NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 19: True Colors Emerge

Narrator: Following the events of episode 18, the Blitzwing crew have a new initiative. But before they can begin that new plan, they need to make preparations. With Sonjo beginning to recover, things are looking better for the crew. But with all the information that they've learned recently, combined with all the events thus far, there's only so much torment that the mind can possibly endure… (Play episode opening songs Fullmetal Alchemist Ending (Tobira No Mukou e) and G Gundam: Unmei no Gong)

(Play Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMix -Organization XIII- Extended)

Fadra: (Shocked and somewhat scared) You what?

Alex: I think we might've misheard you. Mind repeating yourself?

Roux: I'm gonna kill them.

Kira: You can't do that!

Roux: And why not?

Capt. Maeko: Well if not for the fact that they're the ones giving us orders, then for the fact that you can't just go around killing people!

Fadra: You can't be serious about this Roux…

Master Tazz: Let's not pretend that Roux's anger isn't justified. We did just learn that they condemned people to death over something that didn't exist.

Khan: And when you say it out loud, it doesn't get any better either.

Jin: I get that they were desperate to survive and all, but that's no excuse for killing innocent people.

Roux: So you all see why I said that then right?

Capt. Maeko: Now hold on a second! I don't like what they did any more than you do, but you can't just go and kill them!

Roux: But they can kill other people without so much as a single thought? That seems awfully hypocritical to me.

Master Tazz: She has a point there captain.

Capt. Maeko: Whatever, you can do what you want. If you decide to go through with that, don't expect there to be lenient consequences.

Roux: Would you prefer I kill the Sarlen instead?

Alex/Jin/Khan: *In unison* YES!

Master Tazz: Well, you can't ever say that we aren't united on some front.

Capt. Maeko: Look, all I'm saying is that such drastic measures can and will cause some sort of problems.

Roux: No need to worry captain, I'm not stupid. I can at least promise you that I'll wait until the war is over. After that though, I can't promise you anything.

Capt. Maeko: That's good enough for me. It's not like any of us can sit here and pretend like they're innocent, including me.

Kira: I gotta say, Roux's kinda scary when she's angry.

Fadra: You're telling me…

Alex: Remind me to never piss you off.

Jin: Well considering everyone's personality on the ship, I'd say there's only a total of about four people who have a really good chance of doing that. Speaking of which, any sign of the Sarlen?

Master Tazz: If I were a betting man, I'd wager that Ja'Skaar is still napping. But I don't gamble, and she's definitely still napping.

Khan: Of course she is…

Alex: I swear she does more napping than she does helping.

Zach: And me and Kira looked for C as best we could.

Kira: We still haven't seen any sign of him.

Capt. Maeko: Just what could those two be thinking?

Master Tazz: I think it's best to not put too much thought into it. No point in trying to predict the unpredictable.

Capt. Maeko: You make a good point there Master Tazz.

Fadra: What about Baron Hampton and Ayumi?

Jin: Weren't they doing some raffle in the Sarlen homeland or something?

Zach: Yeah, they were.

Alex: Hm, wonder what's taking them so long?

Kira: Well, it is Baron and Ayumi. Maybe they have a lot of fans and have to make time for them all!

Khan: I sincerely doubt that…

(Play Naruto OST 2 - Fooling Mode) (Meanwhile… Back in the Sarlen homeland, in that SAME overpopulated city… Baron Hampton and Ayumi are still engaging their fans with the raffle shenanigans.)

Baron Hampton: I have to say, this raffle event has gone a lot better than I thought it would.

Ayumi: What did you expect big brother? We're living legends!

Baron Hampton: I was expecting either C or Ja'Skaar to come and try to ruin this.

Ayumi: True, they're always trying to ruin our fun plans!

Baron Hampton: I can confirm, they do be hating on us.

Ayumi: So, what should we do first?

Baron Hampton: That depends, what do we have listed on the schedule?

Ayumi: Well let's see… We have a segment dedicated to engaging our fans about our love of manga and anime. Then, I'm gonna perform a fan favorite song for everyone here! Afterwards, we're having a video game tournament featuring everyone's favorite fighting game! And then once we're done with all of that, we're gonna do the raffle to determine which of our fans gets to meet us.

Baron Hampton: Ah yeah! It sounds like everyone here is going to have fun!

Ayumi: Indeed! What do you say we address our fans and get this show started?

Baron Hampton: I say let's do it!

*Baron Hampton and Ayumi begin to do the raffle festivities. Baron Hampton engages a good amount of their fans in talks about their favorite anime(s). Baron Hampton spends most of his time talking about Baki, as he is a very big fan of Baki. Ayumi spent her time with her fans conversing about the same thing. Ayumi's favorite anime is slap on titan, which some say is indeed very, VERY funny to watch. After about an hour of conversing, it's time for the tournament.*

Baron Hampton: Alright everyone, it is now time to begin the fighting game tournament. Are you ready?

*The crowd cheers loudly, and they begin to watch as the first two competitors walk onto the stage to begin.*

Ayumi: Alright everyone, you know what to do!


*The fighting game tournament is extremely exciting, and the crowd is very into it. The city is filled with cheers and roars, as many of Sarlen line up to show off their skills in gaming. Eventually, it's time for Baron to play. (Baron was automatically made the king of the tournament, since the tournament was his idea. Not only that, but Baron is widely regarded as the best gamer in the Sarlen homeland…) *

(Play Hunter x Hunter 2011 OST 3 - 1 - Kingdom of Predators)

Ayumi: Alright everyone, it's time for us to begin the final match of the tournament! First, let's get a big welcome for my big brother, our very own… BARON HAMPTON!

*The crowd goes into a frenzy as Baron Hampton walks onto the stage and takes a bow in front of his adoring legion of fans…*

Baron Hampton: So, it's the final match of the tournament huh? Alright then, who's up next?

Ayumi: And now our challenger, who fought all the way to get to this spot, here's Kai!

*The crowd boos relentlessly as Kai walks onto the stage and stands in front of Baron Hampton.*

Fan #1: Teach him a lesson Baron!

Fan #2: Throw that piece of garbage off the stage!

Ayumi: Not a lot of love being shown to our challenger. Alright, any words from either of you two?

Baron Hampton: Just wanted to give a shoutout to all our fans. I'll be sure to raise the steaks after I win!

Ayumi: And for our challenger?

Kai: *Speaks in a dark, depressing, and uninterested voice* Just three, I'll…

Ayumi: Welp! Those were three words! Alright combatants, take your place on the stage!


Ayumi: As usual, a quick review of the rules before we begin. To win a match, a player must win 4 out of 7 sets. Each set contains 3 fights, and each fight contains 3 rounds. To win a fight, you need to win 2 out of 3 rounds. That means that in order to win the match, the player must win a total of 4 fights, or 16 rounds, to win the match. The first player to win 4 sets will win the match, be crowned champion of our tournament, and will receive a limited edition Baron Hampton and Ayumi T-shirt, and action figure!

Baron Hampton: Aw yeah! I'm so excited!

Ayumi: Alright everyone, it's time to begin! Baron vs Kai! Are you ready?

Baron Hampton: YEAH!

Kai: …

Ayumi: The match will begin in 3… 2… 1…

Ayumi/The Crowd: *In unison* RAISE THE STEAKS!

*The fight begins, and Baron Hampton and Kai engage in virtual combat. Things start off really well for Baron, as he takes the first fight with very little effort. He even wins the very first round of the tournament with a perfect victory! After taking the first fight, Baron wins the first round of the second fight with another perfect!

Ayumi: Wow! Big brother is on a roll! He's already up one fight, and he's taken the first round of the second!