NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 13: On to New Beginnings

(Meanwhile, back at the Blitzwing before they left…) (This would be after they got the message from the Major General, but before they actually departed.)

Capt. Maeko: (Jin and Roux are taking a long time to get back. What's more, the Major General has asked to see us as well…)

Kira: Capt. Maeko!

Capt. Maeko: What is it Kira?

Kira: We haven't been able to contact either Jin or Roux. What's more is that Master Tazz has disappeared as well.

Capt. Maeko: Why can't everyone just be here when we need them? Do you have any idea where he may have gone?

Kira: No sir, but Khan said that he would go find him.

Capt. Maeko: I see, then let's waste no more time. If they are not on the ship, they'll just have to rendezvous with us.

Kira: Sir!

(Play Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 OST Future Gohan's Fate in the playlist) (Meanwhile…)

Khan: I wonder where Master Tazz could've gone. Well, he has been alive for a long time. Perhaps he spends a great deal of time focusing his mind.

*Just then, he comes across Master Tazz meditating in an opening among the trees. He hides quietly so as not to disturb the Master's training. The wind begins to blow as an aura surrounds Master Tazz. He unwinds from his meditative pose, and switches to a fighting pose. He channels his power, and his power begins to cause strong winds. After a few seconds of charging, Master Tazz begins attacking at insane speeds! He moves with such force and speed that the entire forest is no more by the time he finishes training. He continues to grow stronger with each passing second. Each attack only getting faster and stronger. He again unwinds, and then stands still.

Khan: (Amazing! His power exceeds what any person could dream of!)

Master Tazz: *Deep exhale* I know you're there Khan, you can show yourself.

Khan: What the- How did you know I was here?

Master Tazz: I didn't until just now. One must always know how to win the mental advantage. In battle, a mental advantage is all that's needed to gain victory.

Khan: Right…

Master Tazz: Anyway, why did you come here?

Khan: Captain Maeko is ready to depart now.

Master Tazz: Is that so? Well then, perhaps I should head back.

Khan: Master Tazz, I have a question.

Master Tazz: Then I would like to believe I have the answer you're looking for.

Khan: That power just now, what was that?

Master Tazz: *Holds wrist while shaking hand* That was just me warming up, although I wish I didn't destroy the forest. I suppose I should've held back some more.

Khan: What?! You were holding back?!

Master Tazz: Why wouldn't I? There's no one to provide me with a real challenge.

Khan: Not even any of the Sarlen?

Master Tazz: It doesn't matter if any of them are stronger or mightier than me, because I know what makes them tick.

Khan: Hmph, well you sure think highly of yourself. And people always told me I was too confident.

Master Tazz: There's nothing wrong with having confidence. The real problem comes from having overconfidence.

Khan: And what makes you so confident that you could be the Sarlen?

Master Tazz: Let's be honest, Baron is too much of a goofball to take anything seriously. I mean you've seen how he acts, especially when he's around his sister. Ja'Skaar to the untrained has no weakness. She's stronger than Baron, and could hold her own against C if she needed to. However, if you put even the tiniest piece of food in front of her, then the battle is yours. And C? Well he simply won't do anything because he doesn't care.

Khan: I'm not sure if all of this is confidence, or just a total lack of respect. But either way, I like it.

Master Tazz: Anyway, we should hurry up and get back. I imagine that our good captain has waited long enough for us as is.

(Meanwhile back at the Blitzwing…)

Khan: Capt. Maeko.

Capt. Maeko: Ah good, both of you are finally here.

Master Tazz: Sorry to have left without saying a word Captain. I went off to do a bit of quick training.

Capt. Maeko: You don't need to apologize. At least you were originally here when we were ready to leave.

Khan: Speaking of which, where are Jin and Roux? Have they returned yet?

Capt. Maeko: No they haven't. Where in the world could those two be?

Sonjo: *Walking in to join the conversation* Knowing Jin, he's probably slacking off again.

Skia': *Annoyed* Well he is with that demon, anything is possible.

Sonjo: Damn, why so serious?

Skia: I hate her.

Capt. Maeko: Enough of this! We've been sitting around for far too long, let's get going already. Jin and Roux will just have to catch up later.

Khan: Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be here soon enough.

Sonjo: Yeah, he wouldn't stay away from the action for too long.

Capt. Maeko: Alright, let's go everyone!

*The Blitzwing crew flies off to meet Major General Kabuto.*

Kira: Hey Zach, I've been thinking about something.

Zach: What is it?

Kira: Do you remember when the Principality first captured Jin?

Zach: How could I forget? They threatened to drop an entire asteroid on us.

Kira: Right, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. An asteroid to destroy the planet that badly would need to be of great size.

Capt. Maeko: You're right. For something to accomplish that kind of goal, it'd need a vast amount of space to develop.

Zach: Didn't they say something about it being in space?

Capt. Maeko: Yeah they did. What are you getting at Kira?

Kira: Wouldn't it be a good idea to see if we can find the location of this asteroid? If we can find out where they're hiding it, then we should be able to destroy it.

Capt. Maeko: Would you and Zach be able to do this on your own?

Kira: Well I doubt we'd be able to find something like this on our own. But if we bring it up to the Major General, I'm sure that he'd be willing to help us out.

Zach: All we would need to do is inform him about everything that's happened so far. Once we get that out of the way, we should be able to make time for this.

Capt. Maeko: Even if we were able to find it, how exactly would we go about stopping it? We can't just destroy it, that might still harm the planet.

Kira: I'm sorry, but I haven't figured that part out yet. I thought I should at least bring the issue up with you though.

Capt. Maeko: I see, well thank you both for your insight. We'll definitely have to inform the Major General about all of this. Knowing him, I doubt he'd just dismiss any of what we're saying.

Kira: All we need is to begin the tracking process. Even the tiniest step forward is sometimes all that's needed.

Capt. Maeko: Ha, I see someone WAS listening to me during those meetings after all! Alright then, we'll discuss all of this later when we reach the Major General. Let's go Blitzwing!