NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 9: A Time of Atonement

(After that, Jin continues walking around. Eventually, he is stopped by the unknown voice. Stop playing the song)

Unknown voice: *Excited greeting* Jin!

Jin: Oh, hey!

Unknown voice: You've gotten back all of your body.

Jin: Yeah. Does this mean it's time for me to go back to the realm of living?

Unknown voice: It does, but you don't seem too excited about it.

Jin: *Nervous chuckle* Ya got me. That hooded figure, who were they?

Unknown voice: *Disturbed and sad voice* I'm sorry, I can't tell you.

Jin: *Gasp* But why?! There's so many things that need explaining.

Unknown voice: What I told you before, about how things would go if I told you anything, it's all true. Had you been aware of anything that was going to happen to you here, you would've handled things differently. (Play Always On My Mind - Extended - Kingdom Hearts Music)

Jin: So, all of this, was just some sort of test for me?

Unknown voice: *Sounds as if they are crying* Yes… I'm so sorry Jin.

Jin: *Notices her crying* No no, it's okay! It's like this, I can't say that I'm too thrilled about how everything went. But, I can't find it in me to get mad at you either. In some ways, it helped to remind me why I do the things that I do. It helped me realize just how much I mean to everyone, and them to me. I might not have been ready for anything that happened, but I was able to handle it just fine! So please, don't cry. *Nervous chuckle* 'Cause if I've learned anything from my time here, it's that I'll start crying too.

Unknown voice: *Begins to cheer up* Jin… Thank you.

Jin: *Smiles, and then notices that he's beginning to fade away* Huh? I'm… fading away?

Unknown voice: You're going back to the realm of living. Your friends need you Jin.

Jin: But what about you? Won't you be lonely here all by yourself?

Unknown voice: *Smiles* Don't worry. We'll meet again once you're back. After all, I'm just an illusion of someone else. The real me is still in the realm of living.

Jin: *Smiles* Ok, then let's promise to meet up in the real world!

Unknown voice: *Gasp* Jin you…

Jin: I feel like a thank you here, wouldn't do you any real justice. So when I get back, I'll tell you in person!

Unknown voice: Okay, it's a promise! *They both do a pinky promise* A promise… huh. Jin! Some of the things you feel inside of you aren't going to be your feelings. Remember, you're connected to everyone, you share all of their feelings as well. If you ever feel it's too much, just remember that you're not alone. You'll always have your friends to be there for you. It'll be almost impossible for you to lose hope, when you yourself are hope to so many. Be the bright and beautiful person they need you to be!

Jin: Got it. *Almost entirely faded away now* Oh yeah! Before I forget, what's your name?

Unknown voice: Huh? Oh right, my name is… *Mouthed inaudible as the camera cuts to Jin before she mouths it.*

*Jin fades away and slowly goes back to the realm of living. During the time it takes his soul to reach his body, he begins to see visions. The visions are of people that he cares about. He begins to remember everything and everyone in his life. The last thing he sees before he makes it back, is a tiny flame. The flame is very bright, but extremely hard to see. It surrounds a beautiful flower, both of which represent something. But before Jin can even think of what everything means, he's back in the realm of living. The camera screen flashes, and cuts to his lifeless body. His eyes still dead and his body completely motionless, the camera begins to zoom in on Jin. And it catches what appears to be slight movement out of his finger, and an ever so slight smile from his face.* (Let the song finish before moving on)

(Meanwhile back on the Blitzwing… Skia', Sonjo, and Khan are on the bridge telling Capt. Maeko they know where to find Jin, and can get him back now.)

Capt. Maeko: I see… It's good to meet you. This information is very helpful.

Fadra: I didn't know there were four of you, nice to meet you!

Alex: And she looks very strong too!

Roux: *Gives cold glare full of daggers at Skia'*

Skia': *Returns cold glare to Roux*

*Everyone on the ship begins to shiver as the temperature of the ship has dropped considerably*

*Ja'Skaar and C walk into the bridge. Ja'Skaar angry because it's cold…*

Ja'Skaar: HEY! Who turned down the thermosta- *Her and C gasp as they see Skia'* Y-YOU!

Skia': *Notices Ja'Skaar and C* Oh, it's you two.

C: (Something's not right, Jin had the terrible power I felt before. So why do I feel the same thing coming from her as well?)

Skia': Listen here you expired waste of tissue, you WILL use your powers to heal Sonjo and Khan here so we can go rescue Jin.

*Everyone gasps since hardly anyone EVER stands up to Ja'Skaar*

Ja'Skaar: *Becomes angry after insult* You watch your tongue you brat! You could never beat me, not even on your best day!

