NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 16: Time Can’t Heal All Wounds

Narrator: After a shocking betrayal at the hands of Skia', Jin and Sonjo are left in a state of addled minds. After the Blitzwing crew learn about the events at Radeon, they also are confused and unsure about what to do. While the Blitzwing crew waits for Sonjo to heal, Capt. Maeko has called a meeting to discuss things… (Play episode opening songs Fullmetal Alchemist Ending (Tobira No Mukou e) and G Gundam: Unmei no Gong)

(This episode takes place right where episode 15 was ending…) (Play Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX - Remastered OST - The Other Promise.)

Jin: You… monster! You'll pay for this!

Graves: Well now, isn't this funny? It wasn't too long ago that I was calling YOU a monster. This world is nothing if not fond of irony. Here, a little something to remember me by. *Graves kicks Jin and Sonjo in the face, knocking Jin out, and causing Sonjo's nose to bleed.*

Shenrei: *Walks up to Jin* Remember this pain. It is nothing to the pain and suffering I've endured. Let it drive you, push you to greater strength. Only then will you be someone worth my consideration.

*The three of them walk away, leaving the base through a secret exit. They board the Argo and head back to Norahs*

Jin: *Still lying on the ground losing consciousness…* (Skia'... Why? Why would you betray us?) *As he finally loses consciousness, his mind returns to the thoughts of when he was in the realm of evanescent. He remembers his fateful encounter with the Hooded Figure…*

(This next scene takes place right before the end of the battle between Jin and the Hooded Figure.) *The two of them clash with their weapons in hand…*

Jin: Who are you?

Hooded Figure: Someone else's shadow. *The Hooded Figure forces Jin back with a strong strike*

Jin: You can't be Roux?

Hooded Figure: Roux? I encountered a Roux before.

Jin: What?

Hooded Figure: Jin… Tell me why it has to be you!

*The Hooded Figure goes on the offensive, constantly attacking Jin and keeping him on the defensive. Despite all of this, Jin is still able to successfully repel all of the attacks. And after a while on defense, Jin is now starting to make the fight even again.*

Hooded Figure: I see… That's why.

Jin: What happened to Roux? What did you do to her?!

Hooded Figure: Nothing, except maybe kill her once.

Jin: *Visibly angry* You what?!

Hooded Figure: What of it Jin? You gonna kill me and get revenge?

Jin: *Powering up while enrage* Kill you? I'm gonna destroy you!

(We now cut back to present day aboard the Blitzwing, in Jin's room…) (Stop playing the song)

Jin: *Wakes up and realizes where he is.* The Blitzwing? When did I get back to my room?

Khan: You've been back here for about an hour.

Jin: Khan?

Khan: Fadra took care of you and Sonjo's injuries once you both got back. Yours weren't as bad, so she just treated you in your room.

Jin: Where's Sonjo?

Khan: He's still in ICU, his injuries are really bad. Knowing Sonjo though, I'm sure he'll make a full recovery.

Jin: After what happened at Radeon, I don't think anyone could make a full recovery. By the way, do you know what happened?

Khan: Not everything, but I got the gist of it.

Jin: How did you find out?

Khan: Do you remember how the Captain sent you and Sonjo in to look for Skia', and I was to deal with any remaining troops?

Jin: Yeah.

Khan: Well after I was done with that, Capt. Maeko said that they hadn't heard anything from the two of you.

Jin: That's right, the communications were down.

Khan: Right, and that's where my story takes place.

(Play Code Lyoko- William Theme (2017 Remastered Full Version) *Khan tells Jin the story of how he found out about what happened…* (Rewinding to the time when Khan had just defeated the renaming enemies…)

Capt. Maeko: Khan, do you read me?

Khan: I read you loud and clear Captain.

Capt. Maeko: Khan, we haven't heard from either Jin, Skia', or Sonjo. The comm circuit must be down. I need you to go in there and provide assistance if needed.

Khan: Understood, I'll head there now.

(A little while later…)

Khan: It's too quiet, almost as if no one were home… *Just then, the ground begins to tremble ferociously.* What the- What was that? Nevermind, I'll worry about that later. I've gotta find Jin and Sonjo.

(After a bit of running, Khan sees Skia' leaving with Graves and Shenrei through a secret exit inside the base that leads to the outside.)

Khan: Skia'?! What's she doing with those two bastards? No, don't tell me…

(Khan watches as the three of them board the Argo and leave… After they leave, he runs over to where they were standing, and sees an unconscious Jin and Sonjo)

Khan: Jin! Sonjo! Damn it, what happened here?

Shirinan Soldier: *Groans*

*It's then that Khan sees a badly injured Shirinan soldier. He is sitting on the ground against a wall, holding his stomach. Blood constantly leaves his mouth and stomach from his wounds…*

Khan: *Runs over to the soldier* Hey you! Where are the three of them heading?

Shirinan Soldier: I don't answer… to Blitzwing trash…

Khan: *Places his foot on the hand of the soldier holding his stomach* I'm gonna give you one more chance to remedy your last mistake. Now tell me, before I stomp you to the depths of hell!

Shirinan Soldier: They're going back to the Norahs Kingdom… But it doesn't matter where they go, you can't stop them. This base's been set to self-destruct.

Khan: So you say, but I don't remember asking for your opinion. I'm taking you in for more questioning.

Capt. Maeko: Khan? Khan! Can you hear me?

Khan: I can hear you, Captain, but Jin and Sonjo are in really bad shape.

Capt. Maeko: What? But if we can hear you, then why couldn't we hear either Jin or Sonjo?

Khan: I'll explain all of that when we get back. This base has been set to self district, it looks like we've been tricked… We need to get out here! Now!

Capt. Maeko: Meet us in the middle of the base, we'll be waiting to pick you up!

Khan: I'll be out with Jin and Sonjo as soon as I'm able.

(A little while later…)

Capt. Maeko: Khan! What happened to these two?

Khan: I don't know, but I think I have an idea.

Fadra: Hurry! We have to get them treated fast!

Capt. Maeko: Who's that?

Khan: He's a soldier of Lady Shirina. He's also given me some crucial information.

Capt. Maeko: Then we've gotten everything we need from him. Do what you have to then let's go.

Khan: Sir! *He turns and looks at the soldier that he dropped on the ground.*

Shirinan Soldier: Aren't you going to take me with you?

Khan: Nah. I think you deserve a reward for your helpful information. Oh yes, a front row seat for the fireworks! *He kicks the soldier down the hill and leaves in the Blitzwing. He opens the rear deck hatch to watch the base explode after they are a safe distance away. After a bit of time, the base explodes…* Heh, what dirty fireworks.