NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 5: A Dangerous Power Unleashed!


Jin: There, I've gotcha now. *He fires the shot and then reloads his gun.*

Shirinan Soldier: Enemy missile incoming sir!

Shenrei: What?! *Rumble from impact*

Shirinan Soldier: It looks like a fighter jet and a mech, another missile incoming! *Rumble*

Shenrei: Sooo they're only sending two of them huh? I can handle this no problem, take care of the remaining supplies. *He leaves and goes into one of the planes before coming back out.*

Shenrei: Time for me to show them how outclassed they really are! (Meanwhile…)

Roux: Can we go now?

Jin: Not yet, the enemy is still out there. Alright, this shot should do it. *He fires another missile before it explodes into a giant smoke cloud. Shenrei charges from the smoke.* (This must be that guy from before!)

Shenrei: *Clashes with Jin* Hmhmm! I'm going to teach you that you're completely outclassed my friend, when you go up against the "Violent Shock". *Fighting begins*

Jin: Captain Maeko, The enemy commander is here! I'm gonna need backup.

Capt. Maeko: Don't worry, we're almost there. Sonjo, Khan, the enemy commander has been spotted. Prepare for immediate launch!

Khan: Alright, we're ready to go. About time we got a piece of the action.

Sonjo: Hehe, time to slice and dice!

Zach: Launching catapults now! *Launches catapults and Sonjo and Khan fly towards Jin and Roux.*

*Shenrei battles Jin while Roux fires at the enemy supply ship*

Shenrei: Hmph, I knew it was just a fluke. It's almost as if the machine is trembling in fear.

Shirinan Soldier: Commander Shenrei! The enemy's ship is here, it's commenced an attack on us!

Shenrei: What? Try to hold it off until I get back there! *Flies off*

Jin: I'm not letting you anywhere near the ship! I'll make sure you don't get anywhere near Blitzwing! *Chases Shenrei*

*Sonjo, and Khan arrive on the scene.*

Jin: Sonjo! Khan!

Shenrei: You're completely hopeless, TAKE THIS! *Fires at Jin*

Jin: *Relieved excitement* I can beat him! *Blocks shot with his shield*

Shenrei: Nice try! *Dashes behind Jin, and Jin tries to turn around to get vision on him. Shenrei does a devastating kick that twists the head and neck of both the mech and Jin.* (Play Zeta Gundam BGM- In the Capsule 3 one time)

Sonjo and Khan: *With anger and shock* JIN!

Jin: *Falls extremely fast to the ground before landing with a frightening thud*

Zach: *With fear and disbelief* Captain Maeko, it's Jin! He's been knocked down!

Kira: Jin? Jin, can you hear me?! The communication systems are still up, we should be able to get a response from him!

Ja'Skaar: Hmph, what a useless brat.

C: This just proves even more that he isn't strong enough.

Sonjo: What's wrong with you two?! He could be dead for all we know, and you're gonna sit here and antagonize someone who can't even hear you?! I don't know why I ever thought you both had more class than that. *Angrily charges at Shenrei*

Khan: You impudent bastard, you're gonna pay for what you've done!

Sonjo: You've taken away so much from us, and now our best friend? DIIEEE!

*Sonjo and Khan charge together at Shenrei and attack him, but they are no match for him. He effortlessly evades their attacks and sends them flying with ease. Roux tries firing at him, but he just shoots one of the engines and she begins to spiral out of control.*

Capt. Maeko: *Speaks through comm line* Everyone, return to the ship immediately! I repeat, return to the ship!

Khan: Are you crazy? That bastard could've killed Jin, I'm taking him down!

Sonjo: He has to pay for what he's done!

Capt. Maeko: If you both die here then you won't ever be able to take him down! We've taken out their supply ship, now return to the ship!

Sonjo: But… *Grrrr*

Capt. Maeko: Look, I understand you're upset, but we have to focus on protecting those that are still alive! Neither of you are strong enough to take him, he's gonna tear you into pieces!

*After Sonjo recovers Roux's fighter, they all head back to the ship*

(Before reading Shenrei's part, finish the song)

Shenrei: You don't get off that easy. *Charges up energy* See ya… *He fires off a blast of energy and then it explodes.* What? How?! *He looks around before hearing a noise closing in on him* What? Behind me?!

