NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 18: Turning the Tide!

Narrator: After some intense training, and a near death experience, Khan has finally broken through his limits. While all of that was going on, Capt. Maeko and Jin learned some critical information. With this new information gathered, they hope to piece everything together and turn the tide of the war in their favor. Meanwhile, Sonjo begins to show signs of life. Will he be able to recover? And what information have they learned that hope to give them an advantage? (Play episode opening songs Fullmetal Alchemist Ending (Tobira No Mukou e) and G Gundam: Unmei no Gong)

(This episode takes place where we last left off with Jin…) (Play Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMix -Organization XIII- Extended)

Jin: Huh? What's this? *He notices a blinking light, and walks towards it.* A monitor? Strange, it looks like it's still on. Let's see if I can get it up and running again. *After a bit of tinkering, the monitor begins to power on.* There, that should do it.

*The monitor turns on and displays a woman on the screen.*

Automated voice: Welcome.

Jin: *Gasp* This woman feels so familiar. But how? I've never seen her in my life.

Automated voice: Place your hand on the sensory pad to your right.

Jin: Okay… *He feels his mind being connected to the monitor* What the? My head…

Automated voice: What is it that you desire to know?

Jin: I want to know about the Principality.

Automated voice: The Principality of Shirina: A long standing dominion that came into existence after the war of Sarina.

Jin: The war of Sarina? (This is crazy… Not sure how much this computer knows, but it's worth investigating.) Tell me everything.

Automated voice: The battle took place not long after humans began relocating to Sarina. For millennia, mankind was ruled by one family, and one family alone.

Jin: Who were they?

Automated voice: A family of monarchs that came together to ensure that they alone could be in control. They called themselves the Republic of Shirina, named after the head of the house, Xenxo Shirina.

Jin: I imagine the republic part was meant to be ironic. So what happened?

Automated voice: By the time mankind had settled into its new home, tensions had become insurmountable. The people longed for a new government, as the Republic of Shirina had stirred up conflict with the Sarlen.

Jin: The Sarlen?! (Play G Gundam: Kienai Itami Kakusenai Namida)

Automated voice: The Sarlen were blessed with celestial magic, which allowed them to become all but immortal. The Sarlen, along with many people, were not happy with the Republic of Shirina.

Jin: What happened next?

Automated voice: While tensions continued to rise, the current leader of Shirina, Andrew, began to look for peace negotiations as both sides had become increasingly tired from all of the antics. However, when word got out that this was his plan, there were those in the Republic who would not stand for this. His daughter at the time, Lillian, had been a vice admiral for a long time after her father Andrew had pushed for her to join in politics. Under the guise of a daughter looking to spend time with her father, Lillian called for a meeting with her father, Lord Andrew Shirina. She has their servants prepare fine food and drink for them while they talk. While conversing about the upcoming peace negotiations, Lillian implores her father to rethink his decisions of negotiating with the enemy. Citing that the Sarlen and their supporters, while vast in numbers, lacked greatly in resources.

Jin: But Andrew only wanted to bring the conflict to an end, to bring peace…

Automated voice: During the peace talks between Lord Andrew Shirina, and C, the leader of the Sarlen, something momentous happened. Lord Andrew began gasping for air, and clenching his heart before falling to the ground. The peace talks ceased, as members of the Republic raced to save their leader from imminent death. Doctors emerged from his chambers with news that would crush the hearts of many. They were unable to save him, as he had been poisoned. The poison was too far entrenched into his bloodstream by the time they got to him. While on his deathbed, many gathered around to support their leader in his final moments. Lord Andrew did not speak most of the time, but right before his last breath, he looked at one person and mentioned their name… "Lillian".

Jin: What happened then?

Automated voice: Still in the midst of mourning their leader, everyone became confused as to what he meant. Some thought he was suggesting that Lillian become the new leader of the Republic of Shirina. Others thought there was foul play involved, and that he was suggesting that Lillian had been the one who poisoned him. Regardless of what truly happened, Lillian became the new ruler of the Republic of Shirina. Her first order of business, eliminate any and everyone who stood in her way. It took just seconds for her to declare war on the Sarlen and everyone else. Over the course of six months, they mercilessly persecuted or killed everyone who would dare stand against them. No case of this caught more attention than the death of Master Tazz.

Jin: They committed genocide?! (The computer must not be up to date, Master Tazz is alive and well currently.)

Automated voice: To them, it was nothing more than a means to an end.

Jin: This is crazy…

Automated voice: Most of the Sarlen were killed, but their leader and a few others were able to survive.

Jin: (She must be talking about C and everyone else.)

Automated voice: After the last few Sarlen disappeared, Lillian Shirina declared that the war of Sarina was over, with an astounding victory for Shirina. She then renamed the Republic of Shirina to the Principality of Shirina, citing that as the Republic, they had become weak and needed to become a symbol of strength and fear to all who stood in their way. As the new leader of the Principality, she gave herself the title Lady Shirina. After the war of Sarina, she became known as the "The Mistress of Evil".

Jin: Hearing all of this is enough to make my head hurt, I'm gonna need time to process all of this. *He looks down and sees the lady he saw earlier* *Gasp* That's right! I almost forgot about her. I still need to get her some help. I'll head back to the Blitzwing, I can figure everything out there.

Automated voice: Goodbye Jin.

Jin: *Gasp* (He looks confused, as he never once mentioned his name.) How do you know my name?

Automated voice: I know a great deal about you. Until we meet again Jin. *The monitor powers down*

Jin: Okay… That was weird. (Ugh! What am I doing? I don't have time for this! I need to get this woman some help right away. He picks up the lady and holds her carefully, so as not to cause any pain. He walks slowly towards the exit, but before he can leave…)

Roux: What the hell do you think you're doing?

Jin: Roux?!

*He sees Roux staring at him with intense disgust*

Jin: (This could go bad in more ways than one…)

(Meanwhile, back where Khan and Master Tazz are…)

Khan: *Looks at his hands in shock* This power…

Master Tazz: Yes, you've broken through your limits.

Khan: Finally… My years of training have brought me the power that I longed for.

Master Tazz: What do you intend to do, now that you have that power?

Khan: I'm going to utterly humiliate Graves and Shenrei, and then I'm going to end this war by killing them.

Master Tazz: Hmph, those are some bold words Khan. Are you sure you'll be able to back them up?

Khan: I was able to hold my own against you, and you're much stronger than the two of them. I'm sure I'll be more than able to defeat them.

Master Tazz: True enough. In any case, we should head back to the Blitzwing. We've used too much energy during this training, and I can tell the light in your eyes is fading.

Khan: Yeah, I supposed it couldn't hurt to rest for a bit.

Master Tazz: Right, then let's get going.

*They begin walking back to the Blitzwing. After a few seconds, Master Tazz hears a thud. He looks behind him to see Khan lying on the ground unconscious.*

Master Tazz: (It took everything he had to unleash that power, he'll need to learn how to control it. Still, the fact that he was able to generate that much power in his condition says a lot about him as a person. Good job Khan.)