NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 18: Turning the Tide!

(Meanwhile back at the Blitzwing…) (Play Ventus Theme Extended (Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep)

Jin: I'm really sorry about this Fadra.

Fadra: It's okay, she's going to be just fine.

Roux: What happened to her?

Fadra: I don't know. Her brain waves and heart rate were all over the place when you first brought her here.

Jin: When I first found her, she kept screaming about "experiments".

Roux: *She goes silent…*

Jin: Well, at least she's gonna be okay. She seems to have experienced some trauma in the past.

Fadra: Don't worry, I'll take care of her.

Jin: Thanks Fadra. I'll see you later.

Roux: Goodbye sis.

*Jin and Roux exit into the hallway…*

Jin: You okay?

Roux: I'm fine.

Jin: Are you sure? You haven't been fully here since a few minutes ago.

Roux: I said I'm fine, don't worry about me.

Jin: Huh… Well alright then, I'm off to go find Capt. Maeko.

Roux: Jin wait.

Jin: Hm?

Roux: I'm going out soon. I'd appreciate it if you'd come with me.

Jin: Huh? Are you sure?

Roux: Yes. There's something that I need to take care of, and I can't do it alone.

Jin: I see. Alright, just let me know when you're ready to go.

Roux: Thank you.

(Just then, they hear Kira's voice on the ships' comm system. Attention! The captain has called for an immediate meeting at the bridge. All units please report to the bridge. I repeat, all united please report to the bridge.)

Jin: Well, guess we'd better get going.

Roux: Yeah.

(Just then, they see Fadra running towards them)

Roux: What is it Fadra?

Fadra: Jin! Roux! You have to come quickly, Sonjo's finally showing signs of life!

*They all rush back to check on Sonjo*

Jin: Sonjo?

Sonjo: *Groans* Jin?

Jin: Relax Sonjo, you're gonna be okay.

Sonjo: Jin… I…

Jin: Don't worry, I know. We're gonna right all of our wrongs.

*Sonjo gives a very slow thumbs up before going back to sleep*

Fadra: We should let him rest, he'll recover faster that way.

Jin: Yeah. It's nice to know that he's going to be okay. Thanks again Fadra.

Fadra: You're welcome, I'm just doing my part.

Roux: Let's go, we shouldn't keep the captain waiting.

(About a minute later, everyone is at the bridge awaiting Capt. Maeko…)

Capt. Maeko: Sorry to call you all here on such short notice. I've learned some interesting news that you all needed to know right away.

Jin: Whoa really? I've learned some things too!

Khan: Whatever's going on, it's really piqued my curiosity.

Alex: Mine too.

Kira: Let's not waste anymore time then!

Zach: Yeah, let's get started.

Capt. Maeko: Right, but before we begin, I need to ask something. Where are the Sarlen?

Alex: Well C hasn't been seen in quite a while. He left not too long after you said that he'd see us again soon in a rather off-putting way.

Master Tazz: And we all know Ja'Skaar is too busy napping to really do anything productive anyway.

Capt. Maeko: Okay, that answers that. But what about Baron Hampton and Ayumi?

Kira: Oh… uh…

Zach: Well…

(Play Naruto OST 2 - Fooling Mode)

(Meanwhile, back at the Sarlen homeland in a CLEARLY, overcrowded city…) (The camera pans down to get a shot of a giant crowd in the city. At the top of a building, we see Baron Hampton and Ayumi standing looking out.)

Baron Hampton: Oh man, this place sure is crowded!

Ayumi: I didn't think this many people would show up just for the chance to meet us. Hmm, maybe we overdid it a little?

Baron Hampton: Maybe, but when it comes to raising the steaks-

Baron Hampton/Ayumi: *In unison* THE SKIES THE LIMIT!

Ayumi: Did you get everything we need for the raffle?

Baron Hampton: Yep. Raise the steaks merch, snacks, a giant monitor for all of our entertainment purposes, and our limited edition t-shirts that are FINALLY here after having to be remade.

Ayumi: Great! Our fans are gonna have such a good time. Let's go!

