NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 4: The Start of a War!

Baron Hampton: Good job everyone, very good! Now let's move on to- *He stops as he sees someone running towards them*

Capt. Maeko: Baron! Baron!

Baron Hampton: Hm? Ahh Capt. Maeko! Everyone, this is Capt. Maeko, he's our captain for well, ya know. He's quite the thrill seeker for someone who claims to prefer playing it safe.

Capt. Maeko: BARON, I NEED YOU TO COME QUICK! IT'S A CODE MEGATON! (Play Code Lyoko- William Theme (2017 Remastered Full Version)

Baron Hampton: WHAT?! *He gasps in shock and horror, then immediately takes off in the direction where Capt. Maeko came from*

Roux: *Looks curious* Ummm, I don't think I've ever seen him that nervous, or in such a hurry. At least about anything that wasn't girl related… What the hell is going on here?

Kira: *Looks nervous* Capt. Maeko, could you please tell us what's going on?

Capt. Maeko: We're under attack!

Everyone: *They all GASP with the same shock and horror that they saw from Baron* WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!


Alex: *Looks confused* That's because no one SHOULD be able to find this place!

Jin: What's more, How did they prepare so quickly? Didn't we take down a lot of their soldiers during our first encounter?! *Begins getting upset*

Khan: We had to have taken out at least 50 of them! They must've had much more than we were expecting.

Roux: *Looks at them* Wait, so you've seen the enemy? And you didn't bother to tell us?

Capt. Maeko: We can argue about all of this later, right now we need to fend off their attacks! C'mon this way!

*They all begin running to try and catch up to Baron. The camera cuts to Baron still running. As he runs, he becomes more and more angry and gets lost in his thought*

Baron Hampton: *Running and breathing heavily* C'mon, please let me make it in time! Ja'Skaar, C, Ayumi… Nothing had better happen to any of you! *Speeds up from adrenaline and anger* DAMN IT! How did they even know where we were?!

(The screen flashes back to about 20 minutes earlier, back to Norahs where the Principality resides. Stop playing the song.)

*Shenrei and Lalah watch the soldiers continue their training, while chatting*

Shenrei: So, how do you like watching the soldiers train Lalah?

Lalah: It's quite enjoyable Captain. They seem really dedicated to the cause of the Principality. You've certainly inspired them… Hey Captain?

Shenrei: *Glances over at Lalah* Hmm?

Lalah: Why do you do it?

Shenrei: Why do I do what?

Lalah: Why do you fight? There's no point to any of it. Fighting doesn't solve anything, it only creates more violence.

Shenrei: Uhh well… Besides the obvious reason being that I have too, I fight because I want to know the truth.

Lalah: The truth captain?

Shenrei: *Looks at the soldiers training* Look at them. Some of them are here because they believe they carry the will of Lady Shirina. Others are here simply because they wish to protect what is dear to them. I'm looking for a truth, a truth that I can only find from fighting.

Lalah: I see... How long do you think it'll be until you fight what you're looking for?

Shenrei: Very soon I hope, very soon indeed. *His watch beeps signaling that he has received a message. It says "Commander Shenrei, Lady Shirina has requested that you come to the throne room immediately. There's information that requires you to be there."

Shenrei: Hmm… Well, I guess I have to get going now. Responsibilities and duty calls. Lalah, why don't you come with me?

Lalah: Captain, are you sure?

Shenrei: Yes, Lady Shirina hasn't had the chance to you yet. This would be a good chance for you to meet her.

Lalah: *Looks nervous* Well if you think I should go then I…

Shenrei: Don't worry. They might be annoying, but they do anything.

Lalah: Okay… T-thank you Captain.

Shenrei: C'mon, we'd better get going. Lady Shirina can be a real pain if she's kept waiting.

(Play song Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam OST 3 Axis on loop) *They enter the throne room to the military fanfare. Shenrei and Lalah walk up to the throne and bow and then rise*

Shenrei: We are here Lady Shirina.

