NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 15: Radeon

(A little while later…)

Jin: Man, this place is big.

Sonjo: I know. They sure weren't kidding when they said this place was like a maze. I feel like we haven't made any real progress.

Jin: Let's ask Kira and Zach to see how close we are.

Sonjo: Good idea. Kira, Zach, do you read me? Kira? Zach can you hear me?

Jin: Are the communication channels down?

Sonjo: I think so. Hmmm let me try…

*Just then a blast of energy comes flying at them. With quick reflexes, the two of them are able to dodge the attack. They cover their face while jumping back to stop the debris from getting in their eye. (Play Showdown at Hollow Bastion - Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD ReMIX) The smoke soon begins to clear…

Jin: *Growls* Shenrei and Graves…

Graves: Heh heh heh… Well well! I guess the villains have returned!

Sonjo: I guess so. *He holds out his hand and materializes the bo staff*

Shenrei: Oh?

Sonjo: *Powers up*

Jin: *Powers up as well* Alright, time for me to use some of this revenge value!

*Shenrei and Graves look on with an evil smirk on their faces. Jin looks at Sonjo, and Sonjo gives him a confident smile and thumbs up. Sonjo charges after Graves, and Jin charges after Shenrei, and they all engage in a violent clash!* (Play Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX - Remastered OST - The Other Promise.)

(Sonjo engages Graves in combat, and the two of them battle it out. Meanwhile, Jin and Shenrei engage in their own battle…)

Jin: (This is my second time facing Shenrei. There's no way I'm gonna lose to him again.)

Shenrei: Hmph, you've gotten a whole lot better Jin. But… It still won't be enough to save you. Have you already forgotten what you learned from our first fight? There's no saving you!

Jin: Damn you!

Shenrei: You little…!

*They keep on fighting. Meanwhile, Sonjo has not only gained the upper hand, but is winning against Graves with relative ease.*

Sonjo: Honestly Graves, you could at least try to be entertaining.

Graves: (Why… Why is he so much stronger than me? Why can't I keep up with him?)

Sonjo: Don't tell me that's all you've got, I mean I'm barely even warmed up here- UGH!

(Play Dragon Ball Super - Crushing Defeat (Extended)

*Sonjo is shocked to find that he has been stabbed in the back by Skia', both literally and figuratively…

Graves: Heh, serves you right. Did you really think you could defeat me?

Skia': So sorry Sonjo. You just found out way too much…

Sonjo: Skia'... Why? *Coughs up blood*

*Skia' pulls her scythe out and Sonjo lies on the floor with a gash across his back. Blood begins to leave his body in very big amounts.

Jin: Sonjo! NO!

*Shenrei takes advantage of the confusion, and sends Jin flying to the ground with a kick to the stomach.*

Jin: Why Skia'? Why would you do this?

Skia': Oh Jin "buddy", you should know better than anyone. Oh that's right, you don't remember. Well, don't worry. I'm sure you and Sonjo will have plenty of time to hash it out while you're both in the afterlife.

Shenrei: I have to say, I'm impressed. I didn't think you would perform so well.

Skia': Please, this was nothing more than child's play. The two of them have always been so gullible and naive.

Graves: Serves them right. *He looks over at a Sonjo with no conscious, and Jin on the ground in pain* Heh…

Jin: You… monster! You'll pay for this!

Graves: Well now, isn't this funny? It wasn't too long ago that I was calling YOU a monster. This world is nothing if not fond of irony. Here, a little something to remember me by. *Graves kicks Jin and Sonjo in the face, knocking Jin out, and causing Sonjo's nose to bleed.*

Shenrei: *Walks up to Jin* Remember this pain. It is nothing to the pain and suffering I've endured. Let it drive you, push you to greater strength. Only then will you be someone worth my consideration.

*The three of them walk away, leaving the base through a secret exit. They board the Argo and head back to Norahs*

(Play the episode ending songs G:Gundam Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and SAO Ending 1)

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)