NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 18: Turning the Tide!

(Meanwhile back where Capt. Maeko, Sona, and Major General Kabuto are…) (Capt. Maeko should sound angry the entire time…) (Play Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMix -Organization XIII- Extended)

Capt. Maeko: Unbelievable…

Sona: Yes, now you know the truth.

Major General Kabuto: Everything involving "Project VP", the chaos that ensued, was a result of our greed and desire to find a way to defeat the Principality.

Capt. Maeko: So "Project VP" never really existed?

Sona: No. We only created that rumor in hopes that the Principality would back off. We had hoped that if the Principality knew we had something like that, then maybe they would sue for peace.

Capt. Maeko: And all of the things that happened to everyone? All of the things that happened to Roux?

Major General Kabuto: All a result of one trivial, made up rumor.

Capt. Maeko: You put many at risk over something nonexistent? You condemned so many innocent people, just so that you all could continue to hide while the Principality tormented others?

Major General Kabuto: It's something we've never been able to move past.

Capt. Maeko: How… How could you all willingly do something like this?

Sona: It might not be the greatest thing in terms of morals…

Capt. Maeko: Not even the greatest thing at all for that matter.

Sona: But the time they spent looking into "Project VP" allowed us to rebuild our forces in secret. Were it not for that, we would not have been able to build the Blitzwing. You would not have been able to meet the crew you have today, and none of us would be here today.

Capt. Maeko: That's small comfort for the ones that died in our place.

Major General Kabuto: Capt. Maeko, you must understand. Were it not for that last ditch effort, the Principality would've had this war all but won.

Sona: Right. We're doing much better against them now. If I'm not mistaken, you guys haven't lost that much to them, and your crew is hardly experienced. No offense, by the way.

Capt. Maeko: All of it is taken. This inexperienced crew has done more since the war started then the both of you have together.

Sona: You dare make such absurd statements?!

Major General Kabuto: Now now, let's all be reasonable here.

Capt. Maeko: Reasonable? REASONABLE?! You both condemned innocent people to death so that the Principality would give you some breathing room to invest in something that didn't exist. You could've found other ways to fend them off, but instead you decided that this was the best course of action. You act under the guise of people who want to see the Principality's end by all means, but you act no differently than they do! And not only that, but you screwed me and my crew over not too long after we got here, AND you've withheld information. Is that what you call reasonable Kabuto? Don't you lecture me about the ends justifying the means or morals. Both of you are nothing more than hypocrites!

Sona: You go too far!

Major General Kabuto: You're not really happy right now are you?

Capt. Maeko: You have to ask? I didn't realize I was being subtle.

Major General Kabuto: Alright then, I can see you don't trust us.

Capt. Maeko: Obviously.

Sona: That's enough disrespect Maeko! I suggest you watch your tongue, or else…

Capt. Maeko: Or else what? Do you intend to kill me and my crew? You can't do that can you? You said it yourself, the blitzwing and its crew are the best thing you have going for y'all. To get rid of us would be to sign your epitaph.

Major General Kabuto: *Sips on drink* Hmm…

Sona: Alright that's it! I've had enough of your shit! Time for you to die Maeko! *She pulls out a knife and holds it towards Capt. Maeko. Capt. Maeko tilts his head up, and places his head on the edge of the knife.*

Capt. Maeko: So, what's it going to be?

Major General Kabuto: *Takes the final sip of his drink, before smacking his lips a few times* Hmmm…

*Everyone stays in their position, as if they were all waiting for someone to make the first move.*

Capt. Maeko: Well? I'm waiting…

Major General Kabuto: That's enough Sona…

Sona: But Major General I-

Major General Kabuto: I said enough! Stand down!

*Sona puts the knife away, and things begin to slowly defuse.* (Stop playing the song)

Major General Kabuto: Well then Capt. Maeko, it seems that things have gotten rather out of hand.

Capt. Maeko: So it would seem.

Sona: You're lucky I didn't kill you for getting out of line there.

Major General Kabuto: And we still have a war to fight against the Principality.

Capt. Maeko: A war which I have no intention of losing.

Major General Kabuto: And despite everything that's transpired, you and your crew haven't done wrong by us at all.

Sona: I'd beg to differ..

Capt. Maeko: Right…

Major General Kabuto: Matter of fact, you and the Blitzwing crew have essentially kept up in this war.

Capt. Maeko: Where exactly are you going with this sir?

Major General Kabuto: It's clear to me that if we're going to win this war, we'll need to get serious.

Sona: Were you not already being serious this entire time?

Major General Kabuto: Truthfully, no. I was too busy focusing on this delicious drink.

Capt. Maeko: If there's a drink anywhere near him, he isn't going to be serious.

Major General Kabuto: In any case, we'll need to end this war quickly. The longer this war goes on, the more dangerous and desperate our enemies will become. And desperate times call for desperate measures, as I'm sure we've already made clear by now.

Sona: What do you propose we do?

Major General Kabuto: We'll need to provide the Blitzwing and its crew all the resources we can. Oasis is in neutral territory, so there's no need to worry about the Principality.

Capt. Maeko: Right… Except they've already attacked neutral territory before.

Sona: He must be drunk.

Major General Kabuto: When am I not? Anywho, Oasis will stay here as a base of operations. But as I'm sure you know, wars have more than one battlefield. It does us no good to defeat them in combat if we do not defeat them psychologically. That's why while you guys are out and about, Sona and I will begin working on rallying support for our cause.

Sona: What?!

Major General Kabuto: You have some objections, Sona?

Sona: Like hell I do! There's no way I'm going to participate in something that could cost me my life with someone who's drunk just about all the time!

Capt. Maeko: She's out of line, but she's right.

Sona: It's about time we agree on something.

Major General Kabuto: But Sona, you're my second in command. I can't possibly go on a noble mission such as this without you.

Sona: If you really wanted this mission done, you'd stop drinking every fraction of a second. I refuse to deal with that.

Capt. Maeko: She has a point, Major General. Something like this is too risky and important to have our chances squandered so carelessly.

Major General Kabuto: Hmmm…

Sona: If this mission is so important, why don't you just let me and Janna take care of it? She's still extremely annoying, but surely the two of us would be a better fit than a drunk.

Capt. Maeko: And you tried to kill me for talking to him the way I did. Who would've known…?

Major General Kabuto: Well, it's not a bad idea. And this would give me some time to think of some really genius strategies to defeat them. Okay, I'll let you two handle this task.

Sona: We won't let you down.

Capt. Maeko: If that's everything here, then I'm going back to my crew. *He begins walking off*

Sona: Hold it right there!

Capt. Maeko: *He looks over his shoulder* Hm?

Sona: I want to apologize for how I've treated you and your crew since you all arrived in Oasis. It's one thing to know who your enemy is, but no one should have to question those they call their allies.

Capt. Maeko: Don't be. Were the roles reversed, I would've done the same. *He walks off.*

Major General Kabuto: Soo you and him huh?

Sona: Oh please… Go drink yourself into oblivion and stop bothering me. I have important business to attend to.