NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 14: Welcome to Oasis

Narrator: The Blitzwing crew have finally made it to Oasis, where they join up with Major General Kabuto. With Jin and Roux still away, the crew decide to move ahead with the plan. But while they are given their orders, another plan has already been put into action. And no amount of training or preparations will prepare them for what they are about to face… (Play episode opening songs Fullmetal Alchemist Ending (Tobira No Mukou e) and G Gundam: Unmei no Gong)

(This episode takes place right where the last episode left off, with The Blitzwing landing in Oasis.)

Kira: Landing procedures complete.

Capt. Maeko: Excellent, nice work with the landing you two.

Zach: Well, all those years of flight training had to be good for something.

Master Tazz: It's definitely paying dividends, good job.

Khan: So then, what's the plan Captain?

Capt. Maeko: Same as it always is. Find the best and quickest way to end this war, and then do it.

Baron Hampton: *Creepy, evil look* Even if it means we… raise the steaks?

Ayumi: It is the easiest way to win!

Everyone: *In unison* NOOOO!

Baron Hampton: Ah well, it was worth a shot.

Sonjo: You two really are the worst, ya know that?

Ayumi: That's what you think, but I think you just can't appreciate what we do for you all.

Alex: I think the two of you would be better off not being here.

Capt. Maeko: Enough of this, we've wasted enough time as is! Let's go into Oasis, and meet the Major General.

*The crew exit the ship, and head to the gate. They don't get far before they are stopped by a mysterious voice.* (Play Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain Of Memories -Just Wondering- Extended in the playlist)

Janna: Hold it right there!

*A woman emerges wearing a strange outfit.*

Janna: What business do you have here?

Capt. Maeko: We received a message from Major General Kabuto, requesting that we come here to meet him. We're to discuss the plans for this upcoming assault on the Principality.

Janna: I haven't heard anything about that. How do I know you're not infiltrators sent on behalf of the Principality?

Khan: We have a nebula, a praying mantis man, a cat woman, and a child who thinks they're a steak. Do you REALLY think that we'd be working with the Principality?

Janna: Anything is possible. You'll have to forgive me if I don't believe you so easily.

Alex: Oh come on! This is outrageous, we're not with the Principality.

Baron Hampton: Hmph, I guess the mortals truly have forgotten about me. Perhaps I've been away too long.

Fadra: We promise that we're not working with them.

Janna: If that's the case, then you'll prove it.

Capt. Maeko: And just how are we supposed to do that?

Sonjo: Why don't you just go get the Major General, so that he can clear this up for you?

Janna: Wait… You there, step forward!

Sonjo: Who, me?

Janna: I wish to speak with you.

*Sonjo hesitates for a second, and then walks forward a bit*

Janna: What's your name?

Sonjo: It's Sonjo.

*Janna begins to smile at Sonjo and acts rather creepily*

Janna: I see, that's a nice name. I can tell just by looking at you, you're incredibly strong. I think you'd benefit greatly from a teacher.

Skia': He's fine, thanks.

Sonjo: Yeah uhhh, I think I'm good. I'm plenty strong as is.

Janna: That may be, but do you honestly think you could defeat "The Violet Shock" as you were right now?

Sonjo: Yes I do, there isn't a single person alive that can match me.

Baron Hampton: Huh, I must be dead or something.

Ja'Skaar: And I once thought Baron was the most stupid person to ever exist.

C: That was very rash, even for you Sonjo.

Janna: My my, you're a confident one aren't you? Come with me Sonjo, I will show you the secret to true power.

Sonjo: So you're saying that if I go with you, you'll show me the secret to true power?

Skia': You can't seriously be considering this…

Janna: Yes, it's true. If you come with me, Sonjo, I will show you techniques that will leave you breathless.

Skia': Excuse me?

*Just then, Janna suddenly moves in front of Sonjo in the blink of an eye, in a seductive manner*

Janna: How 'bout it Sonjo? You want me to give you a very special private lesson?

Sonjo: Well… I…

Khan: Damn, can someone please get this woman something to drink?

Skia': *Draws out scythe* Alright that's enough! Get your filthy hands off him!

Janna: And just who are you supposed to be?

Skia': I'm his, and he's mine. Now I suggest you let go of him.

Janna: My dear Sonjo, is this true?

Sonjo: Uhh, well uh…

Skia': *Gives death stare deep into Sonjo's soul* Go on Sonjo, tell her the truth.

Sonjo: I'm uhh… I'm in a position where I kinda am, and I'm kinda not.

*The Blitzwing members groan in cringe*

Khan: Bro, you are weak.

Alex: Yeah man, that was just disappointing.

Skia': Alright then Sonjo. If that's how you feel, then go learn this "secret" to attaining "true power".

Sonjo: Wait what? But Skia'...

Skia': Don't mind me. If you want to roll in the mud with a pig, then go ahead. I won't stop you, be my guest.

Sonjo: But I…

Janna: Forget about her Sonjo, come with me. I will help you gain the power you're looking for.

Skia': Hold it right there hussy. Don't think that you're getting off that easily.

Janna: Now now, there's no need for you to be upset. You can play with us too if you really want to. *She begins surrounding herself with elemental magic.*

Skia': I prefer to play a different game. A speedrun to your death!

Capt. Maeko: *Exasperated sigh* We don't have time for this!

Baron Hampton: Oh man, cat fight!

Ja'Skaar: *Hits on top of the head* SHUT UP! You know I find that highly offensive!

*Janna continues to smile creepily, and Skia' remains ready to strike. But then...

Sona: Janna, would you get away from our guest please?

Janna: You startled me Sona, don't do that! I could've easily destroyed you.

Sona: Not ever in your lifetime darling. Now would you care to explain what it is you think you're doing?

Janna: Nothing Madame Sona, I was just introducing myself.

Sona: Really? Cause' from here it looks like you're trying to turn this young man into a grown man. And for the last time, stop calling me that.

Janna: What can I say, I'm good at what I do. *Wink* (Play song Kingdom Hearts 2 - Friends in my Heart)

Sona: *Exasperated sigh* My apologies, I don't know what's gotten into her. You must be Capt. Maeko and the Blitzwing crew.

Capt. Maeko: I am.

Sona: I see. On behalf of Major General Kabuto, I welcome you to Oasis.

Capt. Maeko: Thank you, it's an honor to be here ma'am.

Alex: Uhh forgive my asking, but is the Major General even here?

Sona: Of course he is. Just what exactly happened here?

Sonjo: Trust me, you don't wanna know. Right Skia'?

Skia': Drop dead.

Khan: Ouch.

Sona: Goodness Janna, what did you do?

Janna: I merely offered the young man here the secret to true power.

Sona: Looks like I have to fix everything yet again. I hope you'll forgive my friend here. She gets excited when she gets to meet new people.

Khan: I hope that doesn't mean what I think it does…

Baron Hampton: This conversation has been anything but normal.

Sona: Allow me to introduce myself. I am Sona, I'm Major General Kabuto's second in command. If for whatever reason you can't report to him, you will report to me. And this here is Janna, she's an expert in elemental magic.

Janna: And her best friend.

Sona: Though I sometimes question why I let that be so.

Khan: Yeah, I know what you mean. Sonjo here almost fell to Janna's charms despite having a whole entire girlfriend.

Sonjo: That is not how it went down at all!

C: Yes it is…

Sona: In any case, you should come with me. I'll take you to see the Major General, he asked to see you immediately.