NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 9: A Time of Atonement

(EDN: This episode debuts our new opening song for the rest of the series)

Narrator: After a momentous reunion, Skia' returned to help the Blitzwing crew. Still looking for Jin, the crew begin to get a little desperate. Things look very grim, until lady luck smiles upon them. However, they are unaware that what will happen will change the fate of everyone… (Play episode opening songs Fullmetal Alchemist Ending (Tobira No Mukou e) and G Gundam: Unmei no Gong)

(This episode starts on the Blitzwing, right after the last battle)

Fadra: *Patches up Sonjo and Khan* Alright, that takes care of that. Just rest a little bit, and you'll be okay.

Sonjo: Thanks Fadra.

Fadra: No problem, let me know if you begin to feel any better or worse. *Leaves room*

(Play Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3: Sad song in the playlist)

Khan: *Serious look* So now that she's gone, I feel like some things need to be addressed. Namely, the questions that are still unanswered.

Sonjo: Huh? What do you mean?

Khan: Don't pretend like you don't know what I mean. We all do, and we all deserve to know.

Sonjo: Tch… *Soft grunt*

Khan: Skia', it's time you tell us what you're doing here. Where the hell have you been? And what's with that scythe?

Skia': *Looking pensive with eyes closed* Alright, I'll tell you.

Sonjo: Skia', you don't have to tell us If you don't want to.

Skia': It's fine, you both deserve to know. *Opens eyes* I'll start from when I left you all. You should know that… That day wasn't the last time I saw any of you.

*Sonjo and Khan gasp*

Skia': I saw Jin one more time before your adventure had started.

Sonjo: Jin?

Khan: You saw him?

Skia': I talked with him about a lot of things, some of which only he can tell you. After that, we parted ways and I hadn't seen any of you since. Until today anyway…

Sonjo: *Looks serious to mask his concern* But… where have you been?

Skia': I've been searching for a purpose, looking for a place where I belong.

Sonjo: *Gasp* Have you forgotten? Your place is here with us! Right by our side, so I can protect you!

Skia': I can take care of myself.

Khan: (Sonjo is letting his personal feelings get the better of him) And there was nothing we could do to stop you?

Skia': The moment I found Jin, even he knew there was nothing that could be done. He knew that you'd all try to find me, and convince me to come back. But I didn't want to be found, and I had no intention of going back.

Sonjo: *Moves from serious look to angry look* Then why didn't you just tell us you were okay?!

Skia': If I told you that, you would've gone looking straight for me! You would've lost sight of what was most important, and gotten yourselves killed. Just look at what happened to Jin!

Sonjo: *Gasp, then looks at the ground angry knowing she's right*

Khan: So tell us, where'd you get that Scythe? You didn't have it on you before.

Skia': From the same place you got all your fancy weapons and armor.

*Sonjo and Khan gasp*

Skia': I told you, I had no intention of coming back. It was only because I needed to find him that I came back.

Sonjo: *Heart drops inside* So then, you…

Khan: (Sonjo must be in disarray after hearing all of this. The question is, what is he gonna do?)

Skia': The three of us have all failed him miserably. We seek atonement, and I know where to find it.

Khan: *Serious look* What do you mean by that?

Skia': Certain... complications have allowed me to know where Jin is at all times.

*Sonjo and Khan gasp*

Khan: You know where he is? Then you could take us to him right now?!

Skia': *Nods yes* Essentially, it's become second nature to me.

Sonjo: *Looks concerned and pensive* But… how? How can you know where he is at all times?

Skia': I'll let him explain that one to you.

Khan: Well, they weren't the answers I was expecting. But anything is better than nothing, especially if it helps get Jin back.

Skia': If you're ready, we can start things right away.

Sonjo: Won't our injuries just hold us back?

Skia': You let me worry about that. (Jin, I owe you a lot. I'll make sure they get you back, It's the least I could do. After that, you owe me one.)

