NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 14: Welcome to Oasis:

*They all walk into Oasis, and begin to converse about their adventure*

Sona: Is this all of your crew?

Capt. Maeko: No ma'am, we're still missing two of our members.

Sona: You don't have to be so formal Captain, you can call me Sona.

Capt. Maeko: Okay then, Sona…

Sona: Have you heard anything from them since they've been gone?

Capt. Maeko: No, we haven't been able to get in contact with them.

Fadra: I wonder where they could be?

Capt. Maeko: Have any of our messages at least been able to get to them?

Zach: No sir. Every time I've tried, there's been nothing but static.

Khan: Damn, this is starting to get troubling.

Master Tazz: Excuse me, but perhaps I can be of assistance.

Sonjo: Really? How so?

Master Tazz: Simple. I'm going to communicate with them telepathically.

Alex: You can communicate telepathically?

Baron Hampton: That's OP.

Capt. Maeko: How long have you been able to do this?

Master Tazz: Decades, just never had a reason to use it. Well, at least not until now that is.

C: And the reason you didn't inform us of this is because…

Master Tazz: It's the same reason that you Sarlen refuse to participate, I didn't see a reason to.

C: You dare talk to me that way? Do you wish to incur my wrath?!

Master Tazz: I'm roughly two feet in front of you. If you really wanted to do something, you would've done it by now.

Sonjo: Damn C, you're out here getting punked!

C: Hmph, I'll be sure to remember that.

Master Tazz: Captain, I assure you the two of them will be back in no time. You all go on ahead. It's impolite to leave someone waiting when they've asked to see you.

Capt. Maeko: Alright, we'll see you at the meeting.

Fadra: Please help them get here safely.

Master Tazz: Don't worry, I will. (Jin, can you hear me? It's me, Master Tazz.)

(Meanwhile back where Jin and Roux are…) (Play Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain Of Memories -Just Wondering- Extended in the playlist)

Jin: *Gasps with shock*

Roux: What's wrong?

Jin: It's crazy, but I think I just heard Master Tazz call my name.

Master Tazz: (That's because you did, I'm speaking to you telepathically.)

Jin: Whoa really? That's so OP, but cool!

Master Tazz: (Yeah, Baron thought so too.)

Roux: What's going on?

Jin: Apparently Master Tazz can use telepathy to speak to us.

Roux: Sounds OP.

Jin: I know! That's exactly what Baron and I said. Wait hold on, how come only I can hear you?

Master Tazz: (Speaking to a single person this way requires a vast amount of concentration. I find this is much more efficient since I can keep this up longer.)

Jin: That makes sense. Anywho, what's going on?

Master Tazz: (While you two were gone, we received a message from Major General Kabuto.)

Jin: Major General Kabuto?

Roux: He's the one in charge of the whole operation against the Principality.

Master Tazz: (It seems Roux is well educated. At any rate, she's right. He's requested that all of us meet him in Oasis.)

Jin: Oasis?

Master Tazz: (It's the main base of operations where they've asked us to meet.)

Jin: And how long ago was this?

Master Tazz: (A while ago actually. We've been trying to reach you two, but we've had no success until now, as you can see.)


Roux: What is it?

Jin: Everyone left for Oasis without us. What's more, they're already there and they left a while ago.

Roux: Huh, I guess we were gone longer than anticipated. I lost track of time, I'm sorry.

Jin: What's happening now?

Master Tazz: (Capt. Maeko and everyone else has gone ahead to meet the Major General. They're getting ready to have a meeting about the upcoming assault on the Principality.)

Jin: No way…

Master Tazz: (What's more is it seems that he needs everyone to be here. He said that if we didn't help, then losing the battle would be the least of our worries.)

Jin: Roux, it looks like they've gone ahead and called the meeting. We'd better hurry and get to Oasis.

Master Tazz: (I don't know how you plan to cover that much distance in such little time, but I do know that the clock's ticking. Whatever you do, you better do it fast.)

Jin: Don't worry, I have an idea. In order for this to work though, I'm gonna need your help Master Tazz. Can you let me know once you get to the meeting room?

Master Tazz: (Give me a second.) *He teleports right in the middle of the place where they're having the meeting* I'm here.

(Play Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX -Sora- Extended Redux in the playlist) *Everyone looks in shock*

Khan: What the… How did you get here so fast?!

Skia': Your speed is very similar to that of Shenrei's.

Master Tazz: You all may know Shenrei as "The Violet Shock", but who do you think it was who taught him how to hone his power to begin with?

Sonjo: Okay… point taken.

Master Tazz: Jin, what was the time on that?

Jin: 0.9 seconds.

Master Tazz: Hmph, perfect. Anyway, I'm in the meeting room. What is it that you need help with?

Jin: I have a plan, is Sonjo there?

Master Tazz: *Looks at Sonjo* Yes, he's right here.

Sonjo: *Gets nervous* Uhhh… Why are you looking at me like that?

Jin: Alright that's good, now give me a second. Roux, are you ready to go?

Roux: Yeah, but how are we supposed to get there? I am NOT getting in that mech with you.

Jin: We won't need to, I have a way to get us there instantly.

Roux: And just how are we supposed to do that?

Jin: I've been secretly working on something. I guess this is as good a time as any to see if it works. Master Tazz, please ask Sonjo to extend his arm out, and open his hand as if he were about to catch something.

Master Tazz: Alright Sonjo, Jin wants you to do this. *He does the motion with his arm to show Sonjo*

Sonjo: Huh? Why do I have to do that? It looks silly.

Master Tazz: The only thing that'll look silly will be you after I get done slamming your face into the ground. Now stop whining and just do it!

Sonjo: Okay okay relax!

Baron Hampton: I believe this is what the young kids called "getting wrecked".

C: Hmph, it seems YOU are the one who's been punked, Sonjo.

Jin: Great, now all we need is for him to focus.

Master Tazz: Sonjo, I want you to close your eyes and concentrate. Concentrate really hard on channeling your power.

Sonjo: Why do I have to be the one doing silly stuff?

Master Tazz: Because Jin said it would help him get here faster.

Sonjo: If he wants to get here fast, why doesn't he just call his mech and FLY here? I mean, it can at least do that right? Not like he can fly himself anyway.