NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 13: On to New Beginnings

Narrator: Following a shocking message from Major General Kabuto, the Blitzwing crew are heading out to meet him. Still high on their recent success, the crew have all the confidence in the world. With Jin and Roux still away from the Blitzwing, things begin to look rather ominous. And you'd be wrong to think that the Principality would not make something out of nothing… (Play episode opening songs Fullmetal Alchemist Ending (Tobira No Mukou e) and G Gundam: Unmei no Gong)

(This episode takes place right where the last episode left off, with Jin and Roux still walking together.)

Jin: Hey Roux, mind if I ask you something?

Roux: What is it?

Jin: You don't really like me much, do you?

Roux: You have to ask? I didn't think it was that hard to get. I guess I was being more subtle than I thought.

Jin: Ouch, that's just cold. Can you at least tell me why?

Roux: I don't think it's in my best interest to tell you.

Jin: Then why did you ask me to come with you?

Roux: I needed to check something.

Jin: And I take it that I'm helping you with that?

Roux: Yes that's right. (I need to know if he is who I think he is. If what he said is true, then we'll be in big trouble.) Jin, I want to ask you about what happened to you after you were injured fighting Shenrei.

Jin: Hm? You mean when I essentially all but died?

Roux: Yes, can you tell me about what happened after?

Jin: *Sigh* Where do I even begin? Well, after that fight, I remember waking up in some strange place. When I got there, there was someone there waiting for me. She told me that I was in this place called "The Realm of Evanescent". Because of the injuries I sustained, I should have been dead without question. But I was told that something was preventing me from dying completely, refusing to let me go.

Roux: I see…

Jin: She also said that another part of me had been there before, but the familiarity I felt rested within another place of my heart.

Roux: *Lost in thought* (At this rate, there's nothing I can do to stop him from finding out. Should I just tell him? No, not yet, he isn't ready to handle that kind of burden.)

Jin: Hey Roux, you feeling okay?

Roux: I'm fine, don't worry about me. C'mon, we're almost there.

*They continue walking for a little bit longer, before reaching a city.* (Play Hinata vs Neji in the playlist)

Roux: We're here.

Jin: *Gasps with shock* This place…

Roux: This is my home, or at least what's left of it.

*They walk into a city, which has been reduced to nothing but ruins.*

Jin: What the hell happened here?

Roux: I think you know the answer to that, the Principality happened.

Jin: They just keep taking the lives of people, one after another.

Roux: This city was grand once, but now look at it. It's nothing more than a bunch of ruins.

Jin: *Starts thinking about Wabba City*

Roux: This place… It's just like your city right?

Jin: *Gasps*

Roux: Both places were what we called our respective homes… and both have seen total annihilation.

Jin: *Begins walking ahead* This place… I can feel the pain from the people that are no longer with us. My heart hurts for them.

Roux: Tell me something Jin.

Jin: What's up?

Roux: I want to know your thoughts on Skia'.

Jin: My thoughts on Skia'?

Roux: You deaf or something? That's what I said.

Jin: Why do you have to be so rude? In any case, I care a lot about Skia'. I've known her most of my life, as well as Sonjo and Khan.

Roux: How do you feel about her on a more personal level?

Jin: You're asking a lot of questions. Why are you so interested in our relationship?

Roux: Are you gonna answer the question or not?

Jin: *Mocking in a playful manner* No no, I wanna know why you're invested in my love life. OH I get it, you're jealous aren't you?

Roux: *Angry and annoyed* Me? Jealous over you? Don't you wish, that's not at all the case. I simply just wanted to know that's all.

Jin: Oh yeah right, you're totally jealous Roux! Anywho, me and Skia' are friends and nothing more. I was never into her like that, that was more of Sonjo's thing.

(Meanwhile back on the Blitzwing…)

Sonjo: *Sneezes*

Khan: You okay Sonjo?

Sonjo: Yeah, probably just some dust in the air.

(Back to where Roux and Jin are…)

Roux: I see, do you trust her?

Jin: Do I trust her? Of course I do, we've been friends for a long time. Sure, she can be pretty heartless at times, but she's still my friend.

Roux: I see, then allow me a warning.

Jin: A warning?

Roux: I don't trust her at all. You'd be wise to watch your back around her, you may just end up with a knife in it one day.

Jin: Wow, that's really something. Is that your woman's intuition?

Roux: You could say that.

Jin: *Smirks* Or I could call it jealousy.

Roux: You can call it what you like, but I still think you should be careful.

Jin: Well, considering you don't really talk to anyone, I suppose I could listen to what you're saying.

Roux: That may be the smartest decision you've made in recent memory.

Jin: *Sigh* Would it kill you to be nice every once in a while?

Roux: Believe it or not, yes, it would. (He wouldn't understand, not yet anyways.)

Jin: Don't worry Roux, I'll be fine. *Holds hand over heart* I won't die, not yet anyways. There's still so much I want to do in the world. After all, I have promises to keep. *Smiles*

Roux: (He may not understand yet, but at least he's just as determined as ever) (Stop playing the song)