NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 13: On to New Beginnings

(Meanwhile, back in the Norahs Kingdom…)

Shenrei: (This war is increasingly slipping out of favor. We need to act fast, and soon…)

Lady Shirina: Commander.

Shenrei: Ah, Lady Shirina.

Lady Shirina: How long has it been since we last spoke together like this?

Shenrei: Quite a while I believe. Haven't had much time to talk thanks to the war efforts.

Lady Shirina: You know Shenrei, this war hasn't been going in our favor.

Shenrei: You say that as if you aren't worried.

Lady Shirina: That's because I'm not.

Shenrei: Oh? You sure are confident.

Lady Shirina: Look out there Shenrei. We've made ourselves a glorious kingdom, and yet there's still so much for us to gain.

Shenrei: The Principality has become exponentially stronger over the course of these past few years.

Lady Shirina: Shenrei, do you believe we can win this war?

Shenrei: Don't you, Lady Shirina?

Lady Shirina: At the end of the day, we are all that we can depend on. When all else fails, you are the only one you can depend on.

Shenrei: That was very well said, Lady Shirina.

Lady Shirina: Of course, I am the total package with both looks and brains.

Shenrei: Hmm, you don't miss any chance to flatter yourself do you?

Lady Shirina: *Laughs* What you call flattery is nothing more than what most would call the truth.

Shenrei: Why did you summon me up here? If there is nothing that you wish to discuss, then I will just go back to my training.

Lady Shirina: I summoned you up here because I wish to know how the development with your apprentice is going.

Shenrei: You mean Lalah… Her training is going well, her perception is incredible, and her intelligence exceeds all but a few.

Lady Shirina: Is she combat ready?

Shenrei: She's been training mostly in the art of perception and simply reading the enemies minds so that we can counter ourselves. We've been training her to operate battleships on her own.

Lady Shirina: And what of hand to hand combat? Does she have any sort of talent or ability there?

Shenrei: None whatsoever. However, it's not as important when she can essentially shut someone down entirely.

Lady Shirina: I want her training to continue. I have a feeling that these upcoming battles are going to be very crucial to the war.

Shenrei: Then I can end this charade?

Lady Shirina: *Evil smile* Why yes, my dear Shenrei.

Shenrei: *Confident, evil smile* How I've waited to hear that.

(Play Do as infinity - fukai mori lyric in the playlist) (Meanwhile back with the Blitzwing crew…)

Capt. Maeko: Zach, how much longer until we arrive?

Zach: We should be there momentarily, Captain.

Capt. Maeko: Excellent, let me know the moment we get there.

Kira: What do you think the place is going to look like?

Alex: *Excited* I bet it's a base hidden underground in a big city!

Baron Hampton: They probably realized the legendary Baron Hampton would be making a visit sooner or later. I imagine that this place will be stacked to the brim with high quality stuff!

Ja'Skaar: Oh please, get over yourself Baron. It's obvious that this is a result of their war with the Principality.

Alex: A war that COULD be over by now IF you guys had participated at any time within the last few skirmishes or so.

Baron Hampton: That may be. But how would the creator be able to get these episodes out if we just won so easily?

Ayumi: Exactly! If big brother went out and defeated the enemy so easily, we wouldn't have time to…

Ja'Skaar: *Catches on to what she's about to say* Nooooo…

Ayumi/Baron Hampton: *Look at the screen again..* C'mon! Say it with us everybody!

Sonjo: No no nooooo…

Ayumi/Baron Hampton: RAISE THE ST-

*Ja'Skaar kicks the two of them so hard, they fly through the ship and into the sky*

Baron Hampton: *Crying in an over exaggerated way* Oh well, it looks like they weren't ready for it this time.

Ayumi: *Crying in an over exaggerated way* Perhaps we came on too strong?

Baron Hampton: Or maybe they just aren't as cool as we are.

Ayumi/Baron Hampton: WE'RE BLASTING OFF AGAIN! *Star twinkles*

Khan: Thanks.

Ja'Skaar: No need to thank me, I'm just doing my part in helping save the world.

Alex: You mean to tell me that the two of them are detrimental to the world?

Ja'Skaar: Can you blame me for thinking that?

C: Anyone who's been around them long enough knows that them opening their mouth is just bad for everyone.

Sonjo: Especially when they try to talk about-

*He is interrupted by Baron and Ayumi teleporting back into the bridge.*

Baron Hampton: *Angry* What the hell Ja'Skaar?! That's twice now, what gives?

Ayumi: We're just trying to make a positive impact on the world!

Sonjo: You shut up, you don't even do anything to benefit us in any way!

Ja'Skaar: And as for you Baron, you are far too old to be acting like a toddler. Both of your behavior is enough to make me question my existence.

Capt. Maeko: *Sigh* Here they go again…

*Just then, a screen goes off alarming Kira. She checks to see what it is…*

Kira: Capt. Maeko, we've arrived sir.

Capt. Maeko: So, we're finally here.

*The crew look out the windows and see a huge city military base in a big, open space of land.*

Alex: *With shock and excitement* Whoooooooooa!

Sonjo: This place it's…

Khan: Incredible.

Fadra: There's so much space around us!

Zach: Matching coordinates to those received from the message. Match confirmed.

Kira: Optimal landing location found, beginning landing procedures.

Skia': What is this place?

Capt Maeko: When the war first broke out, one of the first things that they did was make a base of operations centered around everything. With this location, it makes traveling to other places much easier. The idea was for a place where people could be protected and live their lives even through war. What you see now is the result of that. This is Oasis.

Sonjo: Oasis, cool name.

Master Tazz: Capt. Maeko, before we land, there's something I want to ask you.

Capt. Maeko: What is it?

Master Tazz: You seem to know this Major General quite well. I wanted to ask how long have you known him?

Capt. Maeko: Quite long, he was my instructor after all.

Alex/Sonjo: Whaaaaaaaat?

Khan: You mean that the one in charge of this entire operation was your instructor?

Capt. Maeko: That's right. I was under the Major General's tutelage up until the war broke out.

Skia': I imagine that this plan of theirs will require a vast amount of resources, and that they'll want us to move as soon as we get there.

Capt. Maeko: Don't worry, there will be time before we head out. It's going to take a while to brief the Major General on everything that's happened so far.

Alex: Sweet! A bit of time to roam around the place for a bit.

Skia': Some time to scope out the area would be beneficial.

Capt. Maeko: There will be time for that. It's important to note that once we land, things are going to be different from now.

Khan: Understood.

Master Tazz: I sense that these upcoming events will be very important in how the world will be.

Capt. Maeko: I agree, this new assault on the Principality might just be the breakthrough we need. Everyone, keep your guard up, and be prepared for whatever happens.

Everyone: RIGHT!

(Narrator: And thus concludes episode 13. This episode is much shorter than most of my other episodes, but that won't matter by the time episode 14 rolls around. When we arrive next time, it's time for two sides to collide once more. Who will gain the upper hand? And what fate awaits all involved?)

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)