*Sonjo and Khan jump in front of Skia' to protect her, while everyone else watches. Baron sits in a corner eating popcorn…*

Skia': *Shoves Sonjo and Khan aside* I've got this guys, I know how to handle her. *Holds up bag and dangling it around in the air*

Ja'Skaar: *Begins salivating profusely*

Skia': These are cookies so rare, they're only found in one place on Sarina. I'll give them to you, IF you heal them. Deal?

Ja'Skaar: *Regains composure* Oh I see, you think you can blackmail me huh? Well forget it, it'll never work!

Skia': Hmph, fine, suit yourself. *Opens bag* Anyone want to try one?

*Everyone begins trying a cookie and instantly falls in love with how delicious the cookie is. They brag about it meanwhile Ja'Skaar fights off the urge to give in*

Ja'Skaar: DAMN IT! I can't resist anymore! Give me those damn things! *Takes bag and eats cookies, and then melts* Ooooh yyeeeeesss! These are the best cookies I've ever tasted! Damn it all… I'll heal them once, but that's it!

*Ja'Skaar walks forward, and then places one hand on Sonjo and Khan's backs respectively. They glow blue for about 5 seconds, before being fully healed.*

Sonjo: Wow! That's some serious healing!

Khan: Now then, let's try this rescue mission again!

Capt. Maeko: Then I trust we all know what we need to do? Blitzwing full speed ahead! Everyone to your battle stations!

Everyone: SIR!

(Everyone on the Blitzwing heads to their battle stations. Skia heads to the rear deck with Sonjo and Khan.)

Sonjo: By the way, Skia, I've been meaning to ask. What happened to the mech Jin gave you?

Skia': You assume he gave me one to begin with.

Khan: So he didn't give you one then?

Skia': No he did, I'm just messing with you two.

Khan: Figured as much.

Sonjo: Sooo what did happen to it?

Skia': I ended up using it to enhance my scythe. It didn't really suit me all that much, I'd much rather be face to face.

Khan: Understandable, I'm more of a hand-to-hand guy myself.

Sonjo: I opted to just leave mine be. I appreciate the thought, but they just aren't my thing. Can't help but wonder what other capabilities they might've had.

(Meanwhile, at another base…)

Shenrei: Hmmm…

Lady Shirina: Something the matter Shenrei?

Shenrei: They are close, I can feel it.

Lady Shirina: Well then, we should be good hosts and greet our guests.

Shenrei: Then I can drop this facade?

Lady Shirina: Yes.

Shenrei: *Cocky smirk* How I've waited to hear that.

(Back on the Blitzwing, they have finally located Jin and are ready to begin their plan again.) (Play Dragon Ball Z Kai - Fusion's Theme (Official) Unreleased OST on loop)

Zach: Sonjo, Khan, Skia', are you all ready for launch?

Sonjo: Yep! We're all set, and ready to go.

Khan: *Playful with confident smirk* Keep us with us now Skia'.

Skia: Hmph, I feel like I should be saying that to both of you.

Kira: Catapults launching in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…

Sonjo and Khan: *In unison* GOOOOO!

*The three of them fly off to the enemy base. After a bit of flying, they see Shenrei, and then land.*

Shenrei: So, you've finally arrived.

Khan: Damn right we have! We know all about what you're doing here.

Sonjo: *Draws out staff and charges it up* Now where are you keeping Jin?!

Shenrei: So, you wanna skip the formalities? Alright then, let me show you just what's become of your friend. *He sticks his hand into the air, and an object falls to the floor. It causes smoke to scatter everywhere, blocking everyone's vision* (Play Zeta Gundam- Fall of. AEUG 1 Theme)

Sonjo: *Gasp with shock and fear* Khan thats-

Khan: *Takes up combative position* Yeah, I know...

Skia': It's Jin.

*They see the mech clearly damaged, and Jin with wires attached to the machine from all over. Still looking as lifeless as ever*

Shenrei: I was surprised he was able to withstand so much punishment from our experiments. I'm amazed at this technology that has been created. Such info is truly invaluable!

Sonjo: *Angry* What have you done?!

Shenrei: We have simply tested the limits of him and this NECRO driver! I have to say, I didn't think such incredible capabilities from technology could be created by a lone person.

Sonjo: Huh?

Khan: The NECRO driver?

Skia': *Thinks to self* (So, he managed to get it done after all…)

Shenrei: I could tell you about it, but I think we'd all prefer a visual demonstration. Now then, let's see just how badly you want to save your friend.

*Jin's mech comes to life, and begins attacking Sonjo, Khan, and Skia'. Despite everything that's happened, it's still Jin's. He's a formidable opponent, and provides quite the challenge for the friends*

Sonjo: Stop it Jin! Don't you know it's us you're fighting?

Skia': It's no use, he can't hear us in his current condition.

Khan: Skia's right. We have to defeat him if we want to have a chance of getting him back.