NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 5: A Dangerous Power Unleashed!

Narrator: Following the events of episode 4, Jin and his friends find themselves fighting two battles. Having their trust broken multiple times, Jin and his friends become skeptical about why they are even needed. When a major event causes even more tension, a major rift is formed between everyone. (Play DBZ Budokai 2 Opening and then G Gundam: Unmei no Gong) The story picks up right where episode 4 ended. Jin, Sonjo, and Khan are having a conversation about what has happened.

(Play song Chinkon no Kane mo Narasenai mama)

Jin: You really think that there's a traitor somewhere on this ship?

Khan: Yeah I do, I mean let's think about it this way. It couldn't have been any of us, we don't have anything to gain from betraying anyone. On top of that, we were forced into this war.

Sonjo: He makes a good point Jin. If not for that attack, we'd be living our normal lives

Jin: Baron said that it wasn't him. As strange as it seems, I kind of believe him.

Khan: Can we really believe anything they say though?

Sonjo: They don't even believe in us as is, so why should we believe them?

Jin: Look, despite everything that's happened so far, Baron has consistently been the nicest one out of the three of them. That being said, that doesn't really mean that much.

Sonjo: That's an interesting point, the three of them aren't exactly the greatest people.

Khan: And they don't seem to care all that much either. Alright, let's try to wrap this up. We don't need them to be any more suspicious of us than they already are.

Jin: Personally I think that it's either Ja'Skaar or C, they're such shifty characters.

Sonjo: I think it's them too, but it's too early to rule anyone out.

Khan: At this point, anyone that isn't us is a suspect.

Jin: As much as I may not want to, I do agree with you. So, anyone got any ideas on how to handle this?

Sonjo: Well let's see… If we actively search or let them know that we know, then it'd be pointless.

Khan: But if we do nothing and let it play out, the traitor might reveal themselves. Time does reveal everything.

Jin: Cool, sounds like we're in agreement. We'll play our cards properly and wait for them to reveal themself.

(Meanwhile, outside of the ship where everyone else is…)

C: Okay, you civilians are good to go now.

Civilian: *Looks nervous* But is it safe to stay here? I mean, they just found out where we live, when no one has ever been able to do that.

C: I assure you, you're perfectly safe here. Or at least safer than you would be on the ship with us.

Kira: *Smiles for reassurance* Don't worry, we'll end this war as quickly as possible for you all.

Alex: *Stands next to positioned troops* To help you all feel better, we'll have some troops stay here just for your maximum security.

Civilian: Ah you young folk are so full of energy! Bless your soul, win for us please.

*They wait until all the civilians exit the ship and then close the hatch. Kira and Capt. Maeko head to the bridge.* (Play Just Wondering- Kingdom Hearts:ReCOM)

Kira: Capt. Maeko?

Capt. Maeko: Yes Kira?

Kira: I wanted to discuss something that was found on the radar. *She pulls up the radar on the screen* It's the enemy sir, there are still some ships relatively close by. You know it's only a matter of time before they try again.

Capt. Maeko: Before what?

Kira: Before they launch another attack, it's only a question of time sir.

Capt. Maeko: Kira, why do you think that enemy hasn't tried to attack us yet?

Kira: It could be that they're still unsure of our capabilities.

Capt. Maeko: Or perhaps they used up a lot of supplies in that last attack.

Kira: But…

Capt. Maeko: But… It may be a plan to make us think they're in trouble.

Zach: *The radar beeps* It looks like another ship is approaching the enemy fleet.

Kira: Is it reinforcements?

Zach: I can't be sure, there's only one ship. They'll link in 10 minutes.

Alex: Maybe it's exactly as Kira said.

Capt. Maeko: No, we can't assume anything. What if it's another ship filled with missiles and munitions?

Kira: But if they're trying to resupply, then wouldn't this be the best time to attack?

Capt. Maeko: You want to risk an attack?

Kira: Well, would you rather have THEM strike first?

Capt. Maeko: We hardly have anyone experienced on this ship as is, so we'd get completely wrecked. Zach, how long would it take for the enemy to resupply?

