NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 8: The Shadow Returns

(Back on the bridge...)

Kira: Capt. Maeko, I've awoken Baron, he's in the rear deck.

Capt. Maeko: Well it's about time he got here! Launch the catapult hurry!

Zach: You got it sir! *Launches catapult*

Kira: Baron, all you have to do is go straight ahead. You should see the three of them in just a bit.

Baron Hampton: Got it!

Kira: Sonjo, Khan, Baron is on the way!

Ayumi: Big brother?


Khan: C'mon Sonjo, let's kick things up a notch!

(Back in Norahs, the Principality is very much aware of what is going on. However, unbeknownst to our heroes, this is not even the main base of the Principality. But one of the hundreds of bases that they have. Graves arrives at the battlefield, and instantly begins unleashing havoc). (Stop playing the song)

Graves: *Evil laugh*! So you runts aren't ones to die easily? Good, more pain for you means more fun for me!

Sonjo: *Lands on the ground and jumps out of mech* Whoa, sadist alert!

Khan: *Lands on the ground and jumps out of mech*

Baron Hampton: Hey look! It's the guy who belongs in a museum!

Graves: *Frustrated* THE NAME IS GRAVES, CRICKET!

Baron Hampton: *Does praying mantis sequence of poses* I am no cricket, I am… He who does…

Sonjo: *Cuts Baron off* Uhh listen Baron, as much as we'd love to let you continue here, we kinda don't need you here.

Khan: Yeah, we can handle this on our own.

Baron Hampton: OH I see, you two think you're both better than me?

Khan: Look, this is personal. Let us deal with this bastard.

Sonjo: We're doing this for our sake, as well as Jin's.

Baron Hampton: Ahh I see, well in that case… You two had better win. *Turns around, walks away for a bit, then stops and gives a thumbs up* Have fun! I'm off to go humiliate their forces. *Jumps away*

Khan: Now then, it's time to wipe that horrible smile off that ugly face.

Sonjo: Let's get this started!

Graves: The show starts now!

(EDN: And of course since I can't draw or animate, and have no real way of showing you how the fights are happening, I guess we still have to settle for me just telling you how things are going down. Alright, so Sonjo and Khan fight for quite a bit, and while all of this is going on, Baron is taking on a group of troops, and the Blitzwing is still battling the enemy fighters that are surrounding them. Sonjo and Khan are getting worn out from their battle with Graves, and Baron is being Baron. The Blitzwing is fairing well, but they are running out of ammo.)

Sonjo: *Huff huff* This is taking too long.

Khan: Yeah… I don't think any of us can continue much longer.

Graves: (Thinking to himself: Damn it! Who do these runts think they are? *Sees his own blood* Unbelievable! To think that they would make me see my own blood twice! I will not stand for this. I WILL NOT BE HUMILIATED BY A COUPLE OF CLOWNS!) AHHHHHHHHHH!

Sonjo and Khan: *Gasp*

Graves: I will not stand for this! I will not be humiliated by a bunch of clowns! *Charges up his cybernetic arm* Now, let's see you try and dodge this attack!

Sonjo: Huh?

Khan: Where the hell did he get that power?!

*Just then, a beam of energy comes down from the sky. Everyone backs up, and the entire area is covered in smoke. All attention is put on the area where the energy came from. All fighting has stopped, and then someone speaks.* (Play song Kingdom Hearts 3 OST- Roxas)

Silhouette: Back off my friends.

Sonjo: *Gasp in surprise* That voice!

Khan: But… It can't be!

Baron Hampton: *Jumping in from a distance* Huh? Who is that?

*The smoke begins to clear, and the silhouette removes their hood revealing their face*

Baron Hampton: *Gasp with surprise* YOU!

Skia': *Looks over to Baron* Skia'.

Sonjo: *Gasp with surprise* Skia'?

Graves: *Visibly shocked and confused* This is impossible! How the hell did you know how to find us?

Skia': Same as you.

Graves: How?

Skia': Anyone with half a brain knows that the Principality is after the Sarlen. And you've been fighting with them for the longest time now.

Baron Hampton: Sooo why did you come back ?

Skia': I returned simply because I wanted to, *Holds up scythe* that's all you need to know.

Sonjo: *Still surprised by her being here* Skia…

Skia': *Turns her head and nods at Sonjo*

Graves: *Grrrrr…* Now I remember you! You're the one from before! The one who cut my arm off!

