag of golden fruit, and bring it to me. The team to successfully do this, will be the winner. I'll split you up into two teams, let's all do our best!

(And here would be the part where I show a training exercise, but uh ya know… :( )