NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 15: Radeon

*The two of them begin to walk back, but then Roux stops and begins staring at the moon.*

Jin: Something wrong Roux?

Roux: No it's nothing… It's just…

Jin: Roux?

Roux: Jin, what will you do when all this is over? Where will you go?

Jin: Hmm… I haven't really given it that much thought. But, there is something that I want to do, preferably before this all ends.

Roux: What is it?

Jin: I want to find the person that I let inside my heart way back when I was a kid.

Roux: You're still on that? Don't you think that they might've forgotten about that already?

Jin: Even if they have forgotten, I haven't. I want to meet them, I want to be friends with whoever it is. Even if they don't remember, and even if I do forget at some point, I at least want to know who it is.

Roux: I'm sure whoever they are, they'll be excited to meet you.

Jin: Thanks, and what about you? What are you gonna do once this is over?

Roux: I have something that I want to do, something really important to me.

Jin: Really? Do you want me to help?

Roux: No, I'll be fine. I could do it now if I wanted to, but my pride won't let me.

Jin: Are you looking for someone too?

Roux: Yeah…

Jin: But I don't get it. If you can see them now, then why won't you do it? Don't you want to see them?

Roux: I do, I just don't want them to see me.

Jin: Roux…

Roux: I don't want them to be disappointed.

Jin: Aw, I don't think they'll be disappointed. You'll find who you're looking for, I know you will.

*Just then, they hear a loud munch, and the sounds of someone digging in a bag of sorts. They look over into the bushes and see Baron Hampton munching on some chips. Jin and Roux look at him with both cringe and disbelief.*

Jin: Uhh Baron, what the heck are you doing?

Baron Hampton: Munching on a delicious bag of chips, as you can see.

Jin: How long have you been there?

Baron Hampton: The whole time.

Roux: You were eavesdropping on our conversation?

Baron Hampton: I wasn't eavesdropping! I was getting all of the content for the story!

Roux: The story?

Baron Hampton: Yeah! You know they're gonna make an anime about us and our adventures at SOME point in the future. I got to make sure the creators have all of the content they need.

Jin: Roux?

Roux: Don't say it, I know what you're thinking.

*The two of them chase after Baron while the camera pans up to show off the stars in the night sky. The next day…* (Play Dragon Ball Z Kai - Fusion's Theme (Official) [Unreleased OST]

Major General Kabuto: Alright, I wish you all the best on this mission.

Capt. Maeko: Thanks, we'll all do our best.

Sona: Be careful out there.

Capt. Maeko: Don't worry, my crew and I have survived through a lot thus far. If anything tries to take us out, they're gonna have a really tough time. Are you all ready to go?

*Everyone nods in unison*

Jin: I hope Shenrei and Graves are there. I've got a lot of payback that I'm just dying to spend.

Sonjo: Ah yeah! You know this mission is gonna be fun if Jin's fired up!

Skia': Hmph, I suppose this mission could prove to not be a complete waste of time.

Khan: Let's do it!

Master Tazz: I will provide assistance where needed.

Capt. Makeo: Alright everyone, let's go!

*They all board the Blitzwing and depart for the Radeon base. While they are on the way there, Capt. Maeko lets them know what they will be doing.*

Capt. Maeko: Alright, here's what we're going to do. Jin, Khan, Sonjo, I want you three to each take a corner of the base. Jin, you take the northwest entrance. Khan, you take the southwest. And Sonjo the southeast, take Skia' with you.

Jin: Got it!

Capt. Maeko: Alex, Roux, man the ships guns and defend from any enemy forces that get close to the Blitzwing. Watch out for any friendlies though.

Roux: Understood.

Capt. Maeko: Kira, Zach, keeps those radars constantly updated. I want to know the moment any enemy forces appear.

Kira: Just leave it to us!

Zach: Piece of cake, no sweat.

Capt. Maeko: Master Tazz…

Master Tazz: Don't worry, I will handle Shenrei if the time comes.

Capt. Maeko: I'm sorry, this must be difficult for you.

Master Tazz: Of course it is, but it's either him or humanity.

Capt. Maeko: I'm glad that you're on our side, thank you for your help. Kira, open the rear deck!

Kira: You got it sir!

(Play Dragon Ball Super OST - Battle: Vegito vs Zamasu) *She opens the rear deck, and Jin, Khan, Skia' and Sonjo all launch and head to their respective corners. After a while of battling the enemy, Capt. Maeko calls for an update.*

Capt. Maeko: Kira, how are they doing?

Kira: I'll check. Jin, Khan, Sonjo, how are your missions going?

Jin: Northwestern entrance is taken care of.

Khan: Southwestern entrance is as good as ours.

Sonjo: Southeastern entrance is clear.

Khan: It's strange though… Radeon's hardly putting up a fight.

Sonjo: Yeah, I know what you mean. This was way too easy.

Skia': If this base was as important as they said it was, we'd be meeting way more resistance than this. It seems I'll need to get an explanation from the enemy. *She's flies off into the base core*

Sonjo: Skia'! What are you doing? You'll get yourself killed!

Capt. Maeko: Damn it, what does she think she's doing?!

Fadra: Capt. Maeko, what do you need me and Ayumi to do?

Capt. Maeko: Nothing at the moment, I will let you know the moment you're needed.

Ayumi: AWWWWW! But I wanna get out there and help! I can really raise the steaks captain!

Capt. Maeko: Right now, we're just trying to take over the base and find out what information we can. There aren't that many enemies, so we should have no problems in doing so.

Fadra: C'mon Ayumi, let's go see if Ja'Skaar and C need anything.

*Just then, the radar beeps like crazy!*

Kira: Capt. Maeko! A large enemy force is approaching!

Capt. Maeko: What?!

Zach: They've surrounded the entire base, and the base's defense systems are on as well!

Capt. Maeko: Jin, Khan, Sonjo, did you get that?

Jin: Yeah, what are your orders, captain?

Capt. Maeko: Jin, Sonjo, you two clear a path for the Blitzwing to get to the middle point on the outside of the base! After that, go to the base core and help Skia'. Khan, take out any enemies that are left.

Jin: Got it!

Sonjo: Let's go. The base core should have a line of defense.

Khan: If you two don't hurry, I'm gonna have all the fun.

Sonjo: HA! I'm not gonna let you hog all of the spotlight.

*Khan heads around the base clearing out enemies as he goes, while Jin and Sonjo head for the base core. Just then, the radar begins to beep crazily again!*

Kira: Capt. Maeko! Two more enemies are approaching!

Zach: They're heading straight for the core!

Capt. Maeko: That's gotta be Shenrei and Graves. Kira, call Jin and Sonjo and alert them!

Kira: Sir! Jin, Sonjo, do you read me? Jin? Sonjo!

Capt. Maeko: What's wrong?

Kira: The communication systems are down! I can't get in contact with them!

Capt. Maeko: Then we can't alert them about the enemy… Zach, try to get in contact with Khan and Skia'.

Zach: Sir!