NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 12: The Looming Shadow

*The three of them head back to the bridge.*

Capt. Maeko: Is everyone here?

Sonjo: Not yet, we're still waiting on Jin and Roux.

Khan: I wonder where they could've gone.

Baron Hampton: I imagine they're partaking in what you youngsters call "hanging out". AWWWW! It's so adorable, you youngsters are so full of life.

Master Tazz: Youngsters? Baron, You're only like a few years older than them. You're practically a youngster yourself.

Baron Hampton: *Philosophical anime look* I might be young, but I have seen so much in such a short time… I have aged just like the world as well…

*Ja'Skaar hits Baron on the top of the head*

Zach: *Confused* Aaaaanywho, we can still follow the plans and leave Captain. We can just pick them up on our way.

Kira: The ship is ready to depart at your call, Captain.

Capt. Maeko: Alright then, let's go ahead and begin departure.

Kira: You got it sir! *Kira puts on her headset for communications. Just then, rapid beeps pop up on her monitor.* Capt. Maeko, we've received a message sir.

Capt. Maeko: Who's it from?

Kira: *Gasps* It's from Major General Kabuto! (Switch to song Hikari (Simple and Clean) Orchestral Instrumental Version)

Capt. Maeko: *Gasps* Major General Kabuto? Print out the message!

Kira: Sir! *She prints out the message and hands it over to Capt. Maeko.*

Zach: Capt. Maeko, those are…

Capt. Maeko: They're instructions for playing a holographic message. I'll put it up on the screen now. *He inputs the commands to play the message on the screen*

Major General Kabuto: Good tidings Blitzwing crew. I hope that this message makes its way to you. Of course, I'm sending it to you in the hopes that it will, but one can never be too certain in times of war. As I'm sure you all know, the Principality has gained a vast amount of ground. We need to regain it back if we ever plan on winning this war. Now it's come to my attention that you've been operating without any orders from the higher ups under the leadership of Capt. Maeko. I do not mean this as an insult, I know that he is a good leader. That being said, I apologize for not getting any orders to you sooner. The reason I'm sending you this is because it's time to launch a new assault onto the Principality, and we need you here. If you do not help with this mission, then losing the battle will be the least of our worries. Please make your way to these coordinates as soon as you are able. I will be there to personally greet you once you arrive. Major General out.

*The message ends and the screen turns off*

Sonjo: Whoa!

Khan: Major General Kabuto?

Zach: He's the one in charge of our entire operation. He's the one who organized our plans to fight back the Principality during the war.

Capt. Maeko: Even after seeing it, I still can't believe it. Change of plans everyone, we're going to Major General Kabuto.

Kira: What about Jin and Roux?

Khan: They'll be here, I'm certain of it.

Capt. Maeko: We can always send them our location, right now we have to go see the Major General. Alright everyone, let's go!

(Let the song play out as you read the ending) *The camera shows everyone heading to their stations, getting ready as the ship lifts off. Everyone prepares themselves for whatever the future has in store for them. In the end, the camera cuts to Jin and Roux still walking, when all of a sudden. They look out in the distance, and stand there just looking out to the future…*

(And thus ends episode 12. An absolute bombshell of plot to take in, but like always, everything will be explained when it needs to. Thank you again for your continued support, and the next episode will be out soon.)

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)