NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 14: Welcome to Oasis

*Master Tazz gets annoyed and swiftly punches Sonjo in the stomach. Sonjo falls to the ground coughing, and gasping for air.*

Master Tazz: You should be grateful, I pulled that punch at the last second.

Sonjo: (There's no way he pulled that punch back. I feel like I'm about to die!)

Ja'Skaar: And you said you were the strongest one here. Hmph, what a joke.

Alex: Ya know for someone who claims to be the strongest alive, you sure do have a weak mental state.

Sonjo: Shut up! You're just jealous that Janna wanted me, and not y'all.

Zach: Not really much of a milestone there…

Kira: Yeah Sonjo, who would be happy about that?

Khan: You really are an idiot, ya know that?

*It is then that Janna kneels down close to Sonjo and whispers sweet nothings.*

Janna: There there Sonjo, do not be embarrassed by this. I can give you an incentive, if that is what you desire.

Sonjo: What kind of incentive?

Janna: I will make you all the snacks that your heart desires, so long as you keep being one.

*Sonjo jumps up suddenly full of life…*

Sonjo: Okay let's do this!

Skia': I see your heartbeat runs a race when you're with a different woman, you two timer.

Sonjo: But Skia', think about it. A lifetime supply of snacks, it's worth the risk.

Skia': I hope you die, and I hope I'm the one who deals the blow.

Khan: You just continue to dig yourself deeper into this hole sir. How are you this dumb?

Sonjo: Shut up! I need to concentrate.

*Sonjo begins to concentrate all his effort into channeling his power. After a few seconds, the sounds of electricity begin to feel the air. Sonjo's hand becomes engulfed in electricity, and Jin and Roux appear along with the Bo staff*

Jin: Alright! We made it.

Sonjo: Huh? What did I just do?

Jin: You materialized the Bo staff.

Sonjo: I can materialize the Bo staff? I thought it was just a regular staff.

Jin: After our first battle with Shenrei, I realized something. We need every advantage we can get if we want to win. So before Roux and I were sent on that mission, I added something to the staff. It's still a staff, only now you can use your power to call it at will.

Roux: Hmph, not bad Jin.

Sonjo: That's all fine and good, but what exactly is the purpose of this? Like, when am I EVER going to need this?

Jin: If you don't like it, you can give it back. Maybe someone else will be more grateful.

Khan: I don't know what exactly that woman did to you Sonjo, but you've really been off today.

Skia': You've been a complete embarrassment all day.

Baron Hampton: Yeah man, like this episode is almost over. And you've either been getting punked, or saying some real outlandish stuff.

C: At this point, you're making Ayumi look normal.

Sonjo: Yeah yeah yeah! The important thing is that I helped them get here.

(Stop playing the song) (Just then…) (Play the song Mobile Suit Z Gundam: A New Translation OST- Winds of Reunion)

Major General Kabuto: Good, seems like everyone's here.

(They all look and see Major General Kabuto entering the area where they are having the meeting.)

Sona: Major General Kabuto!

Fadra: That's the Major General?

Capt. Maeko: No doubt about it, that's him alright.

Major General Kabuto: I'm pleased that you all could make it here. You've no idea how long I've been trying to meet you all.

Baron Hampton: Yes well, I can't say that I blame you. I AM the legendary Baron Hampton.

Major General Kabuto: Yes yes, I know all about you Sarlen.

C: Oh? You know about us?

Major General Kabuto: But of course, I am an old soul after all.

Ja'Skaar: I have to say, being remembered feels nice for a change.

Capt. Maeko: But you didn't call us here to discuss pleasantries. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy to see you old friend. But I think it'd be best if we got down to business right away.

Major General Kabuto: Right you are as always Capt. Maeko. The time has come for us to launch a new assault onto the Principality. With all of our combined efforts, I believe we can deal a major blow to the Principality's war efforts.

Master Tazz: Trying to accomplish together what we can't on our own, it's a brilliant strategy.

Kira: I have full faith in our abilities to win this fight.

Fadra: As do I.

Major General Kabuto: Excellent. The first step to accomplishing something is to acknowledge that you can do it. Now then, let's get underway with this meeting.

((Play episode ending songs G Gundam: Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and Sword Art Online Ending)

(Narrator: And with that, episode 14 comes to an end. With all of this build up happening from these last few episodes, it all comes to clash soon! Now that the Blitzwing crew have finally made it to Oasis, there's newfound hope for the future. When we come back next time, it's time to take the fight to the Principality! Will the Blitzwing crew survive? Or will they be overcome by their enemy? Find out when we come back, next time!)

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)