Zach: Depends on what they're bringing sir, but at the very least 10 minutes.

Capt. Maeko: So that gives us about 20 minutes. *Hmmm*

Alex: *Mocks in a rude and jestful manner* Why don't you just ask C what we should do?

Capt. Maeko: *Slightly angry response* I don't like that tone of yours Alex. I'm the one in charge here.

Alex: Heh, can't take a joke huh Captain Maeko?

Capt. Maeko: Zach, give me your opinion.

Zach: Well, regardless of who or what they are, you can defeat anyone if you can get them off balance.

Capt. Maeko: *Hmmmm* How long until the ship is ready to depart?

Kira: 3 minutes sir.

Capt. Maeko: That's pretty fast, good. Kira, call everyone to the bridge.

Kira: *Alarms on the ship beep.* Attention! All units to the bridge immediately! I repeat, all units to the bridge immediately!

Khan: *Notices Ayumi going to the bridge too* Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing? You think you're a steak, and you don't even fight for pete's sake.

Ayumi: *Annoyed* The thing said ALL UNITS! And seeing as I'm a steak, I technically fall in with all units.

(After about 15 seconds, everyone has made it to the bridge. Capt. Maeko explains the situation.)

Capt. Maeko: We don't have the time for everyone to share their opinions, we'll go by majority vote. Firstly, and only by a show of hands, all in favor of making a run to the Blitzwing HQ?

(Nobody raises their hand)

Capt. Maeko: Keep in mind, that there is no guarantee that either of these options will work. So I will ask one more time, by show of hands, all in favor of making a run for the Blitzwing HQ?

(Nobody raises their hand again)

Capt. Maeko: All of those in favor of launching an attack?

*Slowly, one by one, everybody raises their hand, including the captain himself.*

Capt. Maeko: It's been decided then, we'll launch an attack. All units, prepare for departure! Kira, Zach, make sure that the ship is ready for takeoff! Everyone else, remain on standby. We may need to send you all out again.

*Everyone goes to their respective stations, then Ja'Skaar walks up to the Captain and hands him something.)* (Stop playing the song)

Ja'Skaar: Here. *Hands him a bag*

Capt. Maeko: What's this?

Ja'Skaar: The new uniforms, completely unique and with my pattentened sense of style.

Capt. Maeko: Heh, you and your sense of style. It's always nice to see you Ja'Skaar.

Ja'Skaar: *Laughs* LIKEWISE! Dealing with Baron makes me wish I wasn't born at times. C can be really dull at times, and everyone else just annoys me by default.

Kira and Zach: *Looks at them sad and confused* Ummm, we're right here!

Ja'Skaar: Yes I know, I wanted you to hear that.

Capt. Maeko: Aww, don't be harsh now Ja'Skaar. I'm sure they aren't trying to annoy you. Thank you for the new uniform, can't wait to look stylish.

Ja'Skaar: Only the best for those who don't actively annoy me. I guess I could hand these out, but that would require me to talk to people. *Disgusted sound*

(Literally 10 seconds later…)

Ja'Skaar: Hey you, girl. *Walks up to Roux with the cart for the uniforms*

Roux: For the last time Ja'Skaar, my name is Roux.

Ja'Skaar: Yeah yeah yeah, don't care. Listen, hand these uniforms out for me.

Roux: And why would I do that? Don't you have them all with you right now?

Ja'Skaar: *Manipulative look* Yes I do, but if you do it, then everyone won't think you're completely useless! It's absolutely brilliant! *Disturbing laugh*

Roux: *Facepalm and looks annoyed* You're such a terrible liar, it honestly makes me wanna lose my hearing. If you didn't want to do it, all you had to do was say so.

Ja'Skaar: *Smiles* Where's the fun in that?

Roux: *Siiiiiiigh* Well, I guess it needs to be done. Fine, I'll pass out the stupid uniforms.

Ja'Skaar: *Unusually elated* YAAAAAY! Thanks doll, now I can get back to doing my important business!

Roux: Mhm right… And would this important business involve eating cookies, and drinking tea?

Ja'Skaar: It does, but I'd rather not spill the tea, if you know what I mean.