NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 4: The Start of a War!

Jin: *Wakes up breathing heavily, then slows down his breathing.*

Baron Hampton: Look who's finally decided to wake up.

Jin: *Looks and sees Baron* Baron? But how? I thought that- *He remembers what happened and tries to sit up before his body painfully forces him back down from exhaustion.* Sonjo and Khan, where are they?

Baron Hampton: Hey take it easy, your friends are going to be fine. They're each in their rooms resting. You all passed out from exhaustion. You won't be moving around much, you've used up a lot of energy. Since you can't move right now, I'll explain everything to you. (Earlier back to when they were fighting the ground troops.)

Ja'Skaar: Are you absolutely sure this plan will work?

Baron Hampton: Of course, it's foolproof. You wanna test your suspicions, don't you? Well this is as good a chance.

Ja'Skaar: Hmph, trying to exploit my weakness huh? How utterly evil, I like it. (Play Naruto OST- Fooling Around)

*Baron and Ja'Skaar take a bunch of attacks and pretend to be severely wounded. Then, they allow themselves to be put in cuffs, and taken away. After they see that Jin and them have passed out, they take out the entire air and ground fleet almost instantly. (Back to present time)

Baron Hampton: And that's just about everything in a nutshell.

Jin: *Looks surprised and confused* Wait… But if you could do all that? Then why do you have scratches all over you?

Baron Hampton: These? Oh I moved so fast that I used their weapons to inflict the scratches so that they thought they were actually hurting us. Whole time we were giving them false hope. (Stop playing the song)

Jin: *Looks at Baron with feelings of resentment and dismay* How could you… You mean you toyed with our lives just to test us? You gave them our location just to see how we'd do on our own?!

Baron Hampton: Oh, I didn't give them our location. I don't know who did that, that wasn't part of my plan. (Play the song Mobile Suit Gundam OST- Prayer for Peace)

Jin: *Looks even more shocked, not sure what to make of everything he just heard*

Baron Hampton: Welp that takes care of that, get some rest Jin! *Leaves Jin's room*

Jin: *Looks shocked, and then just puts his head back down. He closes his eyes to try and get some sleep. Then he hears someone knock on his door, so he invites them in.*

Sonjo: Hey! Looks like we all made it out okay.

Khan: If by okay you mean exhausted and hurt, then yeah! We came out just FINE.

Jin: Well I see your humor came back in one piece. But guys, there's something I have to tell you! It's about-

Sonjo: *Cuts him off* Yeah, we already know. He told me when I woke up, and then I went to tell Khan. But I guess he had told him by the time I was able to get up.

Khan: *Visibly angry* I don't like what they did. That's the second time they've taken advantage of us like that, we all could've died!

Jin: But if it wasn't Baron that gave away our location, then who was it?

Sonjo: I don't know, and that's what really concerns me.

Khan: It seems like there's a traitor somewhere on this ship. Whoever they are, we need to find out who they are, before they get us all killed.

Jin: *Thinking to himself* (Why does this keep happening to us? Is it not enough that we help them fight? They have to try and humiliate us? At this rate, it'll only be a matter of time before they get one of us killed.)

(Play the episode ending songs G:Gundam Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and SAO Ending 1)

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)