(Meanwhile, in the realm of evanescent… Jin has finished repiecing his body back together. Still walking around looking for a way to escape, he has one more final encounter with the Hooded Figure. But now, the Hooded Figure's face has become pretty noticeable. Now the face is able to be seen, albeit not that clearly. This time, Jin's life is going to be changed forever…) (Play song The Other Promise- Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Re:Coded)

Jin: Alright, I've managed to reclaim my body. Now, how do I get out of here?

Hooded Figure: *Appears in front of Jin* So, you've reclaimed your body after all. I'd ask if you've had fun, but we both know you don't remember any of it. You must be feeling free right now.

Jin: *Closes eyes and closes fist close to heart* No I'm not. I can't remember who I met, but I do remember meeting them. And no matter what I do, I miss them.

Hooded Figure: Hmph, so you hurt. Did you not pay attention to anything I said? Such hurt will bring you your ultimate demise. You have to discard all of it.

Jin: *Opens eyes* No I don't. I can keep it... as a symbol of importance. To let me know that what I've forgotten is crucial. That's enough, I won't cast it aside. It will stay with me, until the day I remember.

Hooded Figure: *Visibly angered* You'll fade... into oblivion first!

Jin: If I cast it away, I'll lose what binds me to all the people I care about. My mind's made up. I may fade into oblivion, but I'll take it in stride. I'll only get rid of it when I no longer need it. It's the only thing I have now, it's what pieces my soul together. I'm okay with that.

Hooded Figure: *Extremely angry* Okay with it you say? I thought I told you, this isn't a game!

(The Hooded Figure extends out their arms, and turns the radiance of the realm of evanescent, into a dark place filled with terrible, dark energy.)

Jin: *Gasp with shock and slight fear*

Hooded Figure: *Draws scythe out on Jin* It's high time I teach you firsthand what real pain and suffering feels like!

*The Hooded Figure slashes at Jin twice, but a quick roll and a leap away allows Jin to materialize his own sword. The two clash and an intense battle begins. The hooded figure is very strong, and keeps Jin on his toes the entire fight. But Jin has no intention of giving up, and his perseverance pays off. Eventually, he's able to keep the fight even. Neither opponent looking to give up, each just going on until the other can't. The dark energy from the hooded figure has grown exceedingly wild and powerful. The two spend a lot of energy trying to take each other out, so much that they have all but drained themselves.*

Jin: *Huff… huff…*

Hooded Figure: *Huff… huff* Go ahead Jin, do it! Finish me off!

*Jin stands out of his fighting pose and sheaths his sword* (Play song- Kingdom Hearts 2 Roxas extended)

Hooded Figure: What's wrong with you? *Gasp* I see, you finally get it. I'm just like everyone else I told you about, an illusion. Let me guess, I'm not even worth the effort of finishing. Is that it?

Jin: Not at all. You say that you're an illusion, but you're amazingly strong. You definitely weren't kidding when you said you'd show me what real pain felt like.

Hooded Figure: *Gasp*

Jin: Actually, it's quite the opposite of what you think. During that fight, I felt more than just physical pain. I felt pain in my heart, like the one I felt before. It reminded me of something. It was almost similar to my own in a way. As if then, we'd been bonded together. If this hurt is what bonds me to people, and somehow brings me closer together with them… then maybe having it isn't so bad. *Smiles*

Hooded Figure: *Puts away scythe* Isn't so bad? Alright then, I give up. Congratulations Jin, you found the sleeping truth. You're finally ready to go back.

Jin: Huh? What do you mean?

Hooded Figure: My objective was to see if you had what it takes to carry all of that hurt within you. After all, it's not just yours, but everyone else's too. You seem to understand, and are confident you can do it. That's good enough for me.

Jin: So what happens now?

Hooded Figure: Now… I disappear.

Jin: Does that mean… you can go back home?

Hooded Figure: I don't know if I can ever go back home. But… there's somewhere I'd like to be.

Jin: Really? Where?

*The Hooded Figure walks towards Jin, smiles to themself and then fades away after walking through his body.*

Jin: *Grunt from shock and pain* What's this pain? I've got all these feelings that don't belong to me. An extremely dark past, and a sense of peace that's comforting. *Thinks to himself * Don't worry, I'll take care of you now.