NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 6: The Blitzwing’s Ultimatum

Narrator: After a bittersweet victory, the Blitzwing crew find themselves fighting the enemy, as well as low morale. Things look bleak, and they only grow worse when the enemy comes up with a sinister plan. Can the Blitzwing crew rally back and turn things around? (Play DBZ Budokai 2 Opening and then G Gundam: Unmei no Gong)

Fadra: *In Jin's room checking on him* Hmmm… He's only showing little signs of recovery.

*Sonjo knocks on the door, and walks in with Khan after getting permission to enter*

Sonjo: Hey, I hope we're not bothering Fadra. We just wanted to see how Jin was doing.

Fadra: You don't have to be so formal Sonjo. He's still in rough shape, but he's showing a little recovery.

Khan: Well that's better than nothing.

Fadra: The IV is doing what it can, he'd probably be done for without it.

Sonjo: Is there any way to help him out?

Fadra: I wish there were but barring a miracle, there's not much we can do. We just have to do what we can and hope things work out.

Khan: He'll get better, he has too.

Sonjo: Yeah, only a wimp would go down that easily.

Fadra: *Smile of relief* Your optimism sure does make things easier. We oughta let him rest.

*They leave the room. Sonjo and Khan help with repairs, and Fadra goes to the bridge*

Capt. Maeko: Kira, please pull up the radar and do a scan for enemy ships or ordinances.

Kira: Yes sir. *Pulls up radar* The radar shows no enemies in sight sir.

Capt. Maeko: Well considering recent events, they've probably gone back to their base. It's highly unlikely, but with any luck we won't run into the enemy for a while.

Fadra: *Enters the bridge with a stress looked and an exasperated sigh*

Capt. Maeko: Are you feeling alright Fadra?

Fadra: I'm fine, just a little stressed out is all. Jin's still in rough shape, but he's slightly recovering.

Capt. Maeko: Well considering his injuries, slightly is considerable progress. You're doing good Fadra.

Kira: Yeah Fadra! You can do it, we all believe in your abilities as a medic.

Fadra: *Slight smile* Thank you, I really appreciate it.

Capt. Maeko: Well we have a bit of downtime, how about you all take a break? You've all earned it.

Zach: A break would be nice, at least just for a little while.

Capt. Maeko: Kira, put the ship on autopilot and inform Baron, Ja'Skaar, and C to come to the bridge immediately.

Kira: *Speaks on the ship PA system* Attention! Attention! Baron, Ja'Skaar, and C come to the bridge immediately. I repeat, come to the bridge immediately. *Afterwards Kira puts the ship on autopilot and then her, Fadra, and Zach go on break. Baron, Ja'Skaar, and C enter the bridge.*

Baron Hampton: You rang? (Play Just Wondering- Kingdom Hearts until stated otherwise)

Capt. Maeko: I did, but before we begin, I need to inform you that this meeting wasn't my idea. It was C's.

C: Yes, it's high time we talked about an important matter.

Ja'Skaar: Well what, oh what, could the problem be? I was in the middle of something important.

Baron Hampton: *Mocks and nudges Ja'Skaar* Oh really? You mean like taking your usual cat naps?

Ja'Skaar: *Shoves Baron* For your information, my naps are very important!

Capt. Maeko: Can we get on to more pressing matters? Alright C, what's going on?

C: I've called this meeting to discuss the one called Jin.

Capt. Maeko: Jin? He's still trying to recover, what about him?

Ja'Skaar: *Generic anime anger and creepy look* What happened? Did he steal my cookies?

C: No, it's something of much more dire magnitude.

Ja'Skaar: *Looks at C and immediately recognizes something is off* Oh no, this is serious.

Baron Hampton: *Looks at her confused* Huh? How can you tell that just by looking at him? He doesn't even have a face.

Ja'Skaar: Women's intuition.

C: Baron, Ja'Skaar, do you remember that feeling I was telling you about earlier?

Baron Hampton: You mean the one that sounded like a demon? Yeah we remember, what about it?

C: I remember where that feeling came from, and I know who reminded me of it.

Ja'Skaar: Oh? Well then tell us C, who is it that reminded you?

C: *Gets ready to drop heavy news* It's Jin.

*They all GASP, and then begin to look serious.*

Baron Hampton: *Laughs in disbelief* Hahahahaha! Ohhh C, when did you develop a sense of humor?

C: Baron, you should know well by now that humor is not something I possess.

Ja'Skaar: When did you come to this realization?

C: I only realized just recently after the last battle. Right before he was severely injured, that was when I felt the feeling at its strongest.

Baron Hampton: Yeah but Jin?

Capt. Maeko: Well Baron, we can't just ignore what C is saying. After all, we all felt that strange feeling.

Ja'Skaar: Hmph, I always knew there was something wrong with them.

Baron Hampton: C'mon guys, this is JIN we're talking about here. Sure, we all felt and saw what happened, but the man acts like a swagless beast at times. Surely this is a prank.

Capt. Maeko: This isn't a prank Baron, that's your thing not ours. Besides there's no denying what we saw, because we ALL saw it.

C: After what happened, there's no doubt that he's a danger to everyone on board. He must be disposed of!

Capt. Maeko: And how do you suggest we do that?

Baron Hampton: I say we just throw him off the ship, and hope it doesn't come back to bite us.

Ja'Skaar: *Gasps with shock* BARON! Where are your manners? That was totally uncalled for… I say we just kill him.

Capt. Maeko: *Stress sigh mixed with confusion* Don't know why I even bother sometimes. You know, there is an alternative.

C: Yes captain, go on…

Capt. Maeko: I suggest we keep Jin as a member of the Blitzwing crew. As dangerous as it may be, there's no reason to think such power can't be put to good use. I believe that if we can teach him to control his power, then it'd be our best chance of winning this war.

C: Such power should not be allowed to exist in this world. Jin harbors a dark power that has not been seen for millenia!

Ja'Skaar: So then that just leaves two more problems. How are we going to explain this to everyone, and what will we do about his friends?

C: Hmph, they will have no choice but to comply since their survival is on the line. As for the other two, you and Baron could easily dispatch them without breaking a sweat.

Capt. Maeko: None of that will be necessary, I'll take responsibility over him.

*They all GASP*

Ja'Skaar: You would do that? But why?

Baron Hampton: Yeah bro, why would you want to take on a swagless beast like that?

Capt. Maeko: Because it's the right thing to do. Whether you three want to admit it or not, we need him to help us win this war. Such power shouldn't be allowed to exist, but the fact of the matter is that it does now. We can't change that, so we should try to use it for the betterment of this planet. Besides, we need people who will actually fight instead of just sitting around eating cookies or t-posing all the time.

Baron Hampton: *Talks in a weird rich accent* Excuse me, but that my good sir is how I become stronger.

Ja'Skaar: And I'll have you know that cookies are a matter of life and death.

C: Maeko, you say you'll take responsibility over him? Then you realize everyone's life aboard this vessel is now tied to your hands right?

Capt. Maeko: I know, and I have no intention of allowing anyone on this ship to die.

C: Hmph, such confidence. If you really think that you can prevent that from happening, then I'll allow it.

Ja'Skaar: WHAT?! C, didn't you just say that he was a danger to everyone and that he needs to be disposed of?

C: I did, but if Maeko wants to take on such a burden, then it's not in my power to stop him. Besides, he'll prove us wrong or everyone's life will be gone.

Baron Hampton: Now THIS should be interesting. Try to keep things interesting captain, it'll help when I write my story about this.

Capt. Maeko: Trust me, when this is all over, you'll be glad I made this decision.