(Play Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: LR GT Goku & SSJ4 Vegeta Standby Skill OST (Extended) *An object surrounded in a bright pink aura with bright green eyes charges full speed at Shenrei*

Sonjo: *Gasp in shock and fear* What is this terrible feeling?

Khan: It feels so cold and emotionless… What is that thing?

Shenrei: *With extreme anger and annoyance* Alright I've had enough of this! *He fires blasts at the object, but the aura just absorbs the blast and grows more wild.( Who… No, what is this thing?!) All units, retreat back to Norahs! We can worry about the enemy later! *He begins retreating while the thing chases him back to the fleet.*

Kira: Captain Maeko, something's just popped up on the radar!

Capt. Maeko: What? *They all look out the windows and see it charging after the enemy.*

C: *Gasp in shock and terror* What is this feeling?! *Thinks to himself* No… It can't be, that's the same thing I felt earlier!

Ja'Skaar: *With trembling terror* Something feels terribly wrong... What is this chill I'm getting?

Roux: What kind of feeling is this? The amount of evil and violent feelings coming from that object is unreal.

*The object charges after Shenrei, and draws out a javelin. It winds up before throwing it right through Shenrei's ship. Shenrei manages to escape before the ship is destroyed, and is picked up by an enemy ship.

(The aura slowly goes away as Shenrei and his fleet manage to escape. As the aura finally depletes, everyone gasps at what they see… Jin's mech. A lifeless Jin falls out of the mech and onto the ground. Sonjo and Khan rush to get him back onto the ship and get him some medical assistance. After they have retrieved the mech and Jin, the Blitzwing resumes its flight, and everyone stands in a room watching over the lifeless Jin.) (Stop the song)

Sonjo: *With intense concern* Is he gonna make it?

Fadra: *Sigh* Well he's in rough shape, and whatever happened with his mech only made things worse. I wish it weren't this way, but as things stand his chances of recovering are slim.

Khan: *Talks with disappointment* No…

Fadra: The best thing we can do right now is to wait, something will happen sooner or later.

Ja'Skaar: Hmph, I say good riddance! Not like we need any weaklings with us anyway

*Everyone (excluding C) looks at her with complete disgust and disbelief. Khan gets extremely angry and punches Ja'Skaar and she falls to the ground. She looks at him with disbelief and shock since she wasn't expecting it.* (Play Mobile Suit Gundam OST- Bitter Victory)

Khan: *Extremely enraged* You cold-hearted bastard, don't you have any sense of respect for anyone but yourself?! The three of us have sacrificed so much for you and everyone here in this room! He could be dead right now, and all you can think of doing is criticizing him?! Is there any limit to how sad and pathetic you are?!

Capt. Maeko: *Puts hand on shoulder* That's enough.

Sonjo: *Extremely annoyed and enraged* But she stepped way out of line Captain!

Capt. Maeko: Look, the important thing is that we're all still alive. Thanks to the efforts of everyone in this room, including him. *Looks at the lifeless Jin* We have to make sure that all of those efforts weren't in vain. The best way to honor someone is to make sure that all they did wasn't in vain.

*Khan and Sonjo slowly begin to calm down, and Ja'Skaar stands back up.*

Capt. Maeko: Now then, we have work to do. Everyone get some rest, today was not easy at all.

(Let the song finish playing out then switch to Code Lyoko- Beautiful World) *Everyone leaves Jin's room and goes back to their own rooms and respective stations.*

Fadra: You know Captain, you didn't have to do that.

Capt. Maeko: I didn't? I was just doing what any of you would've done.

Fadra: Well, seeing how Ja'Skaar acted, I think it's still good of you to say that to them. I didn't have it in me to tell them about his actual state.

Capt. Maeko: What do you mean?

Fadra: Well his neck has been snapped, and he's showing no signs of recovery. I didn't want to tell them though because I couldn't bear it myself.

Capt. Maeko: Well my job as Captain is to keep everyone together. If we wanna win this war, then everyone must be willing to be honest with each other. But just this once, I'll let it slide.

Fadra: Thank you Captain, I'll be more honest from now on.

Capt. Maeko: *Sits in chair* Let's all try to do that from now on. Blitzwing, keep full ahead, maintain steady volume of thruster input.

(The camera pans back to the outside of the ship, and shows them flying off towards their destination. It pans back to Jin one more time before a silhouette enters his room and stands next him. )

(Play episode ending songs G Gundam: Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and Sword Art Online Ending 1)

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)