Sonjo: *Walks over to Khan* Khan, Why don't you take it easy? I'll handle things from here.

Khan: Hmph, oh really? So you can show off for your GIRLFRIEND?

Sonjo: *Confident smile* You know me too well.

Khan: That I do. Alright, I'll let you have this one.

Sonjo: Thanks, I've been working on something for a while now. *Walks over to Skia'* Sit tight Skia' I've got this. I don't know if you've heard about Jin, but I have to do this.

Skia': *Nods* Okay.

Sonjo: Thank you. (Play song Fire Force-Opening theme- Inferno) *Powers up and becomes surrounded by electrical energy and bolts of lightning.*

*Everyone is shocked by how much power and energy is flowing from Sonjo.

Khan: Sonjo?

Baron Hampton: Wow! Talk about electrifying!

Skia': *Stands there observing*

Sonjo: *Clenches fist* Yes… I can feel it. I can win like this.

Kira: Capt. Maeko! Sonjo's surrounded by lightning!

*Everyone looks out the window to see what's going on.* (Roux, Alex, Fadra, and Ayumi all came to the bridge earlier since Baron had already dealt with the enemy force)

Capt. Maeko: So, he's broken through his limits too…

Ayumi: WOW! And I thought I knew how to raise the stakes!

Alex: Man, Sonjo's on a whole 'nother level!

Zach: I wonder just how strong he is right now.

Sonjo: So then, Graves was it? You've destroyed my city, and taken away so many lives. You, my adversary, are in for a shock.

Baron Hampton: *Thinking to himself* (Hmmm not the greatest line, but better than something Jin would've said)

(And again, I'd love to have this either drawn or animated, but this is all we've got.) *Sonjo charges after Graves and the two begin to fight. After about 5 seconds, Sonjo gains the upper hand. He begins to, shall we say, completely fry Graves. Sonjo is just too quick for Graves's brain to even process him being there. His quick strikes allow him to evade and deal massive damage. Sonjo also gains the power to materialize a spear from said energy. Sonjo's newfound powers have put him in an elite league. With these powers, Sonjo's ability to fight is now greater, with a multitude of options at his disposal. Eventually Graves and whatever remaining men he has have to retreat. Sorry it's not that good, but I can't really do much without you being able to see it* (Play the song before Kingdom Hearts 3 OST - Roxas from the playlist)

Sonjo: *Huff… huff… falls backwards *

Khan: *Catches Sonjo before he falls to the ground* Good job Sonjo.

Skia' That power you displayed… It's impressive, but very reckless. It clearly takes a lot out of you to use it.

Sonjo: Yeah… Sorry about that, it really does take a lot out of me.

Khan: What was that power just then?

Sonjo: Well, I got the idea from Jin's mech that he made for me. I learned from some observations that the mechs don't give us power, they only enhance what was already there. Using the power I got from the Sarlen earlier, I can channel lightning. It gives me a lot of power, moving faster than lightning strikes being the main one. The only problem is that it's extremely taxing on my body. But I think that given time, I can get acclimated to it. I was so strong, I felt like I could take on the world.

Baron Hampton: *Pat on the back* I'll say, you were the most electrifying man in the entire world just then!

*They groan in cringe*

Sonjo: Yeah it felt nice to get some payback on that guy. *Looks to ground in disappointment* But, we still haven't found Jin.

Khan: But at least we found Skia', there's some hope after all.

Baron Hampton: Yeah... Hey Skia', you gonna be okay here? I mean, last time we saw you, you couldn't stand the three of us.

Skia': Don't worry I'll be fine. Let's just say part of me is at peace now.

Khan: One down, just one more to go. Sonjo, despite what anyone says, I think we've done good so far.

Sonjo: Me too buddy, we're so close to getting Jin back. I can feel it! (Skia'... I can't believe it, we've finally found her. Now, it's time to get Jin back. Hold on buddy, we'll be reunited soon enough.)

Baron Hampton: C'mon guys, let's get back to the Blitzwing and patch you up. I'm sure everyone is going to want to meet Skia' if they haven't.

(And with that, that concludes episode 8. As always, thank you for reading my story. Every view, every suggestion, everybody included makes this story worth it. The story continues and we're just getting started. How will things progress in the next episode? (Play episode ending songs G Gundam: Touhou wa Akaku Moetieru and SAO ending 1)

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)