Lady Shirina: Yes, thank you for coming Commander. But who is this young lady with you? Her outfit is hurting my eyes.

Shenrei: This here is Lalah, I've taken her under my wing as you can see.

Lady Shirina: Is that so? And you never thought once to get her something more appealing to wear?

Shenrei: I assure you, the clothes are nothing in the grand scheme of things. Besides, she possesses amazing intellect.

Lady Shirina: Well now, is that so? Well, she must be pretty special for you to have taken her under your wing.

Shenrei: So then, what's this important information that you've called me here to tell me?

Lady Shirina: Patience Commander, our scout team should be here any moment with the news. AHH! And here they are now, fresh off of their mission.

*A member from the scout team barges in the throne room without permission*

Scout Team Member: My Lady, Commander, please forgive my intrusion!

Lady Shirina: Intrusion forgiven, so long as you tell me what you've found.

Scout Team Member: Lady Shirina, we've found it!

Lady Shirina: You know I dislike vague statements, now tell me what you have found!

Scout Team Member: We've found where they're hiding! We've found their homeland!

*They gasp, and then begin to look serious again*

Lady Shirina: Are you certain? You know that lying to me is a huge crime and is punishable by death, right?

Scout Team Member: Yes ma'am, I am quite certain!

Shenrei: So then, what would you have us do?

Lady Shirina: *Does evil laugh* It would seem we have fortunes' favor. This IS our lucky day. We will launch an attack! Shenrei, prepare the forces to leave right away.

Shenrei: Yes Lady Shirina, finally a chance for some payback!

Lady Shirina: *Laughs* Oohhh you're funny! Shenrei, I want you to stay here. You will not be going out for this mission.

Shenrei: *Gasp in anger and shock* What?! But why? Is our goal not to win this war?

Lady Shirina: It is, but we must also test our forces. If we send you out there, it'd be far too easy for them to rely on you. We need them to be good with or without you, if we want to win.

Shenrei: Tch…

Lalah: It's alright captain, we can just watch the battle once they begin recording it.

Shenrei: Wait, you mean you can send people to record the battles while we watch back here?

Lady Shirina: But of course! I can do anything that I want, or have you forgotten? *Winks*

Shenrei: *Blushes* Tch whatever, I'll go get them ready for battle. Lalah, let's go.

*They leave and then go back to the field and inform the troops* (Play Code Lyoko- William Theme (2017 Remastered Full Version but start at 30 seconds)

Shenrei: Alright men, you are getting ready to attack the enemy. Be on your guard, you have never been to this place before. Caution is going to be of the utmost importance. You men have what it takes to be great, now is your chance to prove yourselves to Lady Shirina. Go, and make war your own!

*They all board their battleships and then prepare for takeoff.* They get one final salute from Commander Shenrei, and then take off. The camera pans back to Jin and everyone else, about 20 minutes later. (or present time)

Jin: *Running angrily* (DAMN! These guys are really annoying. How could I have been so foolish to think we'd have a moment of peace? Grrrrrr….)

Roux: *Slows down to run beside Jin, who's fairly behind everyone else* Get a grip! You won't get anywhere if you're too angry to think straight.

Jin: *Snaps out of his thoughts and sees Roux running beside him*

Roux: If you're going to be angry, then you should be angry at the enemy, not yourself. Blaming yourself won't help you survive.

Jin: *Looks to the ground to quickly think about what she said, then looks back at her and agrees* Alright, thanks Roux.

Roux: The enemy, you said you've seen them before right?

Jin: Y-Yeah. They blew up our city, and many civilians died because of it.

Roux: I see, that's very unfortunate. *Pauses for a moment* First to five.

Jin: *Looks at Roux confused* Huh?

Roux: The enemy is likely to have a big fleet of ships. First one to shoot down 5 of their ships wins.

Jin: *Confident grin* Alright you're on!

Roux: *Thinks to herself* (Hmm if that's all it takes, I'm getting off easy. You haven't changed at all, have you?)