*The two of them would go on to do some very cringey things for the rest of the day… It is said that Ayumi performed a song, and Baron Hampton shared his love of anime with his fans. Baron Hampton seems to be a huge fan of Baki, and even allowed some of his fans to spar with him. Ayumi took pictures… A LOT of pictures with her fans. Plushies of Baron and Ayumi raising the steaks were given out to kids, or anyone who asked for that matter. Everyone had a good time that day, but best believe that with Baron and Ayumi, everything is cringe…* (Stop playing the song)

Zach: So yeah, that's pretty much everything they're doing in a nutshell. They'll be gone for quite a while.

Capt. Makeo: I see, well that's probably a good thing. We don't need anyone distracting us.

Master Tazz: What seems to be the problem captain?

(Play Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain Of Memories -Just Wondering- Extended)

*Capt. Maeko goes over everything that happened with him, Sona, and Major General Kabuto in detail. There's no shortage of collective gasps, as everyone is unsure of what to make of what's telling them.*

Alex: Wow…

Zach: Unreal…

Master Tazz: So… "Project VP" was nothing more than a last-ditch effort…

Khan: One so that the Major General could continue fighting this war.

Kira: But by doing so, they caused the death and destruction of so many!

Fadra: How could they do something like that?

Roux: …

Jin: (Roux… She's gone quiet again. What could she be thinking to make her even more quiet than normal?)

Capt. Maeko: Believe me, I know exactly how you all feel. I gave both of them a piece of my mind when I was there. Almost died in the process, but I believe both of them got the point.

Jin: Wow, things sound like they really got out of hand there.

Capt. Maeko: You have no idea…

Alex: So what's happening now?

Capt. Maeko: Major General sent Janna and Sona off to rally support for our cause. He's to stay at Oasis and think of "genius strategies" to defeat the Principality.

Master Tazz: Hmph, of course he'd take the easy way out.

Capt. Maeko: Right. Anyway, what did you learn Jin?

Jin: Well… You all might wanna brace yourselves for this.

*Jin explains to them everything he learned at the abandoned Shirinan hospital. He also explains the woman he brought back with him so that she could receive emergency help. Everyone begins to piece everything together.*

Capt. Maeko: I see. I know nothing about this woman, but it's good that you decided to help her out.

Kira: My faith in the world is slowly being restored.

Zach: All of this is a lot to take in.

Alex: It's kind of confusing.

Master Tazz: And yet it's all so simple.

Fadra: What do you mean?

Master Tazz: Capt. Maeko, ever since you and your crew came together, have the Sarlen really done anything to help out the war cause?

Capt. Maeko: Well I can remember really only Baron helping out, but that was only after we had to remind him to do so.

Master Tazz: And you Khan. Your memory goes even further back. How much help would you say they've been?

Khan: A very tiny amount.

Jin: I'd second that.

Master Tazz: Exactly, and that's just it.

Zach: Huh?

Master Tazz: The reason they've been so reluctant to help is because they remember what happened to them way back when. After all, C has allegedly been around for a VERY long time. It makes sense really.

Capt. Maeko: It does… Alright, now that we've pieced everything together, it's time we decide on our next course of action. I don't know about y'all, but I'm ready to turn the tide in our favor!

Jin: Right, let's do it.


Fadra: Roux, are you okay?

Capt. Maeko: You haven't spoken since this meeting began. Are you feeling alright?

Roux: I…

Capt. Maeko: Roux, there's no reason to hold your feelings back. Whatever you have to say, you have the freedom to say. What's on your mind? (Stop playing the song)

Roux: … I'll kill them.

(Play episode ending songs G Gundam: Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and Sword Art Online Ending)

Narrator: Hey guys! It's me Baron Hampton! Last episode was REALLY crazy. I can't believe me and Ayumi had so many people show up just to meet us! At this rate, it's only a matter of time before the entire world is full of steak rasiers. When we come back on the next episode, your favorite duo is ready to raise the steaks to a whole new level. And this time, we'll be sure we get more screen time while doing it. Next time on NECRO-Driver Dawn, we turn the tide! See you all then, Baron out!

(Created by Malcolm Holmes) (Happy bday to Baron Hampton's inspiration, my eldest brother Mario! (Bob) 05/22